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Everything posted by jbot

  1. that's cause i'm her dad, you stupid bitch! COME NEAR MY DAUGHTER AGAIN, AND I'LL FUCKING KILL YOU AND FEED YOUR SLUG RIDDEN CORPSE TO YOUR MOTHER after I fist her jaaaaaay kaaaaaaaaaaay haw haw haw
  2. holy shit, laser turrets and rockets for the fucking win! i think i got 5xx,xxx,xxx something
  3. lol, wut put yourself in the position of the dad: your daughter's boyfriend who has a shitty driving record in a car and may or may not have numerous accidents under his belt (this makes him "experienced" fo sho!) wants to take one of the most precious things he has in his life on a what is widely regarded as a death trap. you, as the father, tell him no. you suck at driving safely, and it can only get worse on a bike. said boyfriend takes daughter anyway, may or may not crash you, as the father, finds out. father gets out his 12 gauge... and PROFITS!! good luck
  4. armor all?!?!?! What the fuck?! Gaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
  5. WAIT you're NOT going to CBUS?!
  6. jbot

    Shout out

    welcome! what's this independent connection thing? is it a gang of motorcycle pirates who wrench on the side? is that it?
  7. OH SNAP! You've been served! OH SNAP! Now... it's on!
  8. i am going to be there, no matter what. also, they have my money, so yes, i will be there. oh, and i'll be there both days. i've very VERY rarely hit over 100-110 in any sort of setting, so that long straight is going to be a learning experience... there are brake markers and stuff right? so i don't slow to like 60mph for 400 feet before corner entry? i don't want to make an ass of myself and a danger to everyone else. I'm going to be a complete nervous wreck that weekend.
  9. my family and I have been with our state farm agent since we moved to the states, and they have always been competitive (I've gotten quotes from various companies on a couple different occasions). but as far as bikes go, the aprilia is just under 300/year for full coverage and the 600rr is about 250-275/year. I have my house, my car, and the 2 bikes insured with them. i snuck my girlfriend in there too, but they promised she wouldn't break for at least another 2 years.
  10. everyone just say what you're all thinking... "Shoulda got a honduh, ya nub" harharhar i kid. but srsly. shoulduh got a honduh... nub. har.
  11. why is it that the weather keeps getting worse and worse? if the cold settles in for sunday (like the forecast says it will) the best we'll be able to do is a get together and ride for a bit. location is still getting decided on.
  12. i finally got a chance to catch them in the act... together.
  13. i'm partial to buying used, myself. i like the look of the repsol plastics, but i guess it really depends on how much the guy is asking. I mean, what's stopping you from buying any old CBR and just getting a paint job or sticker kit? beyond the good looks, are the repsol bikes any better than a "regular" cbr? i'm guessing no. which leaves the repsol exactly 1 driveway tip over from being any old honda. which, by the way, isn't such a bad thing. the ducati has a great engine, phenomenal handling, and depreciates almost nil after a certain point. A 1 year old Ducati with a couple thousand miles will probably get you some nice discounts, but 4 years later, the depreciation will flatten out so that impacts your wallet less. oh, and they don't look half bad either. but also keep in mind maintenance will cost a bit more than the honda. the thing with bikes is that it's almost a purely rash and stupid emotional decision. buy what tugs at your heartstrings the most. they'll both get the job done.
  14. what's this deal so good you can't refuse? i was always curious to know what a 848 went for. back on topic, tell us what kind of riding you do? back roads, hitting the twisties? main roads, hitting up starbucks? freeway, hitting the commute traffic? do you need two bikes? do you see an instance in the future where you may need 2 bikes? like, track, stunt, teaching newbies how to ride, etc etc?
  15. get leather cleaner and conditioner wipes?
  16. the temp is not quite as high I was hoping it would be... apparently: warm front thursday morning-afternoon followed immediately by cold front thursday night and all of friday, and then saturday (supposed to be a bit chilly... high 40's and sunny) and then mid to high 50's (and higher as we go south) on sunday. if this forecast holds up, i think we're going to be stuck with riding on sunday, since it'll be the only day warm enough to ride for more than an hour or two. again, ohio weather being an ADHD ridden bi0tch, we'll keep our eye on the forecast. If we hit higher than mid 50's i think we'll definitely hit up south (SW or SE, not sure just yet) of canton. stay tuned.
  17. cause the vast majority of american cars are just fucking baller, that's why! have you driven a dodge stratus?! ABSOLUTE delight!
  18. rather than making an Opt-out type, make it a opt-in... ie, default the language filter to be off, so if the small number of people don't want to have to read the term "Dr. Fuckyocouch" they can turn it on so they can instead read, "Dr. I-do-not-respect-your-property-in-this-instance-your-couch-and-in-turn-your-feelings". this would make sense based on the percentage break down of the votes. please note, this is strictly laziness motivated. but i guess that goes both ways.
  19. when her massive blue skirt blows in the wind, you can aaaaaalmost see the barest hint of prime, toned, butter churning ass silhouette... hiding underneath 2 inches of granny panties. if that doesn't get you fapping, i don't know what can.
  20. shell rotella synthetic is very widely used by many MANY riders everywhere. it meets all the specs of a large variety of bikes (twins and inlines, alike) and probably the most attractive thing about it is that they are widely available and relatively economical. i've used that, and used amsoil MC oils, repsol, and a couple others. can't say i noticed a difference between the switches. i don't think anyone really could unless samples were sent to labs. in any case, use what you want as long as it meets the specs listed in your manual. don't beat this thoroughly dead horse.
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