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that dude

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Everything posted by that dude

  1. I saw a few at Berea this weekend, but they looked beat to shit
  2. Ever go the fin? C bus is two hrs away from me.
  3. Need no records just a valid ID
  4. Haven't shot or know much about bravo c
  5. Not if I bought if off a guy from his private collection
  6. What's the top of line and bottom of the line in vest
  7. Listen you overpaid. Dpms is near the bottom line for ar-15. You said rra is cheap. Cheap for now cause they are a growing small company. It's called marketing. actually they have gone up in price in the past year. In all reality your average Joe wouldn't notice the diff in shooting the rra dpms spikes stg lmt ccmg etc.
  8. 614- ever travel up north? Interested
  9. You clearly don't know WTF your talking about! Cmt makes and sells stg and rra the same parts. Rra has a great fit and finish due to the maching of the parts from cmt. Stags are priced a little cheaper. Both are good guns. Cheap, that's your two dpms ar's my friend. This coming from a guy whonhas not one, but two dpms firearms. Sell them both and buy a rra or spikes. Let me guess spikes sucks as well? If you want the best go cd or lmt for the monies. For your average civillian use, go rra or spikes
  10. Those guys and gal know their shit. I'm sure it's ok. What did they say? They usually sell what they shoot or trust in. How long have the company been around. They usually push n sell rra armalite and spikes.my buddy sold his glock and a ruger within 10 minutes. Big turnout. I don't like how spread out it is, i prefer medina.
  11. nope but they are nice firearms
  12. i was there as well today. i have never heard of them. i wonder if they make them or someone else does? never have heard of them. he should have went all rra and got the camp perry discount if he bought new. watch what you buy, you get what you pay for. i have seen buis for as little as 20.00 same with quad rails.i wouldnt own them, but thats me. id go rra or spikes myself. look into pro arms in c-falls if you want a nice package deal. they are tough to beat. medinas coming up in a few weeks i think.
  13. Support your local union #81
  14. Thats awesome. Sounds and looks like they are the best for o.c. Didnt know you could change the draw angle. They are very reasonable in price also.
  15. For the money I'm gonna order it. Watched quite a few tube reviews on them, and they seem legit.
  16. that dude

    New gun

    An xd is about the easiest to fs. Try a wheels, they take a lil more time and brains
  17. What do you have and information would be great
  18. I enjoy hot wax on my nutsack
  19. Galls seems resonable nice selection. Thanks for link
  20. always be prepared for the worst my friend
  21. def have no "bad" or "off the wall" intentions. i would jut like to have one in the safe. cant hurt to have one.i sure big brother will put a ban on civillians acquiring ballistic equipment.
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