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Everything posted by wrillo

  1. weather doesn't look too terrible for tonight. Not sure if I can make it or not, I'd like to come hang out, but I need to check with some peeps
  2. Do DEPers count? lol I'm GOING active duty!
  3. Carrie owes me one, which is kinda on the DL, but what did you have to do for Ben to get dinner?
  4. I like the Radian. Nice catch for $500
  5. Right, sorry if that came off wrong... I meant to make the distinction that Dayton only has red light cameras. Didn't mean poop on your parade
  6. wrillo

    Im back

    alright, alright. Since gaybot didn't stick I'll try out jizzbot it really sounds like a male sex toy. I want one
  7. wrillo

    Im back

    Why isn't gaybot sticking?! I tried. This thread is just silly. I've met power, and I've met anderson, I like em both. Despite his name, gixxar isn't all that shitty either. Its just a forum, its not like you have to hang out with any of these people. So just don't say anything at all if you ain't got nothing nice to say, as momma would say. Picking on anderson would be like kicking puppies (for everyone except gaybot). I mean he was nice enough (and naive enough) to buy the biggest douche of OR history some wings
  8. I don't think I can go, I really wish I could. Have fun, and plan another one later in the year
  9. I've always wanted to do that just to protest the idea, but I have too much fun watching the flash light up the night when some low life runs a red light. In my book, running red lights = you are trash. Thats how the first nice car I bought got trashed
  10. The deer may have dropped when it realized it was in trouble too... see the dog, cat, deer, and fawn video I posted. The dude on the camera bike was waving him over
  11. Even a baby has enough resistance that it isn't going to feel the current produced by shorting a 12v battery
  12. except that it wouldn't work at all... you're just shorting out the battery as pictured that and you ever accidentally touch both terminals on a car battery at the same time? Remember what happened? nothing.
  13. yes, because that'd be appropriate for gaybot
  14. Blame alab He started this shitty azz thread
  15. well if you say "j" bot really quickly it does kinda sound like gaybot. I like it, gaybot
  16. hollywood, when are you coming over to try out the new hand signals?
  17. awe damn! You have a money tree?! I knew mom was full of shit!
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