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Everything posted by jbot

  1. Soooo, how did everyone do? I wanna know how far behind I am.
  2. I need something fixed, sharp, rugged as hell with damascus, titanium, and carbon fiber in my life.
  3. did my first track weekend ever at mid ohio. it was amazeballs. do not hesitate.
  4. wait, i don't think you understand... gaming is for gaylords. no no, my build is to power complete 360 degrees 4K monitor setup to watch 12 eyefinity full HD full feature length porn movies of varying disciplines, while simultaneously watching HD broadcasted motorcycle racing of europe, asia, australia. one handed.
  5. ok. can you let me know if my stuff arrives in that package? i'll be in cbus sat and sun. shhh.... the adults are talking. i'm going to address this with you privately.
  6. someone buy that man some wings to seal the deal
  7. i probably shouldnt talk since i wont be there, and my bike doesn't even run... buuuuuut..... if your sag is set, fluids and seals are good, and it's not doing anything funny, don't fuck with it. like i said, unless it's severely fucked like matt's was, you really don't need to mess with any of that shit to get into mid teens. my 675R doesnt even have sag set and it turned just fine (doesn't run currently, but when it did, it turned lololol).
  8. jeff, judd wants you to send him pics of your rasperries... hue hue hue
  9. sooooo... it's been 4 months. what's the word?
  10. post up who wins the drinking contest
  11. you guys are making me super fucking jelly. i miss being on track. i should really get off my ass and try to figure out what the hell is wrong with my bike... but i can't race until the putnam round anyway. dammit.
  12. jbot

    Zimmerman Trial

    you don't get to call anyone sandy while you're going full bore sahara vagina. and while you were busy prancing around on your high horse who we shall call "Sanctimoneighhhh", suited up in your shining white armor of "douche ex hominem", and swinging your epee named "epee-nis of self righteousness" wildly at random people whose view points you really didn't understand, never did ask for, and lets be honest... simply jumped the gun in a fit of e-douchery after being called out on it, you'll back pedal with something lame like "i was just challenging the notion of hurtful comments, generalizations and presumptions" with a "curt" challenge by doing your darnedest at being all those things. i will give you that you move backwards so well while being weighted down by your lush velvety cape of hypocrisy. i mean... i guess i'm not sure about hurtful since I find it all pretty adorbz, generally hilarious, easy to deconstruct your generally valid, yet, tragically misdirected points and above all else: enjoy making puns on your silly and misguided white knighting. why? cause i thought it was pretty funny, just like when some race baiting dildo keeps saying "that could've been my son that whitey killed" "that could've been me that creepy azz cracka killed" and someone says, in a huff: "too bad it WASN'T you... then we wouldn't have to hear a half whitey fap to the scene of a fellow half whitey get lynch mobbed". i know, i know... you didn't find it funny because (and i promise this is the last one) you were too busy spit shining that shield of "buckler-ing under the sheer weight of pretentious serialness".
  13. jbot

    Zimmerman Trial

    crudely dumb... bwahahahahahaha 1. one does not spout off about ad hominem by starting with ad hominem. to top it off, you finish your hissy fit with a rant on hypocrisy. adorable. 2. i know English is difficult, but if you read Isaac's Papas posting above a 9th grade level of crude dumbness, you might understand he was mocking the president for his race-tur baiting comments, not actually wishing for his death. i mocked your posting for the "we, the collective django, should revere our elected leader massas" flavor, and not because you bravely white knighted against perceived death threats against our supreme dear leaders. 3. you are preaching to the choir on hatred of bipartisanship. i don't expect you to have read everything or anything i've said regarding politics, but the fact that you thought to extrapolate political anything from my mocking statement is presumptuous and asinine at best. at worst... you should just lurk moar.
  14. jbot

    Zimmerman Trial

    yes, gents... please do not speak ill of our superiors and overlords.
  15. if you read the AFJ thread, and i believe in this threads original post, per the puppy autopsy, that the dog was initially shot twice from a long distance from the rear, before being shot close range, ie, executed. the neighbor's claim is that the dog attacked his pants and that is why he shot the dog... and yet, no fabric was found in the pup's mouth. also, you can't shoot a dog from a distance in the ass if he's attacking your pant leg. that motherfucker needs to burn slowly, dick tip first.
  16. phone nerds, this is a once in a 30 day opportunity. behold, the ubuntu phone! http://www.indiegogo.com/projects/ubuntu-edge it will almost certainly not meet the goals, but whatever. why the hell not? also, you cannot play ubuntu as a scrabble word. probably.
  17. jbot

    Zimmerman Trial

    how much do we have to raise to get zimmerman some elbowing lessons?
  18. here is his thread on AFJ. Not sure if he made one on here, but it makes my blood fucking boil http://www.assfaultjunkies.com/showthread.php?24681-Well-I-most-definitely-didn-t-see-this-one-coming i hope the piece of trash that shot his dog cashes his check from karma, soon. i hope the check involves a meat grinder and his testicles at an unnecessarily low surface footage.
  19. Can some of you post your poops, too? I bet it has chest hair.
  20. a bottle of this, for when i have an important race at the next stoplight:
  21. More like, the gold gun from golden eye, queers
  22. you have experienced a superior group of companionship at deals gap. i dont understand why you haven't just ditched everyone else in your life yet
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