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Everything posted by jbot

  1. i did get my photos disc but noticed i was missing quite a few pics, so i emailed him with a list. I think I ended up with about 40 or so pics shown on his website (the disc had just under 30 I believe). i also got the "bonus" folders with photos in them. hopefully, he sends the rest. all in all, it was good work, but I kind of thought he would take more pics. what's funny is, on saturday, i hadn't given him a card until end of the day, and on sunday he had my card, but took about 40% less pics. If i heard this right, he was actually instructing or riding for a part of the day on sunday, which would explain why he took less pics. Actually, if you look at the heavypennyphoto.com link, and go to the STT midohio april 25 and 26th folder, you'll notice he took about 500+ pics on saturday and less than 300 on sunday. i was a bit disappointed, to be honest. I thought if you're there to serve a particular function, then you should just do that... not mix riding/instructing with photography. despite all that, the pics were pretty good, though some were fairly blurry for professional work. I realize the shots where the rider is going through a corner at semi-high speeds are fairly difficult to keep the rider sharp and in focus, but with the equipment he had and his experience, it should be a straight forward thing to keep them all in focus. Then again, I have all of 1 class of Photography 101 from school as experience and a bunch of shitty pics i took with my old SLR. EDIT: The photographer already got back to me and told me he'll be shipping out another CD with all the pics (including the ones that were missing) as well as a bunch that he prepped for print and more with various editing done to it. That is quick and thorough response without any hassles... which is exactly what you'd expect to see from a well run business. Other than the things I mentioned above, I'm pretty satisfied by the way he responded to an honest mistake. I say this because there was another asian kid there with an identical bike and similar looking leathers, so he must've been so so confuse.
  2. my current car looks like this: 2005 Infiniti G35 coupe it's getting on in it's years (put 75K miles on it since 2005 when it was still new) so I might have to put it down sometime in the upcoming year.
  3. i'm jbot cause i'm a fuckin' robot beep beep boop bop, biotch i might change my name to "that asian kid", though.
  4. jbot

    10 day forecast

    this is a typical ohio spring. put a tampon in it. GAWD
  5. Helmet: OGK FF4 Leathers: Held Suzuka 1 piece Gloves: Held Phantom Boots: Puma GP 1000 V2 Back protector: Knox Contour Race and I wear yo mama for good luck, son. oh, and I got that pic off of heavy penny photo. i have a CD on order from him, so i'm assuming it's ok to post.
  6. good on them for fixing that up. a good business move on their part... they spent substantially less than $1700 in labor and parts cost to buy a whole lot of word of mouth marketing. have fun out there and remember to break in that engine just as if it were a new one (cause it basically got rebuilt).
  7. jbot

    996 for sale

    NOOOOOOOO000000oooOOOO00oo0o0oooOo0o0o0oOoOOo0o0o ....... i concede
  8. jbot

    4/29 QSL in VV

    in this tough economy, we must all find ways to save money on tires and gas.
  9. i'm going to need you vaginators to fill this out, plz k thx
  10. she's just enthusiastic is all lulz
  11. jbot

    996 for sale

    NO WAI I will slap fight you to the death! ......technically, you called it first, so fine! I H8 U! but rusty, remember how i helped tom help you with your straps for your trailer?! eh? eh? where was yotaman? I don't think he was there. he wasn't there, staying late even though he had a 1.5 hr trip to akron and then another hour ride (on the bike he just did 2 days of midohio on) home to mentor. No, i don't think he was there, was he? lulz
  12. i wave to cyclists. i iz sry
  13. what do sexual relations and roads have in common for madmax? he likes them twisty and incestuous. wait, what?
  14. jbot

    996 for sale

    what do you want for the track plastics rusty? assuming you want to sell them, of course.
  15. well, i told my friend about your bike, so if he's interested, he'll take a look. good luck in any case.
  16. i think tpoppa would be just HAWT on a 1125CR srsly
  17. you bitches better be scared!
  18. you can buy my yosh RS-5 slip on if it'll fit. mine is a 2003 600rr though.
  19. well, he certainly is an ass... jaaaaaaaaaaay kaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay i <3 pauly long time.
  20. not sure why anyone in any country would prefer to have one more right taken away. if i wanted to live in england, i'd live there. hell, it probably would've been a shorter plane ride.
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