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Everything posted by Artmageddon

  1. Except for this weekend, I either have show, will be moving or other crap until the last weekend in May. Fuck. That kinda depresses me to be that busy. I could maybe do April 24, but I think I'm supposed to be on a camping trip. Better check on that.
  2. That made me look Indian up . I forgot they were making bikes again. http://www.indianmotorcycle.com/TheMotorcycles1/ChiefDarkHorse/ChiefDarkHorseFeatures/tabid/487/Default.aspx Decent, but not great. Fuck tassels. 28K, wow.
  3. God rides an Indian. Both were prevalent in their time, but nowhere to be seen now.
  4. I love your bike, I would rock that for sure.
  5. I've been looking for a new bike since last October, and have looked at or test rode a Triumph Thunderbird, a Honda VTX, The Honda Stateline/Interstate, Several Ducati's(Monster, Streetfighter, Hypermotard), and several different Harley's. I was close to buying the Thunderbird, just didn't real quite as comfortable as it should have. I'm not a brand snob at all, Hell my best friend rides a gixxer, and everyone I hang with on the board has a metric bike, except Vrod Dave who is no longer here. I went with Harley Softail because: 1. I have always liked them. Growing up, my dad always had Jap cruisers, and talked about wanting a softail one day. The area I grew up in was a cruiser area, not sportbike(surprising, some of the best MC roads in Ohio are in Eastern part). Just the bike I've always pictured myself on, just the like the car I always wanted a 1969 Mustang. 2. I'm kinda throwback person when it comes to vehicles. I like the looks 60's & 70's syling, but with the modern twists. Love the new Mustangs and Challengers. The Fat Boy Lo has this feel. 3. I love black. I love flat back. I hate chrome. I'm not a flashy person, If I want attention, I want it to be about me not the bike I"m on. I like the little things on it, like the leather seat and tank bib, the turn signals shut off automatically, it has a gas gauge(don't laugh, most metric cruisers don't). Say what you will, there is nothing cheap on this bike. 4. Harley's retain their value. I like the fact if I ever sell this, I won't be losing half the purchase price. I lve the Honda cruisers, but couldn't get over buying a 13k bike that would only be worth 8k in a year. 5. As soon as I sat on, I knew it fit me. Just felt the best out of all the bikes. It is what I wanted, simple as that, don't really give a fuck what anyone else thinks. Just like you guys should feel about your bike. Don't get me wrong, I am not a total HD fanboy either. There are things that I wish were a different, but that's what aftermarket parts are for. I don't like the whole lifestyle immersion thing. To a point it's okay, but it can be taken too. But all motorcycle riders are in it to a degree anyway. This is the same culture that was started by our grandfathers after WWII. Honda, Kawi, Icon, Joe Rocket, etc are all part of this. Moderation is the key to most things anyway. No other vehicle elicits the amount of love and hatred that a Harley does. Not sure why that is. I'm ranting again, I'll shut up now.
  6. I don't disagree with that one bit, and I just bought a Harley. When I took the MSF a few years ago, I did it at at HD dealer because the State class was full for months and I wanted to take it before I rode a lot, I had already bought my Honda. When we took the tour of the dealership, I thought it was a fucking joke at first. Couldn't believed that I had just paid 12 times as much for the course as I could through the state, and and had to deal with a fucking sales pitch. I don't think any other brand comes close to the brand loyalty that Harley creates. It's almost beyond reason. I have had my bike bike a month and am already getting bombarded with offers to continue my HD lifestyle into the future. Fuck that. I bought it because I actually like the bike, not because I want to wear a leather vest with a HOG patch on it. Just like many other things, Harley creates an identity for people that may not be able to choose their own. Do I get sucked in? Hell yeah, a small amount. I don't deny it, and I know my identity very well. I bought a hat, I'm sure I'll pick up a few tees. Did that with my Honda as well. I've been a jeans, black tee and boots guys long before I started riding, so that doesn't change. This is no different that then import tuner crowd, the jock crowd, the nerd crowd. We all fall into cliques, All brands , especially cars and bikes, create one. Harley just knows how to make tons of money off of theirs. If anyone ever sees me wearing an Orange HD jacket with a Bar and Shield tee underneath with a Willie G headband on, slap me though. I don't want to be that guy.
  7. Yeah, my dad is pretty fired up about it. Hell, he's a year away from retirement and going to need something to do.
  8. Good call. I have friend that does Foursquare and posts every move she makes. That is just making some creep's life way too easy.
  9. See, that's crazy. I've ridden on empty sidewalks a few feet to cross into non-connecting parking lots, but never one there actually fucking people on. Dumbass. Someone should have tackled him off the bike. That would be awesome.
  10. I use my pry bar daily to beat all the groupies off me. Actually, I just use it as a fly swatter, I shit myself a lot. Sorry, Yota, taking this thread off track.
  11. Howdy. You are the 2nd guy to ask about a girl on a bike in their intro thread. I think OR is turning into PlentyofFish.com:p Now we just need more females, or at least fat guys pretending to be females. Or trannies. Oh wait, that's Craiglist.
  12. WTF man? did you almost dump it or anything? Glad you got there safe, but that sucks a little. Double check that shit before you head back. :)

  13. I'll seriously give you hammer if you need it.

  14. Does anyone else think that we should get Red Rocket and Focus Dave together?
  15. Yes, that is sad, and yes, I can give you hammer. I probably have 4 or 5. Now go buy a tool bag, and pick up some balls while you are there.
  16. My dad rode for years, his first vehicle was motorcycle when he was 16. He always had bikes when I was a kid, but got out of it for one reason or another. When I bought my MC a few years ago, he started thinking about it, but his vision was fading fast and was hesitant to ride. Well, he had surgery on his eyes a while back, new lenses, and his vision is vastly better, just needs normal glasses now. He got real excited when I bought my HD, and when I took it home to show him, we went and looked at a few Sportsters for him. He wanted something light so he doesn't have to muscle it around, he has a steep gravel driveway. Well he had a buddy that has a cherry 2000 Suzuki Intruder 800 for sale, 5600 miles, $3200, and he is picking it tomorrow. Too bad I already sold my Honda. If anyone knows anything about these bikes, let me know so I can pass it to him. Here are some pics from his phone, and yes I told him tassels have to go ASAP. So what is the real point of this long ass thread? Well, after my parents divorced, It was just my dad and me for years. We had our differences, and when we finally started becoming the friends we should be while I was in college, I ended up moving a few hours away. We are both quiet people(umm, anti-social), and don't talk as often as we should. Just since I've bought my bike we've talked a bit more. Since he's been thinking about getting one, we've talked more in the past month than we had in the past six. We're already planning a few get-togethers and rides, and I'm hoping this is something that gives a reason to hang out more than just holidays. Isn't that what toys likes bikes and muscle cars are really about?
  17. Artmageddon


    From the album: random

  18. Artmageddon


    From the album: random

  19. Damn, that sucks Kevin. I'm getting ready to get rid of tons of stuff, I'll give you first dibs on the free stuff and super bargains on the stuff I'm going to sell. Mostly tools and yard crap, if that is anything that you need.
  20. Just bust through the barrier doing about 40 mph next time. That will teach him. If you dont feel life getting clothelined, most of the time you can fit around the gates if they don't go up.
  21. Pretty sure that is where I want to move next month when my house closes and I am truly single again. Just wondered what it was like. I've been there several times looking at them, and my current house is about ½ mile away so I know I love the area. They are really nice and clean, and I've already seen a bunch of cute girls out by the pool. There are a few bad reviews online though, mostly about noise. I am half deaf anyway and the other half unobservant, so not a real big issue with me. Electric bills are said to be high, no gas(which I prefer), but I am used to paying about $150-200 a month anyway. One girl told me it was about $60 for a 1 bedroom. I can deal with that any day day. Any truth to this? I am debating getting a garage. That was my original must have for the bike, but I can pull into the roofed foyer right next to my entrance and it stays dry and have a small covered patio, so I went with a 2 bedroom so I don't feel cramped. I noticed a few bikes in the parking lot, I would be interested in splitting a garage for bikes and storage if that is appealing to anyone that might live there and is on the forum.
  22. Bummer. Did you dump it or just drive off into the median? Lighting was my fault, I dimmed the lights, they were blinding me. A band should backlit with ambient front lighting, not just blindingly front lit. To me it was still daylight in there, but after seeing some pics, it was pretty dark. Oh well. Thanks Lance! Tom, Chris, Jeff +1,and anyone else.....thanks for coming as well. Hopefully, next time Jagr doesn't have have to stay home and massage his vag and can make it. Actually, I should just shut up. I bail on stuff more than anyone.
  23. http://www.carlzipflockshop.com/ This place can do bikes keys for sure. I have used them and I think Phop5 has as well.
  24. I'll be there fairly early. Starts at 9:30 or 10, more likely 10.
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