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Everything posted by wrillo

  1. Go to the last page of the boobies thread, and work your way back a little bit. ... maybe I'm thinking of someone else tho... I can't check now. Work + boobies thread = woobies. nobody likes woobies.
  2. I love everyone on OR. Except that Black Turd guy, no one seems to like him, so I don't think I do either. Whats Black Turd's screen name anyway? edit: oh my bad.. just checked, its Black Todd. sry.
  3. I saw a bumper sticker that said "Bumper Sticker"
  4. I saw this last night.. just didn't post up cuz I was tired and lazy and preoccupied with Sara's thread... lots of lawls. Its been in the book case a while, I forgot about it. Ohdaho, you can have it, but the only way I'll hand it off is on the highway at speed. I'll be on I675 South passing the 35 overpass at 6:01 tonight.
  5. I just got caught up on my OR... that was some funny shit! I need to meet this Julie^3 character
  6. No no no... the penis IS the pedestal womens needs to be on top of it
  7. MJ still has her man card wait... is that a good thing?
  8. Why can't Apple make a kids' version of the iPod Touch? Cause it would be the iTouch Kids™
  9. I'll poop at work, but thats because I like getting paid to poop. That sounds kinda weird... maybe I should re-word that? Anyhow, work and home, thats about it
  10. this doesn't address stalls. If there is anyone at the urinal, I default to a stall. If you go to a stall, you lift the seat (unless you're pooping, but that should be done at home).
  11. I don't care about flash. Its old, bulky and is only ever used for video delivery. There are better ways to do that now. I agree with Apple dropping flash, I don't agree with Job's BS "flash is a closed system" hype. Really?! CEO of APPLE saying that?
  12. I WANT FUCKING CELSIUS using it!
  13. sorry buddy, but thats grounds for the ban hammer. We're all friendly here,
  14. I suddenly don't feel bad about this thread turning to shit
  15. I guess you forgot about this, so the death in the family was bullshit too then?
  16. You can sell them the password to your itunes account. Not interested. I hate apple
  17. Its a stealership sale, dude was trying to play it off like it was his
  18. hahaha that was good, I like the car going under the semi truck! also the retard the goes through the intersection without hitting anyone, right into a phone pole!
  19. your mom is my strange
  20. sounds exactly like jews. jews too?! cereals?
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