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Everything posted by Tony07R6

  1. The stupidity of people never ceases to amaze me.
  2. I believe your drive gears & gear lube are contained in there. I wouldn't call it a minor problem, but I definitely wouldn't put it in the water with that crack in the lower unit. With any luck you can just replace the housing and refill with gear lube, but you won't know that until you open her up.
  3. Wasn't it 44 that we rode? How did Tony fare with the fiance when he got home? She didn't seem at all happy on the phone, he really should have just waited until he got home to tell her.
  4. His MC shirt actually said "Big Daddy Pearl". He was up here from South Carolina, he said he just wanted to get away from bike week down there. Despite the rain and other incidents, I had a good time on this ride. I met a lot of nice people. I'd really like to give that route another try sometime, I almost went yesterday afternoon, but the rain returned. I figured out I can take 44 straight down there from my house and completely avoid slabbing it on 77 (thats a boring ass ride down 77).
  5. There is no trying, you sit on it and go. With the way you ride your bike, you'll have no problems carving up the water on a jetski.
  6. Damn it Bad, quit being a tease. We tried to make this happen last year and couldn't get shit together. I love the water, but never had any time or enough people to make it out to the lake last year. Unfortunately I just sold my boat last week and now haz a sad about it.
  7. It's going to be there long before that, the radar shows it's just hit southern summit county. I'd expect it in about another half hour or so, hopefully you get back in time.
  8. If I had the time this morning I'd type out a comprehensive ride report for you guys, but I'm short on time right now. I'm getting ready to head up to Cedar Point for a bit so I'll leave that for our ride leader Curby, who also has quite a few pics he should post. All I can say is that guy on the busa must have had a premonition when he decided to turn tail and head back to Canton. For what it's worth, I still had a good time and met a group of good people I hope to ride with again. Ok, off to Cedar Point. Curby, that ride report and pics better be up by the time I get back, I'll need some good reading material later. Ps.. Holly may not understand the whole North & South concept, but she can ride her bike.
  9. Tony07R6

    May 28th Ride

    J/k anyway:D I did ride to work in my shorts and hoody this morning though ( with my jeans and jacket in my backpack for tonights ride).
  10. Tony07R6

    May 28th Ride

    Damn it, now I have to go home and change.
  11. Tony07R6

    May 28th Ride

    It looks like we're gonna have quite a few people on this ride tonight, I'm looking forward to it, should be a good time!
  12. Tony07R6

    May 28th Ride

    Great, now I have homework to do today? Is there gonna be a pop quiz before we head out?
  13. Tony07R6

    May 28th Ride

    So, everyone's meeting at 6 right? I don't think we'll have to worry about the weather, it looks like what little rain there is will stay well south and east of us. Holly- Looks like I'm getting off work today @ 3 so I'm just gonna head down to Canton early and take the back/secondary roads. I don't have anything to do up this way after work so I guess I'll find something down there to get into for a couple hours.
  14. Saw that on TV lastnight, thought it was a pretty good commercial.
  15. Tony07R6

    May 28th Ride

    Bring her along, I believe at least 3 other couples will be on the ride. I'd bring my wife, but someone has to be home to have my sammich ready when I get there.
  16. Tony07R6

    May 28th Ride

    He'll be 4 in August. Alot of the stuff he says cracks me the hell up. I know he shouldn't be saying those words, but they're just words........ it's not like he's smoking 2 packs of cigs a day... He's learned quite a few words around the house. The other day my wife told me to quit being a dick and he was like "yeah daddy, stop being a dick". I could only laugh.
  17. Tony07R6

    May 28th Ride

    Oh, we're not techinically out riding together, someone has to drive our son to daycare/school so I was following in the car. The other day when I was following her to work , I was like "what the fuck" and my son said "daddy, don't say fuck, you'll get soap in your mouth".
  18. Tony07R6

    May 28th Ride

    I've got two at my house now, my wife and her sister. My wife is still very timid about riding her bike, but she's doing better. (oh, she passed her MSF course by the way!) I finally got her to quit turtle crawling through basic curves today on the way to work, that was pissing me off, not to mention the line of cars behind me.
  19. Tony07R6

    May 28th Ride

    The first post hasn't been updated for awhile, but I'm in for this ride.
  20. Tony07R6

    May 28th Ride

    Curby, no worries, a snail's pace is fine with me, I'll hang back with ya. I'm not much of one for the high speed (spirited) riding anyways. I like to enjoy my rides, not worry about if the next corner is gonna kill me or not.
  21. Because it's a scam. There's no way any sane person is going to sell that bike so cheap.
  22. Happy to hear your family came out OK. For the most part, people suck nowadays, but its nice to hear that there are still some good ones out there that are willing to help out.
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