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Everything posted by wrillo

  1. umm... okay... interested

  2. obviously... I was just sayin
  3. if you really got a problem with it, come see me on facebook, ill be more than willing to fuck someone's comment up by deleting it OR if you really got hard with it, come see her, ill be more than happy to video tape someone knocking up Kay
  4. Yeah, I was actually being nice to her, and talking to her about it. Then she noticed fifty bajillion OR members friending her. thx.
  5. It died because thats all that happened. She came down for the meet and greet in Columbus after I invited her. We went on a ride afterwards, she made up a story about why she had to go home, and that was it.
  6. OMG :lol: ... just noticed the Ducati is Fragile! haha
  7. damnit guys.. I told you not to friend her... now this:
  8. I have time today after six if you're good for it

  9. If Nick doesn't show I'm leading the group to his house
  10. Seriously though, same type of shit happened to a friend of mine except he was married, and he bought her a car. Sucks donkey balls when it happens.. now though, he is with a great chick that even I'm jealous of
  11. although, it would have been fun to take it from her... or sell it out from underneath her... mwahahaha
  12. I don't think you've EVER been around a pregnant chick I'm scared some pregnant bitches
  13. Bad idea. I'm prolly gonna get my ass kicked from Cleveland for posting this here
  14. I didn't think you were that chubby.. don't be so hard on yourself.
  15. I just thought it was a good blast from the left field of the past.
  16. Doubling up on condoms is a bad idea... Pills are good, but not perfect (nothing is) BUT with birth control pills, condoms, and the morning after pill, I'm not sure how you get pregnant without wanting it. Some people just won't admit its want they want, not saying thats the case here, just saying.
  17. Not really my thing, although I haven't searched for midget pregger vids. Midgets are cool.
  18. I'm still waiting for them... but I donno if I want them now that she is 18 weeks
  19. I knew you at the very least would get a kick out of it.. No, I'm not that dad. I haven't even tapped that
  20. wrillo

    K's Baby

    From the album: Random Posts

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