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Everything posted by jbot

  1. you have to cover the clutch, fool! and cover the rear brake, fool!
  2. jbot

    What do you do?

    i make stuff that go to people who do stuff with it, and then they throw it away after awhile, and then they give me a piece of paper that says "make stuff" and then i smile and make more stuff. thus is the circle of life in the defense contracting for cnc machined small arms components industry.
  3. unions have a limited usefulness in situations where tangible evidence can be presented that the employees are treated unfairly or are exploited. obviously, there are conflicts between what management thinks is "fair" treatment and what labor thinks is "ass raping", but sensible people can make these distinctions. i have a long list of things I think are fair in a work environment for my industry, but it's too long and it's pointless to type it all out for a social forum when i'm knee deep in it every day.
  4. i prefer to wheelie on yo mama ooooooooooooo000000oooooo0000oooooooooo000000oh snap
  5. buy a derringer that can shoot 12 gauge! YARRRRRRRRRRR
  6. now, forward the entire exchange to the store owner/manager. for great justice
  7. well, i've been locked into going to church on easter sunday, so i can't ride on sunday anyway, good weather or no. maybe i'll ride my bike to church... my gf might be pissed off if I make her ride with my family and i ride off on my own. har har
  8. $250?! that's a pretty good price. i would suggest going to a place that carries puma shoes, try one or two on, and use that size. i got my sizing done that way, and the boots fit great. every manufacturer for some freakish reason has different sizing even though they're all based on standard measurements.
  9. i have had no issues getting through the last 4 winters in my G35 (not AWD) with snow tires. I've never had more fun, either. that said, winters would be a lot more fun with an S4/RS4, GTR, or STI, all with snow tires. You don't get anymore traction (and definitely not anymore grip) on corner entry or mid corner, but you get a HELL of a lot more on corner exit and off the line. This means, no more gently coaxing the throttle on a start on a snowy/icy road, no more modulating throttle through a corner, etc etc etc. just stomp on it and go. my girlfriend has a impreza 2.5RS, and as anemic as that car is any other time, it is a BLAST to drive in the snow with even regular old all seasons.
  10. for the sake of focusdave, we should keep this thread clear of crap talk about middletown... if they keep their promise and take care of it, we dont have reason to talk crap about them (other than taking a bit of convincing to do the right thing) if they don't, let the flame fest begin. but til then, dave is still basically at their mercy, so we should help him as much as possible.
  11. good to hear that they are now deciding to work with you, and hopefully, they follow through and make this right. wouldn't necessarily close or delete the thread until after they've fixed the problem (whether they do it on their dime or split the cost with you is between you and the dealer) and you confirm that everything is well. for the dealership, i would suggest that this is a huge opportunity for them to show a large, local group of their target demographic that they are not just yet another dealership who doesn't give a crap about anything post-sale, whether it be new or used. no amount of marketing dollars can get you positive advertising like this.
  12. hmmm... this sunday's supposed to be nice, but i might be stuck going to church with the family for easter. also, there will probably be salt all over the roads again cause of the damn snow. GAWD
  13. if he's the wrong man to have long range missile's capable of delivering a large nuclear payload, i don't want to be right.
  14. fine fine i'll go put my rocket launcher away.
  15. woot woot one more step to total domination for ideal future great justice i won't laugh when missiles start landing in south korea and america (and i guess a couple other countries) but this is their meal ticket.
  16. so the tag is: 697WV* ? is that supposed to be an "*", or is it supposed to be an "8" or it's not supposed to be there?
  17. post that piece of shit's info he was trying to kill you. let's return the favor ok, i kid, but really, post up his info.
  18. this about describes some of the best things about being part of a local forum like this. BIG props to gixxie and the other guys helping him out. this is way beyond just offering helpful tips or suggesting arson against the dealership as a solution... this is really getting your hands dirty and helping a guy out. i hope you guys can get this figured out, and again, you guys are great for helping him out.
  19. oooooooooooohhhhh sounds juicy back story?!
  20. we rolled out around noon with a relatively large group... i think it was around 11 people? it was a mix of OR, CORE, and a guy on a cruiser who wanted to tag along. the ride was short, but fun. the scary weather report had us cleveland area guys a bit skeered, so we ditched at around 1 - 1:30. the route was the loop around the Atwood reservoir/lake/whatever that is had a some nice corners, nice view, and good weather. We also had a state trooper randomly pull up and follow us around for a good 10 miles or more. Luckily for us, we're all good little boys and girls, so no shenanigans ensued. it was a nice day, and the next ride will hopefully be even better and longer, and more twisty! see you all next time!
  21. someone has to know someone at middletown. help this guy out.
  22. see everyone at IHOP around 11 - 11:30 (and def before noon)
  23. i have problems. sowwy.
  24. i'm coming from mentor. i'll bring the cheese if you bring the whine. muahahahaha srsly, it's a shitty and long ride down, but the roads are worth it. the company... meh.
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