you have 17 bikes??!? that's pretty baller. do you have the biggest garage ever? it sure sounds like quik rides a lot and that's great. he's lucky to be close to the nice roads in ohio. i've done a few 500+ mile days (probably through the same areas you and quik ride around, though not necessarily at your pace according to bill lol) and though that's also great, it doesn't make me any less of an ass clown elsewhere. if i'm the nicest guy on the internet, but start calling strangers in real life "ass clowns" i can expect to at least be yelled at... and i might even have a bit of fun while doing it. but in the end, i'd still be a jackass. lastly, people should relax with neg repping people who are simply coming to the defense of someone. not that it means a whole lot, but we shouldn't push people away for being nice.