it's just desmo-brian when he gets into his... uhh... moods. he gets into these phases every once in a while. give him some time to step back, realize what actually happened, facepalm, read again, double face palm, and then make some super long treatise on why he's actin' a fool. you should come race motoseries on your fzr. i think you can race with the SV650's. Pretty sure, anyway. would be great to ride with you again, even though i only rode with you like once or twice around hocking hills back when i was learning and barely not killing myself. also, to say "riding with you" was kind of misleading, since you, and i think it was chadd (his username was wuclan99) was so far far away out in front, i never actually saw you guys. anyway, we race beaver (and nelson and putnam), you can play on the main track with us! keep posting up the racing action. i missed the last two rounds of racing, so i'm consuming anything racing related like crazy to keep from going crazy.