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Everything posted by jbot

  1. jbot

    I'm A Nut

    riding in the rain is fun, especially when you've got crazy tpoppa in front of you, sliding the rear end of his buell around. also, it cleaned my leathers of all the bug corpses it had been hosting. that was a plus. in summary, i don't mind riding in the rain when it's nice and hot outside.
  2. yeah, me neither. saturday sounds like it could rain during the evening, so we'll keep our eyes on the weather. friday, on the other hand, is looking more and more fantastic every day.
  3. dude: mentor to canton is a solid 90 minutes on the slab. inya: i'm not sure who's coming yet, so depending on who will be there to lead, the route will change. if i'm leading, it'll be educated guesses on my part. lol. also, based on previous experience when posting actual routes and roll out time, police presence have been strangely spot on, so i'll don my tinfoil cap and not post routes up front. however, as i said previously, people who will be late or arent sure whether they can make it right up until the last moment can PM me or something for route info and I can give them an idea of where we'll be. aprilia will get new rear rubbers tomorrow, and 600rr should be done tomorrow as well, so it's almost go time!
  4. the very northern group can meet off of 77 or something and ride down to bolivar together... but the real ride will start in bolivar. for reference, bolivar is approx 15-20 miles south of canton. there just aren't good enough roads around here. yes, let the bitching and moaning begin... NOW oh, and iron pony guys, sorry to kick you out of the thread. i don't want the two get togethers to get confused.
  5. i'll be using this saturday ride to get me familiar with the 600rr for midohio the following weekend, so i'll probably start slow, get familiar, and hopefully be less slow once we're warmed up. it's still a bit early yet, but who thinks they're in for the south of canton ride? iron pony guys, may i suggest creating a new thread so your ride setup isn't cluttered with this one? i don't want people to get confused and upset that they won't get to slab it to the glory that is iron pony, and instead, will have to waste their day riding through inconvenient twisties?
  6. vanson makes some excellent jackets. a bit pricey, however. you can try denniskirk.com and look in their outlet section. i've found some good deals there in the past. not up to date on the cruiser-oriented riding gear, so good luck with your search.
  7. i dunno, looking at my full face helmet after an hour worth of riding in the summer pretty much negated any thought of NOT wearing it. ever. i mean, i like bugs and all, but i don't like them all over my face. also, there is the whole "air in the face means asphalt in the face in a crash" thing too. i also remember once that a bird grazed my shoulder at about 55mph, and it still knocked me back a bit. i can't imagine what would happen if it hit my face straight on. but, to each his own. I'd recommend any sort of eye wear that has impact resistance testing at the very least that wrap around so the air doesn't flow around and behind the lens. you could try goggles like this, perhaps?
  8. just out of curiosity, what speed would it be in 6th gear at 11~12K rpms? i mean, whether or not you were doing that on a track is none of my business, but i was just curious as to what speed that would be.
  9. i think only admins can change names. could be wrong. also, consider that they could change it to whatever they wanted and not necessarily something harmless like "new guy" perhaps they'll change it to something less tongue in cheek and more... dick in cheek. think of the possibilities.
  10. forwarding this to the NRA instructor certification board unless you coerce STT instructors to get me free trackdays suckaaaahhhhh har har
  11. underwear is NEVER a given. the pace will be whatever you want it to be since you're the one riding your bike. if for whatever reason a couple of us or the group is a bit faster than what you're used to, don't sweat it... at least one person will wait at the intersection. but i highly doubt anyone will be dragging knee anywhere. i've updated the OP with some info about meeting place and time.
  12. Unless the weather pulls a fast one like a few weekends ago where the forecast went from saying low 60's to mid 40's, we should get out and ride on saturday! they say it will be in the 60's, and warmer the more south you go of cleveland. Since the weather will be pleasant, i propose a ride into the south-of-canton area. here's the ride scenario: 1. ride your own pace 2. wear all your gear (min:helmet/jacket/gloves/boots/jeans underwear optional) 3. you are responsible for yourself: this is the street. that means don't target fixate into a cliff, into a truck, into the amish buggy. the leader is your tour guide, not your mommy. we can and will get separated at times, but we will wait at intersections. 4. make sure your bike works and your tires are usable. 5. close to the speed limit on straights and whatever speed you want in the corners. again, use your own discretion. i dunno anything about any roads, so someone should feel free to lead. if i have to lead, we will get lost and make wrong turns, so that is a warning up front. i may or may not be riding friday, so if i am too damn tired, and don't feel like showing, someone else can feel free to take over this thread to arrange the ride. that dude is getting a ride together a bit more north of where we're planning on riding, so if you don't want to ride down 1~1.5 hours to get a long day of riding in, PM "that dude" or you guys can get a new thread going. meeting time: 10:30AM. roll out time 11:00AM sharp. If you're going to be a little bit late (like 5 - 10 min) let us know ahead of time and we will wait for you. If you're going to be later than that, we can give you a route to catch up to us.
  13. sat will be nice! let's ride!
  14. lol, i was smart and flew to chicago, picked up my aprilia and rode to cleveland with my cbr600 F4i plates on it.... which may or may not have been expired. i was a lucky and foolish child. that said, it is supposed to be quite nice out on saturday, so i would do everything in my power to get there early, pick it up, get it titled and tagged, and ride it around to your hearts content. by the time i got home from chicago, i just wanted to stare at it and ice my back. damn 6 hours of highway.
  15. nothing like knowing, that soon, there will be a fancy new bike in the garage! congrats, and take lots of pics! gray bikes are always ftw.
  16. just as an alternative, one could always get this (and there are several websites that carry this) http://www.mymcgear.com/browse.cfm/4,18554.hml?AFF=690MCG $20. Though they don't make it for ALL models, they do cover most... i was able to get one for my aprilia without any issues, for instance.
  17. jbot

    Kawasaki Disease

    please do not mistake the very legitimate and mildly serious health issue with what the rest of the world normally calls, "KawaSUCKi Disease". please note the slight, but VERY significant difference in nomenclature. oh snap, no he didn't! oh yes... yes he did. i kid, i loved my first bike: kawi EX500
  18. i just want to remind everyone that positive or negative reps aren't worth money, monopoly money, favors, blow-J's, farts, poops, or anything else for that matter. so take reps for what it's worth: nothing. that said, ya, one should always sign their reps for great justice.
  19. i think the an FZ6 or FZ1 is your best option as someone mentioned previously: it's a yamaha (which, you seem to like to for some god awful reason. loljk) they can handle just fine pretty darn upright riding position price point should be where you can find a used one at the same price as your R6 selling price. that means no bike payment. unless your bike is in crap condition with lots and lots of miles (which, you do touring, so... maybe) anyways, good luck!
  20. good ol' 540i looks good!
  21. i totally ninja'd that pregnancy.
  22. jbot

    Sunday 4-12

    wait, why do you have a tiara?
  23. not posting the video would be censoring. totally unamerican, mmmkay?
  24. jbot

    Sunday 4-12

    will be tied up for easter.
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