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Everything posted by Tony07R6

  1. There's the same chance for a thunderstorm on Sunday as there is on Saturday. Accuweather isn't showing the rain/thunderstorms until much later in the day on Saturday (if you can believe weather reports at all nowadays).
  2. I can make 10, that would actually work out nice and I could spend the rest of the day at the water park.
  3. No shit, it's like having two wives. I take shit from her and my wife all the time.
  4. Oh, we gots jokes again today huh . My headlights suck now since I put that Lamin-x tint on them, I'm gonna try to get some more output with a HID kit. Plus the light smoke visor doesn't help a whole lot .
  5. It was nice seeing all you guys again (and meeting a few new too). We had a good day of riding, I really enjoyed it. My wife said she had fun too, until I pissed her off on our last loop (sorry about that, shit happens and you learn from it). She was pretty pissed at me at the time for my little hiccup, but we can laugh about it now.
  6. I'm good with both the friday evening and saturday choices. But if we do the friday evening, people should be on time for a 6pm departure **cough** holly, brian**cough**. Riding after dark freaks me the frack out, I can't see shit when it gets dark and I have to ride like my wife.
  7. Damn, he went "Office Space" up in that bitch. I hope they gave him some extra paid vacation so he won't be wound so tight when he comes back.
  8. I fixed it for him and sent him a copy. Maybe he'll use it and actually sell the thing.
  9. Stay away from XTG (xtreme tint & graphics). I'm not at all happy with the job he did on my brand fucking new car (17 years experience my ass).
  10. State 8 has 2002 SV650 listed for 2988, they probably only have about 1800 into it.
  11. Tony07R6

    7/14 qs&l

    Look at the time stamp woman, it was posted at 4:11, long before we left. You didn't leave your house til 5:40 . PS.. Sally couldn't even win a t-shirt last night
  12. Tony07R6

    7/14 qs&l

    :lol:Haha, Matt doesn't even get his own line, like he's Holly's bitch .
  13. Cash for both bikes and ATV. I won't finance toys anymore, I did that with my boat and ended up screwing myself in the long run (of course it seemed like a good deal at the time).
  14. Tony07R6

    7/14 qs&l

    Thanks, I didn't want to take 77 anyways .
  15. Casper's been quite the link whore this morning.
  16. Tony07R6

    7/14 qs&l

    You could just shoot straight over 82 out of Aurora to the Bone Yard.
  17. Tony07R6

    7/14 qs&l

    Oh shit... another day of comedy I see. keep it up chuckles.
  18. Thanks Thanks, it was pretty uneventful.... Holly stole my wife for a late-night ride so I didn't even get any birfday nookie:(.
  19. Case in point...... just some friendly banter.
  20. Dude, why do assume everyone is fucking with you? You're gonna have to have a bit thicker skin around here and not be so defensive. Relax and have some fun .
  21. From Wiki: But I suppose the low to mid-range performance wouldn't be so much of an issue if you were going to change the gearing, right?
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