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that dude

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Everything posted by that dude

  1. Damn another Peter puffer
  2. Who's your fucking daddy? That's right, that fucking dude bitches. Come get it!
  3. Posting while making time and a half.... From Dennys for break
  4. Give ya 400 today. Today only
  5. i wouldnt call a .45 a hand cannon by any means
  6. Whats the difference ? Quality longevity if the product looks etc. You get what your paid for. Bottom line. I like to have the best and buy once. In the end it's your money , just trying to give some advice. No need to shoot rhe messenger .
  7. Your an idiot. Made here in ariZona.Some of the best shit out there. Will wait for response
  8. Rra 16" car comes with the 2 stage match trigger on all models now. That's not an upgrade. Is it chrome or chrome lined. Big difference.
  9. I gaurantee your not getting high end sights rail etc . gg&g is top notch shit period . I have over 500 just in a rail and two sights.(all gg&g)They are throwing on a 20.00 parts to make it look cool.compare apples to apples. Mages are cheap but can't have enough.lets put it like this... Don't let looks determine your gun and price. You can put lipstick on a pig , but it's still a pig. Hopefully this all makes sense.
  10. jail break available yet? if so do it.... where, facebook, weather channel, chase bank, navigon, weather bug elite, i heart radio, espn, cnn, tap tap nirvana ,ihook , cydia winterboard, installous, flick fishing is ok, paper toss, i mario, i-gun ultimate, wififofum, 5-0 radio police scanner, scan & shop, scanner 911, fishing kings, angry birds,cod black ops guide, karting,swift shooter,free wifi, ikamasutra, ebay mobile, webers on the grill, etc etc etc..
  11. Failblimp is something special
  12. Bump for a clean sharp bike!
  13. ....... But your the captain. The ride is just a small part of the expierence
  14. Matt- google pro armament it's in cuyahoga falls Ohio. 899 for the setup I just listed. It's under the ar-15 specials. They know their shit as well. Haven't seen a deal even close to that
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