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Posts posted by Artmageddon

  1. Or pay up and get the cool "supporter" logo under your screenname! I did it because I spend so much of my time on here, and figured it MIGHT come close to paying for the bandwidth that I eat up.

    You do freakin' live on here. :D

  2. Cant make them all bro but wasn't about to miss last night. And I'm sure you know that I wasn't lumping you in with the posers. To be fair, there were a shit ton of guys on sportbikes that were just as bad.

    No worries, I know you weren't talking about me, I just meant that to the Harley haters in general and that I'm not just not the typical bike night cruiser guy.

    And seriously, never ride with me if you want to stay dry. I give up even trying anymore. I've ridden through tornadoes(near one in Texas, sitting on the highway with a local watching it pass, he''s calm as can be and tells me I'm lucky I stopped), thunderstorms, flash floods, sprinkles, downpours, windstorms, rain that feels good, rain that split open my lips, almost went in to the hurricane that hit the gulf this year, glad I checked the weather first.

    Bad weather tracks me down and punishes me. It just makes the fair weather rides that much sweeter.

  3. Yeah, alot of bikes that are only ridden to and from bike night. Me and the more evil Sam watched a dude on a Harley as he was getting ready to leave. We started counting how many times he piped it before leaving. Stopped counting at 20 :nono:

    Thanks for riding down, Sam(Evil Sam and Fonz too :D).

    I agree. Please don't ever lump me in with those HD guys. :cool:

    The guys that really kill me are the ones that say "my bike has never been wet" WTF? I don't even bother to wash my bike anymore because I know I'm getting rained on half the time I ride. As long as I can see well, I'm riding.

    I bet my HD that I've had 4 months has more miles on it than half the bikes there. :nono:

  4. I posted this in the other thread about it as well.

    As unlikely as it is, I don't believe it is a farce. My drummer's niece was the little girl who pulled the slip out of the barrel and handed it the cop.

    I was onstage and was shining my phone spotlight on the slip so Rich could read it, I saw it myself.

    So unless every entry had his name on it or the officer or Rich the Lube Guy was bought off, it was totally legit and the guy is one lucky mo-fo.


  5. Well, as unlikely as it is, I don't believe it is a farce. My drummer's niece was the little girl who pulled the slip out of the barrel and handed it the cop.

    I was onstage and was shining my phone spotlight on the slip so Rich could read it, I saw it myself.

    So unless every entry had his name on it or the officer or Rich the Lube Guy was bought off, it was totally legit and the guy is one lucky mo-fo.

  6. Only two ways outta the groupie life MJ. Either you quit knockin boots with Howie or he gives you a ring. Sorry girl thats just how it is. I vote he gives ya the ring cuz lets face it .... he's not gonna score a better one.

    Not a groupie.:p How about WAG? Supporter? Aficionado?

    Groupies like guys because they are bands because they have no identity themselves.

    MJ likes us because we just happen to be cool guys:cool: and her boyfriend joined AFTER they were already dating.

    I like having her and the other attractive females that attend our shows up and dancing. Makes our life more fun when performing. If they don't like the word groupie, let's refrain from using it so our scenery doesn't get ruined.

    Except Jagr, keep your sig. It's funny. ;)

  7. I really want to come tomorrow but I need a volunteer to bring my wheelchair. Anyone gonna cage it for sure?? I am crossing my fingers the rain will hold off.

    You said you live around Sawmill right?

    If I can take it over early(4ish) with our sound gear, I got ya. PM me if this will work and I'll get you my info.

  8. I was thinking of making a showing there. Do any of you guys meet at a designated location and ride to there or just whoever gets there, gets there?

    Only asking since I dont know any of you guys yet.

    A buddy wants to go to Rally in the Alley, in Medina tomorrow. Never been there so dont know what to expect? Been to the Boneyard before but have yet to see a band play there. Decent place though.

    You'll find us, no worries. Just walk up to everyone and pat them on the ass. If they turn and say, "hey baby, how are you doing?", they are Ohio Riders.

    If they turn around and punch you in the face, they are not. :takeit:

    Hope you can make it, at minimum you'll should be able to find me or Howard, we'll point in the right direction.

    See you there!

  9. Picked up a pair of the Skullcandy asym's. These things fit beautifully, they should hand them out with every helmet. Highly recommend.

    Yep, agreed. Only after a few hours of riding with them in did I notice discomfort or slippage. I also have been putting the wire behind the the earpieces of my glasses and the Asyms go nowhere.

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