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Everything posted by Tigerpaw

  1. I hate it when conspiracy theories discount the real lives that were lost in a given event. Sandy Hook, 9/11, etc. I wouldn't be able to control my anger toward one of these people if I was a survivor/family member.
  2. There should be enough random warm days through the winter so she can be familiar with it by spring time.
  3. Vigo(ala Ghostbusters II) LOL
  4. Tigerpaw

    2015 R1

    ^^^ Thanks. Can't wait to see one in person! ^^^
  5. Tigerpaw

    Beer Pics

    LOL, no pic...but just had West Sixth IPA from the Tap. Delicious. As was the barbecue at Famous Daves. http://www.westsixth.com/ipa/
  6. Thanks for putting this out here. I had no intention of trying it, but now I know for sure.
  7. Tigerpaw

    2015 R1

    I think I found my next bike, after I get back from the desert...
  8. Cool Vid. Looks like a great trip. Congratulations! I actually do feel a little guilt when I chose to ride all day(or all weekend). Every time is unique though. I try to maintain a good balance over the long term. My wife is very supportive.
  9. Probly overkill on the overhauls!
  10. Yes you can. The other person can receive your texts(you just can't see them).
  11. About to suit up and slab down there.
  12. I know, right. I was pretty pissed when I read the manual!
  13. We have a 2012 JSW TDI. I like the engine but the DSG tranny is finicky, and won't allow you to tow.
  14. I'll be there. **Nice Meeting you and Bubba the other week.
  15. True. Though, the average parent deals with bodily fluids on the regular.
  16. Yet, we are told over and over, that it is "VERY DIFFICULT to spread"
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