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that dude

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Everything posted by that dude

  1. I have met several and like several . Just not most.... But maybe in person we would get along. Geez. Not making threats or verbaly abusing anyone. Relax partner
  2. Wow. Really. I say that in all seriousness. Both quotes. Not threats. Just saying I would like to meet everyone. Therefore i offer a free pass on the lake. Relax. Don't take itvoutta context. Maybe a smiley would help
  3. Was out riding the wakes, cause I'm on a boat! Jrmii you still talking?
  4. I got an open invite to anyone on here. Show you a little fun.
  5. You wouldn't say that in person. You know it.
  6. I guess I hurt some feelings.
  7. I have one for sale that leaks. Instant waterbed. It's sweet
  8. For your boy that dude is back! I missed you all!
  9. Thanks but not a big taurus fan
  10. Maybe because I didn't know who moved it. Just maybe
  11. They make playoffs this year. Too bad if your the clowns fans! I will attend a few games now.
  12. Can't ship unless i break it down, too much of a hassle. Thanks for the interest. I have it on a few other sites as well. Nice new firearm for 250.00.
  13. Why spend the time and money on 8". 2- 10s would hit harder and half the size. Just curious?
  14. What ever asshat mod started this thread, I'm glad you only put what you wanted to. Next time move the whole thread, not what you want. Class act buddy.
  15. Dude is selling something i offered a fair price of 100 for a used maybe abused sub. Seller stated he'd use it as a paper weight. So how's the paper weight? Tough times, so my offer has lowered to 75. Keepmin mind electronics have horrible resale.'i'm sure he paid no more than 350 new. If he did he's a fool. My offer stands at 75, or keep using it as a paper weight!
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