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Everything posted by wrillo

  1. wrillo

    Riding tomo

    well pick someplace fucker, I'm bringing you a book
  2. wrillo

    Riding tomo

    where ya starting off tomorrow?
  3. You're a bad person if you laugh at this: http://failblog.org/2010/05/14/epic-fail-videos-friday-rewind-soccer-throw-fail/ I'm a bad person btw.
  4. wrillo

    I love Arizona!

    communist bastards!
  5. do you know how big a bus is?
  6. I don't why I just watched that video again... literally makes me sick to my stomach
  7. wrillo


    You shut your bitch mouth!
  8. Is this real life? Cuz I gotta know who I'm not supposed to like.
  9. haha.. I saw it too! lol "I'm here for you, just look at me" "Well okay, if you insist"
  10. I think this was posted once before, making this a repost. In case that wasn't clear
  11. on a completely different topic, I like your new avatar
  12. wish come true. Went to the fridge and found Killian's hulu + beer, bed.
  13. I voted too... so they say 50 guests. With whatever family conflict that causes them to pay for their own wedding and all, they're probably looking for people to take, right?
  14. Kill it with fire!!!! Run!!
  15. How much you looking to spend on this little computer repair shin-dig? It sounds like you have an older computer, and I can certainly understand just keeping what you have alive. However, if you want to upgrade, I bought this for my parents with great results: http://www.newegg.com/Product/ComboBundleDetails.aspx?ItemList=Combo.390682 The above combo deal comes with motherboard, RAM, and processor. The processor is OEM in that combo though, so you'd need this too: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16835106135 So thats $155 plus tax and shipping for a new dual core computer, not a bad deal at all. I just recycled their case, CDROM drive, hard drive, and power supply. Not sure if you could reuse your power supply without knowing what it was and what connectors it uses. The motherboard needs a 20+4, and an additional 4-pin connector Anyhow, it worked out great for them, they love it. Its blazingly faster than their old P4 computer. If that sounds like something you'd want to do I'll help you out with it. Making sure it'll all work together and actually putting it together. I have thermal grease, extra screws and cables that come in handy.
  16. thats how you get shot, son. (see article)
  17. yeah, the mom sounds like an ignorant ass woman, but come on... its GRASS! not even the good kind! you don't kill over this kind of grass
  18. I may be able to help out... but that depends on a LOT
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