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Everything posted by wrillo

  1. think you could wrap a frame and swing arm? that'd be sweet, but I fear that the welds would get in the way
  2. wrillo

    BBQ list

    or seeing the rapid twitch like a fish in the rear view mirror
  3. except when there is a rhino under the wagon
  4. You can run at Kettering High School also, and their track is great.
  5. really really hungry! they keep on pulling out more and more of them from his pockets and he keeps on eating them! how many of those does he have?! I've counted 13 so far
  6. You've got something on your shirt oh wait.. nevermind... thats just a logo
  7. ^^ underage DUI/OVI get hit pretty hard. My brother got one when he was 18, and he lost his license until he was 21. Whats also funny about that though, is he joined the marines and had a hummer license when he was 19
  8. I dunno? Obviously someone is lying. Honestly I think I'm sick of hearing about it, peace
  9. and now you can start to hate people all over again!
  10. 1. typing in all caps makes you look like a moron 2. someone is a lying sack of crap. Who gives someone something (presumably because they're the right owner), then files a police report about stolen property? You expect anyone to believe that? 3. No, its not a civil suit, because a crime was involved. That makes it a ... wait for it... criminal suit!
  11. maybe I should contact him about my floating frame mod... pay me $1000 and I'll do it
  12. too much to read... does this guy know yet that he totaled his bike out?
  13. I love the guys that know just enough about bikes to make themselves look stupid. I've talked to the random ass guys at gas stations and such, and they'll ask if they don't see the sticker first, "what is that a 1000?". I like to act offended and say "No. no, its a 600". Then its usually "I have a buddy that has a 1000" etc. I actually had this happen on Friday going to the car show up by the greene in beavercreek. I accelerated faster than an STI up to the speed limit, which was not a race of any form At the car show he asked what it was, and then started talking about his buddies that ride. I think it hurt his ego a little that his car was slower than a 600. Thats what people don't get, including some people the DO ride, 600s are FAST. So to fuss about 954 vs 999 vs 900cc is retarded.
  14. The story doesn't matter. The paper work does. So what if you can't prove he stole it. From what it says here, the person with the title in their name doesn't have the bike. Plain and simple, its his. Doesn't even matter who paid for it, if the title is in his name, he owns it
  15. I think the guy in this video has the aim down perfect! I can't stop watching this vid, its such a beautiful throw!
  16. Make the PD's job easy. Give them all of those things I said... The police are limited in what they can do, so you need to do it for them. I'll talk to my brother and see if there is anything else you can do to help them out
  17. Damn Fonz... I did not take that story very well. I'm glad your family is okay.
  18. I disagree. Pull your phone records too Kevin. Show the multiple calls and texts harassing you, and when you told your ex that you weren't home. Provide a written statement explaining you didn't file the report right away because you thought the matter could be settled between you and your ex to get your property back. When you found out it was sold, you decided to write the report. I have no problem with writing all this out, because its exactly what happened. I just wanted to coach a little
  19. Yota, you have the title to a bike he sold. Do like I said, eat a snickers and file a fucking police report with the screen captures you have, the title, and written statement from max, etc. Quit this bitching, because its not helping your case. Just go the legal route, cause it sounds like you have a rock solid case and someone else has received stolen property
  20. wrillo

    Riding tomo

    I can meet after 4
  21. I think someone needs a snickers http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zLrsCnBvQFo
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