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Everything posted by Artmageddon

  1. I did some research on social group options-- http://www.vbulletin.com/docs/html/ It appears the tools are fairly limited. I would like to see a few notification upgrades as well, but I don't think this in Ben's control unless it is possible to modify the forum code to to do this. I would also like to see a PM option to send a message to all group members. Maybe in a vBulletin revision. Oh well, I've just gotten in the habit of trying to check the group. BTW, the link above will probably be helpful for many tech questions people may have about the forum.
  2. Great turnout today and lots of fun. Thanks to everyone behind the scenes(J, Bret, Ashley, Pig Iron staff, sponsors, & many others). Can't wait for the the next one in a month!!
  3. You can tell most of the time, and if I can't, I give them the benefit of the doubt. Oh, and if it's the last bag of pork rinds, I'm taking them myself.
  4. I might, I'll get your number Sunday.

  5. I freakin' hate fat, lazy people that use scooters to enable their sedentary lifestyle. Don't get me wrong; if people have health issues or handicaps and use a scooter for mobility, I'm all for that. What I hate are the gluttonous trailer trash that manage to walk into Wal-mart, get the scooter with the cart, and roll up and down the aisles because walking is too much effort. Then they have the gall to ask me to grab something from the top shelf because that would mean exerting themselves beyond lifting potato chips to their fat hole. Fucking pigs. It easy to to see that they are in no way handicapped except for the blubber hanging around their neck. It always seems to me that the people with true handicaps give it their best to be mobile, and generally would have their own scooter, not borrow the grocery stores. Medical obesity doesn't bother me, I know people struggle with it and it can be genetic. Being a little heavy doesn't bother me at all, not everyone can be thin, and I'm sure I'll start getting a little heavy soon if I follow my family history. More power to the handicapped, I wish them the best, and I am always there to lend a hand if they need it and want it. Overstuffed and slothful people need stuck and roasted like the pigs they are. Sorry, off on a rant.
  6. If you leave late Friday(after 6) or Saturday AM I might be interested. Let me know.
  7. I love Mustangs and miss my 00 GT like a mofo, and I think the 05 and later body is cool as cool can be. But even then, 41K seems a bit much. The new Camaros are pretty sweet.......might be an option for you? BTW, the Cobra is sweet, but not sure I would pay that much for it either, even with the low miles, considering there is what I consider a better body style to choose from.
  8. Bummer. Hopefully nothing serious to you or the bike. At least next time you take it, you won't be nervous, it would be hard to have anything worse happen. Try to get in an MSF course, you take your test at the end, and they actually help you through it, and if you fail one part, you get to take it again once right then and there( I think).
  9. I usually like brunette, but I'm digging the blonde. Go with whatever is the easiest to maintain if you're going to basic. You'll have enough to deal with, worrying about your hair shouldn't add to your stress. Probably be pinned up with a hat on anyway for awhile.
  10. Let's throw all of tech q&a in this thread, that way they are together and easily found by us and any newbs we get.
  11. Not sure how the shaft drives are, but stock chain 750's run at high RPMs at highway speeds. Mine vibrates too. Thoose of lucky enough to have a chain drive can just throw a new sprocket on there and it helps quite a bit. I don't know of a fix for the shaft drives. I'm sure new pipes and jet kit would help a bit, but don't expect large hp gains, or at least enough to lower rpms enough to stop vibrations at higher speeds. Chime in, tech-heads, I'm sure you guys are more informed than I am.
  12. Nice to finally meet you in person. You going to Pig Iron Sunday?

  13. Good call. Much better to go outside the box or put a foot down than to dump the bike. When I took mine last year, they deducted points because he said I wasn't looking ahead far enough. Not sure how they judge that, but don't forget to scan far enough ahead while doing the maneuverability.
  14. I had someone run a stop sign in my neighborhood today going way faster than the posted 25 and about T-bone me. I was pissed about that, and speeding and running signs where my dog and my neighbor's kids play. Her window was open, so I pulled up beside her and said "hey, pay attention to what you're doing and slow the fuck down, you almost killed me." Hopefully scary biker guy(me? yeah, right.) put some sense into her. I see her do it again in my neighborhood, she'll get a brick through her window(If she doesn't hit me or a kid next time).
  15. You know you'll be on another big cruiser the second someone offers. It suits you well. Pretty soon you'll be cruising bike rallies in a bikini on a big 'ol Softtail. :)

  16. I'm at work, I have time for this crap. Your score indicates that you are a halfway decent rider and wise-ass who is way too narcissistic his or her own good. Sure, why not?
  17. I'm supposed to ride over with someone who lives near me(not a member). We're going to leave sawmill around 6:30 and head over to CC. I'll just meet you there.

  18. I'll let Cypress do that. :) I wish someone would have gotten a pic of you hauling Chris around, now that would have been a good avatar photo.

  19. Artmageddon


    No worries, it seems a lot of the newbs use OR as twitter. I think it's okay, it's kinda hard to contain the excitement of doing things for the first time, and you just want to share. Share all you want, Maybe keep it all in one thread and then no one can say anything. Glad you're getting more comfortable on the bike!
  20. I like your bike Moose. I'm sure most hate on mine as well. For an 800, the C50 is a heavy bike. If your wife is small, she may not like it. The Shadows are lighter, but no fuel gauge, but I don't see why that is an issue. Just set the trip meter every time you fill up every 120 miles. I've taken mine to 165 miles and still had a half gallon. The Vulcan 500's are nice, light and low. Not sure about the gauges though. I would get her on an sv650 or similar before she buys anything though.
  21. It seems like there are lots of questions posted regarding motorcycle laws and regulations, and our rights as a motorcyclist in Ohio. It also seems that there are quite a few discrepancies in the answers we receive, whether they be personal opinion or a misinterpretation. I like to know actual facts when it comes to my rights. Therefore, I am going to try to put together a question and answer article about laws and regulations. My plan is to have a state trooper, a small town policeman and a lawyer that handles motorcycle cases answer our questions with what the law is, and their interpretation of it. I need questions from everyone on the forum. No question is too dumb or too small, but please keep them clean and professional. I want serious, motorcycle related questions so we can be better informed as riders. Questions about permits, licenses, plates, lights, what happens if I run, etc., is the type of stuff I'm looking for. What I don't need: • I'm doing this for all of us, if I get bunch of crap and smartass comments, I'm not going to bother. • Questions about LEO habits or personal beliefs, i.e. why do you like donuts? Don't waste my time with stupid put-downs. • Answers. This thread is not a q & a, nor a place for your interpretation of laws. I only want questions you have about actual motorcycle laws in Ohio. I know there are LEO's on the forum, if you want to answer questions, please contact me and you can be one of the guys that do. I would like to keep everything organized, and if the thread is littered with answers, it will make it hard to put it in article form. So let's hear what questions you might have, and see if can't get some correct answers. I'll probably leave the thread open for a week or two and then start putting them together. It may take a few weeks afterward for me to have everything together if you are looking for the article. Thanks!
  22. Aerik, welcome. Come to a bike night or meet and greet, I'm sure someone can figure what the bizarre noise is.
  23. That is some funny shit. The ride never bothered me until Cypress started sniffing my neck. After seeing this pic, I now know why.
  24. I don't get the appeal. Can someone explain? It looks like an old lady car.
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