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Posts posted by Artmageddon

  1. Welcome. My advice is get your permit and then take the MSF safety course before you do anything else. You'll get you're license when you take it as well. It will really help. If you can't get in the cheap state run ones, there are a few dealers that run them(especially Harley dealers) that do at a premium(around $300, but still worth it).

  2. I've had some shaking issues with my bike since I pulled it out of stoarge a few weeks ago and finally broke down and decided to take it to a shop. I called a few Honda dealers, every one was backed up for a weeks, so f that. I called Yamaha of Cols, they said they could look at it even though it's a Honda, and got me in that day. That's awesome.

    I worked with Dave in service and thought he was really helpful and trustworthy. He rode my bike, and surmised that the front wheel was out of true.

    They fixed it up for at a good price, and overall I was pretty happy with using them, I'll use them again if the need arises.

    One problem though, and I'm not sure if it's their fault, it may have been pre-existing, but if not it probably should have been caught. After I got the bike back, I noticed some break noise. The chirping kept getting worse, I called Dave to see it it had something to do with the truing. We guessed that it have just been some debris, so I went to clean and noticed that the bolts that hold the caliper on were about 2 threads away from wobbling out. The noise was caused by the caliper shaking. Just glad I caught it before the whole caliper wobbled free. Seems to be fine now.

  3. There was an episode of Sons of Anarchy where a guy was sitting on one of the gang's bike getting his picture taken by his girlfriend.

    The bike owner walked up and said "here, I'll take your picture", did, told him "before" as the guy looked at him, puzzled. The owner then proceeded to smack him across the face with his helmet a few times, kicked him while he was down, and took his picture again. "After". He then rode off with the dude's girlfriend.

    That is how you respond to someone sitting on your bike. :)

  4. In regards to what dorifto said it was similar in my neighborhood. Everyone of my friends parents had free reign to reprimand us(I would never say beat, but yell and tell us we were doing wrong), and every kid too that as the same as if it were coming from their own parent.

    Kids today are very soft. I don't have any myself, but I have a nephew and 2 nieces in high school, and my wife teaches freshmen English so I am around high school kids often. A lot expect everything to be handed to them, and very few seem to want to work for anything.

    I know when I was in high school, I went to school, played 3 sports year round, and had a part time job, and I never had a car to get around but still found a way to do all that.

    If I wanted something, I had to work for it. My nephew is a sweet and smart kid, but lazy and expects that everyone else will support and bail him out as he needs it. He needs to wake up and find out out that is not the case.

    I come from a small poor town in eastern Ohio, with a great sports tradition. We were in contention in nearly every sport, and I think half of it was because the kids older than us beat the shit out of us on the fields and made us good and tough, and learn if we want to win, we better start hitting back hard.

    Nowadays the sports teams there are poor, because none of the kids want to to work for it, and sit inside and play games and live a virtual life. This is just asamll exmaple of this.

    I'm so sick of people whining about the they deserve this and that, and being concerned with being PC. It is making us weak. It is amazing a small portion of these whiners are taking over and changing laws to make kids pussies.

    If kids in my neighborhood were told to play tag with shadows and no dodgeball, we would have shouted "SMEAR THE QUEER" and tackled the jackass that said it.

  5. IP has some nice leather coats that are a bit plainer and may be better suited to the nightster. Try the First Classics line, They have nice jackets. I have the Euro Cruiser, I think it was like $230 and I'm pretty happy with it. There are some other styles that are nice too. But don't but the envy glasses and the coat, we show up to an event together and we might look like douches.

  6. Those are interesting. How is the view of your "blind spot"?


    What blind spot? :) They are pretty good, I don't notice blind spots very much, but I keep my head on a swivel at all times to try to avoid that kind of stuff anyway. I always use the strap when I'm on the highway, it keeps the glasses pretty tight to your face and helps takes way any blockage of peripheral vision.

  7. I tried full face helmets, didn't like them either. Don't seem to have problems with bugs with a 3/4 either, but maybe the windshield helps with that.

    I went through a shit ton of glasses, both cheap and expensive and found that the Global Vision Envy Kit works for me. They can be glasses, goggles, with foam or without. Only 40 bucks too. I bought a similar pair in clear for night as well.

    Iron Pony has them--


  8. Yeah I put some chrome ones on when I got the bike. They lasted about a month. They're weak sauce for sure. But I was a noob.

    But really. Art or anyone else. Has anyone used that material 3M makes that is black in the day. But when headlights hit it it reflects bright white? I'm thinking this would be great for some stylishly cut accent pieces and or in the tail section of my HellSteed.

    I'm not familiar with it. We have some reflective material, but it doesn't behave like what you are describing. It is black(well, more like a dark muddy brown) during the day and reflects at night, but I would by no means consider it stylish. It is more for street signs and stuff.

  9. I think most, if not all, of this list is BS. I highly doubt train conductors cut off toes, I know jeans were created before jean shorts, and I'm sure most of the other facts can be proven wrong. I think this is just a site to prove that people will believe anything.

  10. can you do a vinyl wrap of say, a tank... or even a whole bike?

    We do not do wraps at our shop, sorry. The amount of work that goes into them make them tough to be profitable. There are a few places in Plain City that specialize in wraps, not sure if they can do a bike though.

  11. You guys gonna start doing rim stripes?

    Nah, you're probably better off buying one of the kits. They already have all the specs for different bikes, and can probably do them cheaper than what we can.

    That will be the thing; I'm not going to bullshit you about doing a project; if someone else can do it better or cheaper, I'll let you know. The owner did a donation as more as a favor to me than to draw business, but if I can help him out, I will.

    We'll stick with doing custom work like simple graphics and flames and such. Before I got my bike painted, I had a sweet tribal bat on my tank. We'll do stuff like that.

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