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Everything posted by Artmageddon

  1. we're playing until 2, don't you sportbike guys rush the pimp mofo in the back just cuz he's slow.
  2. Sweet. Hopefully some other people noticed as well and you of course told them how ridiculously awesome we are. Half the band is on a team that plays Mondays there, I bet you have gone against them and not even known.
  3. You guys know the drill...... My band Shallowtail will be melting faces at Flannagans Saturday. http://www.flannagans.com/dynamicIndex.cgi We start around 10pm, $5 cover. Any out of towners going on the DTC ride are welcome to crash at my place that night if they want to attend. It is walking distance. For more info on the band: http://shallowtail.com/ Facebook I have attached some pics to illustrate the level of fun that will take place. Hope to see you guys there.
  4. Welcome. I'm originally from Bellaire but in Columbus now. I'm starting to see a few valley people on here now then. Surprising there is not more, lots of riders. Have fun and stay safe on the sweet roads, and for sure hit up 88.
  5. Cool, I hope everyone is coming to Flannagan's to see the band after the ride anyway. I feel dirty now.
  6. I'm sad I can't make it, but you guys should be happy as hell. If I was there you guys would get wet. Not just sprinkled on, but fucking flood warning rains. Happens damn near every time I go more than 30 miles.
  7. That's freaking hilarious. I liked that Suzuki though. Had nice classic look to it and it was perfect for M to get started on. Welcome Catherine. If yo are really interested in riding, come meet up with at a bike night or something and you'll get to see some bikes to help you make an informed decision on what to start with. You may decide that a backpack is what you want to be, and that's okay too. We're tolerant here, we only hate women, men, whites, blacks, Hispanics, Indians, Middle Easterners, Eskimos, Asians, Christians, Jews, Muslims, Buddhists, Wiccans, Atheists, and anyone that breathes oxygen. I think the only thing universally loved here are puppies. Wait, no, jbot kills puppies. Sorry.
  8. I left my phone in the laundry room until this morning and haven't even looked at it. Just checked it, I promised my mom I would go to her house. No way I can do an Iron butt and then leave for FL. NOLA is looking like it is out too, no rooms at all that aren't real far away or real expensive. It's cool, I have new-old "friend" in DC that I might stop and visit for a day now on my way down the coast.
  9. So I guess you are not riding to FL with me now? If I wasn't going to Florida that weekend, I would do this for sure. The hotel in St C. is 3 minutes from my dad's house too.
  10. I put new tires(OEM replacements, don't remember specs now) on my Shadow last year and think I had around 7k on them before I sold the bike. They were still in good shape, and lots of rubber still left before reaching the wear indicators. I would say they will go 10k easily.
  11. You should be glad you are at work for once tonight. Ridiculous. Glad Howard didn't listen to my weather report.

  12. Fuck, as soon as I turned west onto 270 from 71 I knew I was getting my asked kicked. I was waiting to get sucked up into a funnel cloud. Tbone and Laura were ahead of me and got hit too, but they were smart enough to get off the highway earlier. Everyone else make it home it okay?
  13. It was me. On 270 about a mile from Sawmill and the sanctuary of my garage, I got dumped on. flipped onthe hazards and rode on the berm the rest of the way. Could see about 3 feet in front me, rode with my feet out through some pretty damn deep puddles. What the fuck is it with me and heavy rains? This was almost as bad as the floods I hit in Louisiana last year. I think I ruined my new Droid too.
  14. Looking like I can make it, unless I can't. I never know any more. Oh, and for some reason, I've been not wearing gear more often lately. And, no, it's not because of the Harley. I think it's just some lingering thoughts of a quick death that were abundant during my marriage
  15. Weird. I see more sportbikes around this part of Columbus. Although it might just be Dubguy on whatever bike he owns this week.
  16. I was thinking the same thing. Glad the ambulance driver was smart enought take advantage of the stopped traffic and merge and weave with us.
  17. It is pretty amazing. I remember seeing the real thing in DC when I was a young kid. I didn't really understand what was going on, but my dad(a Vietnam vet) explained to me a lot of the people there were mourning a lost friend and what all the names meant. I've heard that the traveling one has meant a lot to people that couldn't make the trip to DC.
  18. This whole thread is fail, way to be awesome guys.
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