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Posts posted by Artmageddon

  1. no worries Art, pretty sure JRMMiii's entire post was sarcastic

    I was pretty sure it was too and it wasn't really directed at him, just in general for the people that do think like that.

    But what do I know? Everyone can do what they like as long as they leave me the fuck alone. :whogives:

  2. You are correct, sportbikes and cruisers don't go out at the same time. Unless you're carrying drinks and stuff in your saddlebags for the sportbikers - like a support vehicle. Ask cmoosego. :D

    And, parking next to sportbike with your cruiser is by invitation only. Since it's not a Harley, sportbikers might be a little more accepting.

    Being a Kawi though - I will give you the advice that you don't DARE park next to a Suzuki sportbike. Your engine won't be able to handle the horsepower eminating from a Suzuki sportbike - even sitting still. I think it may even void any factory warranties you may have from Kawasaki.

    Hmm. When I ride with my sportbike buddies, they usually like me around because I keep them from getting speeding tickets. :)

    I will say when they want to hit some twisties with some speed, I usually don't get an invite.

    Was the parking next to different bikes thing a joke?

    The 3 guys I ride with most have a Gixxer, an older Ninja, and some old Yamaha(I think, my mind is blank at the moment). My Shadow doesn't quite fit in with that, but you ride what you like, not what someone tells you should like.

    Granted, I've known these guys for years and we were friends long before we all started riding.

    I've traded bikes with my Gixxer friend a few times for a different feel, and discovered that sure, sportbikes are nice, just not for me.

    I guess if people are going to be bike and brand snobs, we may as well start lumping them in with the Harley guys that everyone seems to hate for the same thing.

  3. They don't match their online prices in the store.

    Right on their website it says: "*Our retail store prices may be generally 5%-10% higher than our website prices"

    Missed that too. My brain is functioning well today. :confused:

    Oh well, I guess they miss out on this one.

  4. I'm a cheap bastard and always price shop, but I will always buy local first if they are least competitive.

    I usually go to the Pony to see if they have what I'm looking for, come home, compare pricing, and then go back to the Pony and buy it if they are even remotely competitive. The ease of shopping and getting the part right away is worth a premium to me, within reason.

    Well in this case, I happened to look on IP web site as well.

    Their web pricing is significantly lower than the in-store pricing.

    I understand the whole brick and mortar premium, but this is the same store, being stored in the same place, with the same employees. (maybe I'm wrong and their online sales come from somewhere different).

    So my question is, do they they match their own online pricing?

    In this case, there was almost a $40 difference, not including tax or shipping.

    Can you order online and go pick up like at some electronic stores?

  5. When I first signed on I thought his name was Daivi Paik, so I am not surprised at the gheyness

    It took me a while to figure the name out too.

    Sorry Adam, but WTF? Louis Vitton?

    Don't your friends give you hard time about this?

  6. Here's a closer pic of the tank to see what she is talking about it.


    I hate trendy and fashion, I wear jeans and t shirts and the fanciest place I go to buy clothes is Kohls. I don't understand the appeal of designer labels like Coach and Louis Vitton, etc.

    Ladies if a guy is noticing that you are wearing such things, he is gay so you may well give up anyway.

    That being said, I see the resemblance of the LV pattern on the Phoenix, but it is not LV. The bike is not my style, but I think the overall graphic package is pretty cool, and I would ride it.

    Most guys would never even notice the resemblence to LV unless they have a spoiled wife or girlfriend that shoves it in their face every shopping trip.

    So if you bought the Phoenix, I wouldn't give it much though about people are thinking you bought a Loius Vitton bike, because you didn't, and they aren't.(unless they read this thread).

    Now the dirt bike(or dual sport or wahever the hell it is) above with the added LV pattern, that is is gay. I hope that is a girl riding that.

  7. Wheezle750 and I were talking about riding and it came up that it would be nice to get a group of Shadow owners together for rides and to talk shop.

    I figured this would be a good way to try to organize something.

    So if you own a Honda Shadow(any model), join up!

    If you don't have a Shadow and just want to fit in with the cool kids, feel free to join as well.


  8. Artmageddon has created a new social group called "Ohio Shadow Riders", with the following description:

    It seems that most of the Honda Shadow owners that I've met are enthusiastic about their bikes and love to talk shop, so here we are. Hopefully we can organize some meet and greets ata bike night or two, and get some rides together. While the group is aimed towards those that have Honda Shadows(ACE, Spirit, Aero, Sabre, any variation), anyone that is interested is welcome as well.

    Looking forward to cruising.

    To join this group visit the social groups homepage where this new group will be listed.

  9. be careful with using that switch; they are notorious for going bad over time and use. replacing one is not fun!!

    I think I will try to start using the key to shut it down. Probably help me not kill my battery so much, though I haven't done it much recently.

  10. I'd be more worried about not being welcome if people DIDN'T bust my chops.

    That's how we know you care.

    :awkward silence:

    Ohh, and f*(k those castles!


    I keep telling my wife the only reason I tease her is because I love her. But she keeps whining so I break down and let her out of the shackles. :cry:

    And if anyone really wants to see the castles, I know where there are and how to get there. My last name is Piatt, I better fucking know. No relation though, and they pronounce it wrong anyway. :)

  11. Damn straight....... Luke at cheshire choppers is gonna do all the mechanicals and add his own touches. THen I'll probably do a "underworld" layout on it.......... cant wait

    From what I've seen you do, you are going to make the chopper a true work of art. I'm excited to see it done. Be sure to post pics.

  12. :lol: @ jrm.

    I dont see him leaving. He's a good dude.

    Me either. What I like about Dave is that yes, he is a postwhore, but he is entertaining. Think of all the threads and comments that have related to him over the past few months.

    He is usually pretty thick skinned about the shit that is given to him as well.

    I've only met him once, and he seems pretty cool. I think he just really excited about riding and life in general. Can't really give him a hard time about that.

  13. I have found that the fellas of ohio-riders are really helpful and resourceful, when they're not being smartasses.

    (and some of them are hot)

    wha???? :wtf: where? You sure you weren't drunk while you were lookin? the guys around here look like defective cabbage patch kids with a severe case of leprosy....:D

    She must be one of the girls in the minivans I always see looking at me....

  14. where do you park your bike again???? :p

    Luckily, my garage and the work parking lot that I can see out my window.

    I guess I use the killswitch because its easy. I usually hit it and just coast in to my spot.

    Dave, glad you're able to get it taken care of, hopefully it won't cost too much.

  15. remember, have half a dozen made...they are cheap...

    have a GANG of them made, it's super easy to lose a key...I keep spares all over the place...

    I don't worry too much about losing mine, if I can't find it, it's always in in the ignition with the electric ON. I'm a dumbass. I've killed two batteries, and had to charge them too many times. Luckily I usually do it at home or work.

    I have done it out a few times, but either caught it or someone else noticed and told me. Thieves will love me one day.

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