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Everything posted by Artmageddon

  1. I still come here, just haven't had much time for the internet lately.
  2. hour 13 today and counting.....

    left at midnight last night, and I've barely made a dent in what I have to do.

  3. Being a sign guy, I'll turn away business and say that I doubt the yard signs do anything for this. Yard sales or events, yes. In this case knowing some drivers, they would be reading the sign and hit a motorcyclist. Casper, I think the billboard that you and I talked about would be effective in the right place. I think radio would be the best way to go though. Just seems that it would reach the most people.
  4. I'm real happy with the Logitech S510 Keyboard & mouse combo. I have 3 at work and 1 at home I like it so much. http://www.logitech.com/index.cfm/keyboards/keyboard_mice_combos/devices/145&cl=US,EN
  5. Me either. . BTW, the Tbone posting on that message board is not our Tbone(Tyler). He's a lot younger than 40, and I don't think he could string sentences together that well. :grin:
  6. If so, I won't be going. :(. Not too many showed interest, ask around, they may still go.

    I will be working my ass for the next week. Probably a minimum 12 hour days until next Sunday. I plan on using Sat afternoon to do what I need to do for the party. See yo guys at 6. I'm going to Pig Iron 12-3 and then working the rest of the day Sunday too.

  7. No Helmet. My neighbor walked down there right after it happened. I guess he was doing about 50 in 25, had been drinking, doing wheelies. Lost control, hit a parked truck. The bike flew into the air and landed on top of him. I guess he was lying there before EMS arrived, and some other folks removed the bike and he passed. They were questioning the folk who removed the bike, and paramedics told them had they left it, they may have been able to save him. Squidliness all around. Now this is all second hand info, take it for what its worth. I think it its pretty shitty of paramedics to try and put some of the blame on people trying to help him by moving the bike off of him. If the guy was being a douche, there is no one to blame but himself. . Did he deserve to die? No, but trying to help him was the right thing to do in my opinion. I told my neighbor if he ever sees me wrecked with my bike lying on top of me, fucking move it.
  8. Cool. I like mine all filled up. it's purty. Maybe one day it will all filled and starred. I guess I better be nice.
  9. west, right off of queensbridge/maybrook. I know where Bridewater is, about two minutes away. We'll have to meet sometime to go a bike night or something.
  10. Another neighbor just told me that he heard had been drinking, riding wheelies down the street. Hit a parked car. It happened on a residential street, 25 mph. Lot's of kids in this neighborhood. Stupid. They showed the bike on the news, not one I've ever seen around.
  11. I pulled in to my driveway and my neighbor told there was a motorcycle accident near Queensbridge and Smoky Row, a few blocks from my house. No concrete facts, except that it was black and yellow sportbike, male in his 30's. I guess he was speeding(around double the posted limit), hit a truck, and the bike flipped up and landed on him, not sure what caused the fatal wounds. This is hearsay, like I said, no concrete facts. Anyone have any more info? Is this someone anyone knows? I think channel 10 was there, we may find out more info later. Best wishes to his family.
  12. Okay, I'm almost ready to send this off to the officers I have lined up, just wanted to post this for proofreading and give everyone one more chance to add a questions or two. I know there are more that I have, but my mind is blank right now. Let me know. Thanks! Equipment Regulations What are the regulations on exhausts in regard to noise ordinance? Can a rider be ticketed if the exhaust does not have baffles? What is the regulation on wearing earphones while riding? Is one ear legal? What if the headphones are in the ear pockets of the helmet and not actually covering the ears and are not a communication system? Does a license plate need to be lighted? Does it have to oriented horizontally? Are there any other situations that an officer may pullover a rider due to a license plate infraction? In regards to accent lighting, what is acceptable? Are there any colors that are not legal or any placement restrictions? If I ride with my face shield up, can i be given a ticket for not having eye protection? Do normal eyeglasses constitute as eye protection? What if is in combination of face shield that may be raised? Would a rider receive a ticket if the bike does not have the following: Rear-view mirrors? Turn signals? Speedometer ? Any other equipment? Is there any type of grandfather clause that may exempt an older bike from any equipment violations? License and Registation In Ohio, it appears that are three levels of licensed motorcyclists: 1. Temporary permit 2.Endorsement with novice designation 3.Endorsement A permit restricts a rider from carrying passengers, riding without a helmet, riding after dark, and riding on congested roadways? Besides an interstate highway, what constitutes a congested roadway? Is a state route considered congested? A busy four lane road? What if a permitted rider is pulled over at dusk on their way home? Are there any other restrictions a permitted rider needs to be aware of? It appears the only restriction that a novice rider has is they must wear a helmet for one year after their MC endorsement/ license is issued. There have been situations where officers have treated the novice status as a permit with all of its restrictions. How does a rider handle this situation besides going to court? Is there a proper way to inform the officer that it is a different designation? What if after one year of having a MC endorsement a rider does not get the novice designation removed from their license, is pulled over, and the officer insists that they are still a novice and tickets for no helmet or treats it like a permit? On some bikes, it is not easy to carry a registration. If a rider is pulled over and can provide proof of registration at the time of the incident, what is the penalty? Are they given a chance to show proof before they are cited? IF so, what is the time limit and procedure? If a mechanic is testing a bike( or car) with an expired tag or the bike belongs to someone with a suspended license, can they be cited? Rider Behavior Often motorcyclists swerve and ride in various parts of the lane, whether it be to avoid obstacles or to stay alert. Is there ever a situation where a rider may be pulled over for such under suspicion of drunk driving? If a motorcycle is stopped at a red light for an extended period of time, not activating it and, there is not traffic coming in any direction , is there a time when it is okay to go through the red light? If a group of motorcycles are riding in formation, would a rider be stopped if the light changed while the last rider is not clear of it? What if the light had just changed to red, there is no oncoming traffic and the last rider just misses the light and passes through to stay in formation. Would they be cited? Are hand signals as legal as electric signals? Can a rider be ticketed for using hand signals? Is there any time or situation that lane splitting is allowed? i.e. if traffic is at a halt with no movement in sight. If while being pulled over, a rider recognizes that it unsafe to pull over and continues on for a time until a safe place is recognized. Would they be cited for fleeing? If a rider is speeding and makes the decision to flee at high speeds, will an officer pursue? There have been situations that officers have told speeding motorcyclist had they ran, the officer would not have bothered with them. If a rider flees and is caught whether it be at the time of the incident or later due to a license number, what is the punishment? What if an accident is caused by the pursuit? What if they start to flee, realize their error and stop after a short distance? If a motorcyclist is being tailgated, is it okay to exceed the speed limit for a short time to escape the vicinity of the tailgater? Is there a penalty for defended one’s self from an aggressive four wheel vehicle? For example, what if a car was tailgating continuously, swerving at the motorcycle and not submitting when the rider attempted to pull over and le the driver pass. If say a marble or penny was tossed at the car, what would the penalty be? What is the law concerning concealed carry on a motorcycle? What about a non-concealed or open carry, i.e carrying a weapon while on the way to a range? LEO Behavior Can a police officer take radar while his car is concealed and lights (light bar, parking lights and headlights) are off? Or does the officer at least need to make an attempt at visibility to not be considered entrapment? Can an unmarked cruiser pull you over? If you do not pull over for an unmarked cruiser, what is the punishment? Is it prudent to go to a station or call the local police department to confirm that an officer is in an unmarked car and is asking you to pull over? If in a high speed pursuit of a motorcyclist, would an LEO ever use spike strips to stop the rider? Would a road block ever be set up to stop the chase? How does an officer determine to give a motorcyclist a warning? Is it their discretion? Is there ever a situation where an officer does not have a choice in giving someone a ticket?
  13. I'm waiting for the pic from the parade for dudes on bikes together...... Like everyone else said, as long the passenger doesn't put their feet down and leans with you, it will be fine. Allow some extra braking time. Shift smoothly so you don't crack helmets. Expect sluggish performance. Don't try to ride balls out, just take it easy, remember there is another life at risk. Oh, and ride the girlfriend first if it's a serious relationship, unless the first passenger is your mom, she'll never let it go.
  14. Oh I hear ya, get what you want. I just wouldn't consider going from a 750 cruiser to a 600 sportbike trading down to a "smaller" bike.
  15. I was very disappointed with the new HD line-up. I was considering buying a Night Train or Fat Bob if they made some improvements mechanically and aesthetically, but they are identical to the 2009 models. Way to go, Harley. I don't even see the hardcore HD guys going after these much or getting too excited.
  16. I passed a four year old on a big wheel the other day, I was pretty proud of myself. Just figured I would throw that out in this dick measuring contest. I'm the winnar!! Lance, a 750 Spirit and 600 sportbike are not even in the same ballpark as far as speed, handling and power go. You know that.
  17. I've got about 3500 so far, but a trip in in two weeks will add 2-4k, depending on where I go.
  18. Link to Pic album of Lance's bike & injuries..... http://www.ohio-riders.com/album.php?albumid=592
  19. Yep. The driver did not have insurance, but the owner of the vehicle did. She and her insurance Co. will be responsible for any bills and the bike, hopefully more. Lesson learned- don't let an uninsured, douche with no license borrow your car. Not only will he fuck you over, he will also almost kill our friends. I hope when he was jail and asked what he did, there was some drunk hardcore biker there to whoop on him him a bit.
  20. just left the hospital, he just got transferred, room 600. he.s doing ok, wrist is broken, road rash, he said not to worry too much. his arm saved his head from hitting. happened at the broad street exit at 270, west side. bike is fucked, but can be fixed.
  21. He may have said broken, he was talking to the police at the same time, and it was quick conversation.
  22. Just talked to Lance's Dad, he was admitted to Grant, dislocated wrist, maybe more. Decently okay overall though. Waiting for CAT scan. Rear-ended. That's all I know right now.
  23. Damn. He was just recovering from his Semi wreck. Hope he's okay and nothing too serious. Keep us updated.
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