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Everything posted by jbot

  1. alright alright, last one what's the difference between a lawyer and a ginger? even lawyers have some things they won't do to people.
  2. why is the "don't walk" sign red? so gingers know when it's their turn to cross.
  3. is he coming back out to the track with the new one?
  4. why do gingers smell? so blind people can hate them, too.
  5. also for the record, my bike survived that assassination attempt beautifully. the best part is (well, not really) that turn is a lefty but i had more damage on the right side of the bike somehow. my favorite memory of that particular crash was that it tucked, neatly dropped me off in superman position sliding off into the grass face and arms first, and then the bike sprang back up at some point and continued on its merry way into the grass. i was down, watching it ride off insolently without me, up and running after it before it slowed down and fell. if only i had my kick stand...
  6. jbot

    motobro code

    nope, still stand by it. with freedom, comes the occasional moob. I disregard anything and everything Uncle Pinko, the wannabe communist-ish MC club prez, says. clearly, he is a deep cover russian agent, here to tear down the fabric of american society.
  7. normal 600 sportbike sizes: 120 front /180 rear
  8. For the record, it was only in intermediate. You're thinking of nick for king of novice. By the way, for making that grievous error, the ginger jokes will be turned up to 11 for the next couple months.
  9. 8K is an unbelievably good result out of 2ct's. get PR2 or PR3 and you'll probably get some ungodly number. also, i have a bunch of street tires (Q2's and BT016's and others) that I used on the track that have almost 90% or more of the center and plenty of meat/grip on the sides for street riding (unless you're Uncle Pink or IP or the like). $50 per rear, $25 per front. I use them on my street bike(s).
  10. we're still gonna make you our "organizing private trackdays" bi0tch. you saw that in your severance package, right?
  11. i was hoping they would win it for great big 10 justice, but louisville was playing very well
  12. only do business with imprez when he has his fro.
  13. i'm considering doing the 40 one round just for shits and gigglets. like anything else, it kinda boils down to which race most of my pals will be.
  14. i'll probably be there sat/sun. not sure about fri though. i'll make that call when it gets closer.
  15. jbot

    motobro code

    motobro/bromoto code xx. motobros in the know don't go on about this oil or that tire. just pick one, you girl
  16. jbot

    motobro code

    ok, i thought of one or more 13. should you borrow a bro tool, you should return it. also important is that you return it in the condition you got it. if you eff it up, it is now yours, and you should get your bro a replacement of equal or greater value. 14. if you wreck your bro bike, don't scamper off like a chump. Make it right to your bro, even if it takes you a while. Is a couple grand worth the tattered remains of your dignity?
  17. jbot

    motobro code

    Now that the riding season is awakening in our sad little state, I thought it best that some order be established among our haphazard crooked brethren of riding bros. I'm not sure if we should call these guidelines "MotoBro Codes" or "BroMoto Codes". Maybe we can reach a consensus. A few obvious basics have been laid out below. Feel free to add your own. MotoBro/BroMoto Code 1. Don't call anyone a "bro". What are you, some kinda gaylord? 2. No touching other bros bikes without expressed written and/or verbal condition by said bro. This kind of goes for wives/girlfriends/significant others. Kinda. 3. No posting spoilers of moto races on social media just because you happened to watch the race first. Spoiling races is grounds for immediate suspension of MotoBro/BroMoto status. 4. Seriously, don't call me a "bro", bro. 5. Don't dog on other bros because they ride a cruiser/dirt/touring/squid bike. It is classless.... we are gentlemen, after all. 6. It's not a "clip", you fucking moron. It's called a magazine. FUCK, how many times do I have to condescendingly correct you? 7. All the gear all the time. I guess that's kinda important, right? Maybe I should've put that nearer to the top. You wanna fight about it? 8. The forum is not the place to blabber about your conquests of speed or land speed records runs on 270 or over law enforcement or the chopper. It is not the place to brag about your prowess over a certain backroad.... it's not cool, it's fucking evidence. Also, they're all going to laugh at you. 9. Just because you are fast, does not mean you are not an awful fucking human being. 10. Post pictures of anything with boobs/buttocks. 11. This is kinda pointless, I really just wanted to start something punny with "bro code" involving motorcycles. 12. I thought about deleting this, but now I have too much time invested in it.
  18. i almost couldn't sell it to him because it would be too shameful to have someone lap 10 seconds faster than me on my own bike.
  19. interesting choice in messages. i'm not sure I would've went with "Broken Penis" for a decal on a bike, but damn it looks hip.
  20. it's all been an elaborate hoax
  21. engine ice isn't really any better than regular coolant because it's still glycol based and apparently, that stuff is hard to clean off track. anything that is an equivalent to water wetter (I think maxima and some other racing related fluids mfgs make an equivalent) would probably be allowed. water wetter is the most ubiquitous and probably cheapest, so i never saw reason to find anything else. engine ice is comparatively expensive... the only nice thing is that it has a lower freezing point, which is the big downside to water wetter+distilled water
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