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that dude

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Everything posted by that dude

  1. Ugh you cab buy that gun new for around 480. Maybe it's a special edition
  2. I'm loving it! Will take thus weather over snow
  3. does he work on mossbergs?
  4. issacspapa= paul ...look under sponsors. he may only work on remingtons, not sure . pm him for more information
  5. Lol you guys think it's so easy? Asshats
  6. Clean her up take some outside shots picsxare horrible
  7. Riding the high seas of chp lk
  8. 18 should be the driving age IMHO
  9. Damns i ain't got Yo brush my tooth no more
  10. ID rather keep pissing you off! Bud light salutes you mr grammar spelling bee champion man!
  11. If you use clay bay soak it in hot water So it's pliable. Make sure you keep it wet
  12. surely not your skinny fucking ass
  13. awesome, your friends might laugh at you when a dude with pink hair bitch slapped you across the face
  14. Actually my buddy just the htc revo. It's a nice phone, a close second to the apple
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