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Everything posted by Artmageddon

  1. Hell, you're as bad me. We should just make plans every day of the week, and they pan out once a month.
  2. For those of you who haven't heard me talk incessantly about it, I am in a rock cover band called Shallowtail. We will playing 90's rock, some classics, and some pop dance songs with a a little oomph behind them. Come check us out. We rock, and bring a harem of hot girls that make out on the dance floor. We continue to whore ourselves for experience, fame and fortune. Well, experience anyway. Friday, we are playing at Fats Biliards near Bethel and Sawmill. We start at 9:30, $3 cover. A big thanks to everyone that has made it to a show so far, it is much appreciated by all of the band members. We are slowly building an audience and a name for ourselves, every bit helps. Spread the word, tell your friends about us even if you don't come. Become a fan on Facebook as well, bar owners are looking at this, and it is helping us book gigs. At the very minimum you'll know when we are playing, and you may giggle at our witty humor and bitch slapping Howard every chance we get. Click my sig for demos and website. Thanks for the Ohio Riders support, and I hope to see you Friday at Fats.
  3. Not sure if this has suggested, but is there any way to have a facebook-like status on our profile? It would be pretty cool to have something that is easily updated whenever we want, and is dated. We could post things like "going to QSL this week" or "Shitty day, F off". We are way more of a social network than most forums and the binding factor is motorcycles, but the fact that we meet regularly and are friends make i t more personal than it just being a "Let's chat about bikes and e-slap each other." Maybe this comes along with Jagr's idea to be a member for so long before this kicks in. Not sure about the 18 months things though. There are people who join that get active real quick and are legit, no reason to seclude them. But it give regular members a little something extra.
  4. Big thanks to everyone that came out to Cazzie's Friday night. I really appreciate it and will be there to support you if you ever need it. We got off to rough start due to some equipment problems and it had us a bit flustered for a while, but I think we got back into it fairly well. Hopefully that is the worst anyone will ever hear us play. . This Friday we'll be at Fat's Billiards for anyone that wants something to do.
  5. Sober Art wins, I'll be on the bike. Not saying it won't change, and somebody may get a chance to ride an HD if they can bear the shame.........
  6. Thanks! I appreciate the offer, but I went to the shoe store Wed. and grabbed a bunch there, I'm good. :)

  7. Those of you planning on attending, would you rather see sober Art who sound better and be more technical proficient, or buzzed Art who will sound just okay and may forget words but will probably be more lively?
  8. Did you do well on the 27 quizzes you did in one day?
  9. Pretty much my experience with Ranger as well except for towing a motorhome. It also handles extremely well in snow. I never put weight in the back. I have the Firestone Destination tires, which I think are kickass.
  10. I love my Ranger. Mine is an 04 and I know they better fuel economy now, and mine is decent,and I have the 4.0. The newer one's have a supercab, but it's not a full size back seat. The Tacoma's are pretty cool too. Good Looking truck, just seems to sit right.
  11. Squid. No way that hat is staying on.
  12. Sweet. Similar color to my Ranger. It's pretty amazing what some patience and hard work can accomplish, right?
  13. Sounds a little too good, and if it's not will be a nightmare in paperwork and you'll probably miss part of the riding season. Peace of mind in a quality product usually comes at a price, and every time I pay too little for something it comes back to haunt to me. Don't suggest you do the same.
  14. Like the title says, my band Shallowtail will be playing at Arlington Cafe/ Cazzies Friday night. Cazzies is part of the of the Arlington Cafe Complex if you are not familiar with it, there are 5 bars in there. Friday is Latino night at the Cafe. if Shallowtail doesn't get you there, that sure as hell should. Music starts at 9:30. We will be playing everything from Tool to Neil Diamond. Come check us out, should be a good time and I hope to see a few of you of there.
  15. Hmm. Kinda with Lance on this one. Maybe a motard? Maybe a cafe racer? Or trade them both and go big twin if you want another cruiser.
  16. Yep, my drummer used to be in downplay,still good friends with the singer.

  17. Are you on Facebook? If so, send me links to and the wife so I can spam you with band crap. :D

  18. If I have anything left in me after our show I'll help tear down, but no promises.
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