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that dude

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Everything posted by that dude

  1. who should i start....micheal crabtree at wr or darren sproles at rb???? thinking sproles
  2. he must be using shells rotella t full synthetic
  3. make 5.00 payments every month... shows your making an attempt. no negative credit reporting
  4. yea its not bad..reason why they did the shift pay cause no one wants to work 2nd or 3rd shift. just a little incentive. the contractors cannot make you work those shifts as well. we can refuse. still have never gotten double time!
  5. i knew you couldnt leave...and the bait is gone!
  6. Anything over 8 is time and a half. So if i were to work 9 hours all week in one day, that ninth hr is ot. Says time and a half. Sundays and holidays double time. Shift pay is an extra 2.00 an hr. Foremans scale is an extra 2.00 for the first 7 guys, then a 1.50 on top if that for every extra 5.
  7. Neither of you yards have proved a point. I know you feel like an ass ...wait a few of you are talking outta your ass. I know I'm correct. Get the mic outta your mouth or speak up.
  8. Call whatever you want. Let's get back on topic for the guy. I recommend a .45 subcompact g-lock or xd. Ever think aboutba wheel gun
  9. that dude when he feels the need too openly. Peoples reaction is priceless
  10. You have nothing to say but "look at what this guy says" on his site. You have no idea WTF you are talking about. Energy isn't end all deciding factor, but is a huge factor. Box o truth here thinks you read tonmuch and have little hands on expierence
  11. the m1911 .45 is the most used handgun in the military ever if im correct. i have been wrong before. not saying a 9mm is a beesting..its not a .45 either:D
  12. distance of penetration of course. its fucking a skinnier bullet and higher velocity. btw sheetrock and humans and ballistic gelatin are all different. compare apples to apples. now...the .45 will destroy more internals, cause its a bigger round. if were hunting , sure we want complete penetration. not the case with self defense. stopping power is the energy tranfered from the bullet which results in bullet damage. bullet damage is what fucks you or an animal up.funny you base your thoughts and opniions from the ole box of sheetrock. get serious
  13. i dont think anyone will beat the fin or vances
  14. hopefully yours works flawlessly, hoping they got it all figured out being a fan boy:D
  15. shot placement yes. type of round ,no. 9mm with the black talons wont do as much damage as a fmj fitty cal.. 9mm holds 17 yadda yadda ...you wont need but a few .45 shots. 9mm are weak, lets be serious here. .45 has more knock down power. id go glock 10mm over a 9mm as well...but take the .45acp over both...
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