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Uncle Punk

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Everything posted by Uncle Punk

  1. You should go tell the whiners over on Buckeye Firearms that you have seen the error of your evil thoughts. Oh wait you can’t because the assholes locked the thread because they couldn’t handle an adult conversation.
  2. I totally agree about being leery of others who don't know a thing about firearms. I think you are an idiot for not knowing how to handle them if you want to carry them. My concerns are none of the governments business and they don't need to be regulated.
  3. You forgot to include the Harley and cruiser hating. I personally don't like the 1911 fan boys either but any time I have a discussion with them the bastards stick around anyway. Some people have a better demeanor for internet discussions I suppose.
  4. I made the statement earlier that other states allow open and concealed carry without a permit or any required training yet there aren't any significant issues related to it. Why do you have so little faith in the Ohio residents that you think they can't handle the responsibility?
  5. If you want this country to be successful again you can start by not regulating them so much and allowing them to succeed or fail on their own. This is the struggle for the people to pursue or overcome not the governments.
  6. Yes, directed at you. Could it work, yes, it has for many states so you don't have to worry if it will. It's okay to have gut feelings that are wrong that is why you have us adults are here, to guide you through your misguided naive feelings. It's all good and if you ever feel the need to make public your desire to take away rights from people just ask again we will be happy to tell you how wrong you are again.
  7. Your feeling of the situation is wrong and without merit. When others in our country are allowed to protect themselves without regulation nothing bad happens. Why do you have so little faith in us buckeyes? Show me where not regulating has caused problems pertaining to 2nd amendment rights to defend ourselves and we can start a discussion. Until then your feelings are unfounded and shouldn’t be considered as a valid argument.
  8. I was an armorer (This does not mean that I am proficient with a weapon.) so I issued and received weapons along with running firing lines; the level of incompetency among those who have training is staggering. This has nothing to do with the fact that the means of which you choose to protect yourself or your competency to do so should be my decision. You have given me no reason to believe that it would be or should be. Are you doing yourself an injustice by not learning to be more proficient? Maybe, maybe not as I don't know what you want to achieve with your training. If you harm others by being incompetent then you should be punished but I shouldn't have to prove I am competent to protect myself.
  9. I assume that you have a CHL and you feel that your level of competency allows you to have one if not you would turn it in until you have the correct amount of proficiency. This makes me think because you have stated others shouldn't receive a CHL unless they are trained that you are better than they are and that your life is more important than theirs. You would like to keep firearms away from them as a means to protect them. I find training and competency levels to be so arbitrary when speaking of firearms that it is laughable. I have been in gun shops that employ off duty LEOs and hate their level of firearms handling. A similar argument can be held for riding a motorcycle. Not everyone wants to use a motorcycle the same therefore not everyone needs to have the same level of proficiency to commute or pleasure ride. Not being able to ride as well as others doesn't make you inferior to them, it doesn't make you enjoy your experiences any less and it shouldn't be any of my business it you don't meet the same level of competency that I have.
  10. Now I understand why they called you a dumb fuck liberal. If you want to put that regulation on yourself go right ahead, if you think that makes you better than others. Stay the hell away from my family with your liberal ideas of regulating their ability to protect themselves. If they are careless and harm others without cause punish them but don't assume to know their level of competency based on an arbitrary skills test. How would you like it if you fell below the level of competency for a skills test and had your ability to protect you and your family taken away? Believe me I can find people who think your skills with a firearm are woefully inadequate. I find that to be a stupid regulation as well.
  11. I have never been on the Buckeye Firearms site but I imagine it is similar to the OFCC site. I have looked around that site and couldn't join in any of the discussions because of too many restrictions. Like I stated earlier it is a great site for information but if it's a discussion you are looking for it's a very poor source for it. A good site for discussion doesn't mean that everyone has to agree with you and I don't mind at all being told I'm wrong in someone else’s opinion. I usually have a decent understanding of an issue if I’m making my take of it public, if not I’ll ask what are the facts I need to know if I haven’t formed an opinion. This is the internet and nothing is being solved by discussing issues. It may help to solidify or weaken your thoughts on an issue but nothing is getting solved. If I call you an idiot for your beliefs it doesn’t make it a fact so why get bent out of shape if others disagree with you?
  12. I have yet to find a gun related site with the ability to discuss gun rights with any amount of intelligent thought. There is a lot of good information to be gleaned from them but for discussion they suck. To be fair their missions don't usually include the free flow of thought, it is about furthering their agenda. I'm good with that and don't expect them to be my source for a discussion with discourse. I am not going to go back and read your thread unless we make this one interesting. Why don’t you post up your thoughts that didn’t go your way over there? Don’t be surprised if things don’t go your way if you are wrong and expect to be told so if you are. This site is moderated too much but not anywhere close to as much as the gun sites are. There is nothing wrong with being liberal has me thinking that you shouldn’t expect to like most of my replies.
  13. We'll see I suppose but I doubt it. Civil War is a brutal answer and something most don't have the stomach for. It may be time for one but it will be tragic if it happens. Maybe we have gone too long without one and the folks involved with the Bonus Army had enough memory of the devastation from our first one about 70 years prior to their incident.
  14. Not so fast. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bonus_Army
  15. What happened to them might have been wrong and if they have evidence against their employers they should have them prosecuted but being detained by our military doesn't mean they were tortured. I’m positive that there is a very strict protocol for the treatment of prisoners and would highly doubt our troops would torture American citizens.
  16. They weren't tortured, they were inconvenienced. They were creating an extra burden on our troops by being there. They would love the care they got had others gotten hold of them if they weren't living under the umbrella of our militaries protection. They are little whiney trouble makers who should direct their anger at the proper source.
  17. The little pussies were threatened with beatings and cold while being detained shut the fuck up. They weren't in our country they were in a war zone trying to profit by being there. They lose their rights and protections, fuck them. Rumsfeld will not be harmed by this a higher court will make a better decision. This is no big deal and should go away.
  18. There was no disparity between the video and the verdict. The officers were not guilty of what they were charged with. Had the prosecutors charged them with the proper charges a conviction would have been easy. They decided to make a name for themselves and over prosecute them; their incompetence came at a great cost. Had the officers been found guilty of any charges the riots wouldn't have happened.
  19. I totally agree that it was a bunch of bottom feeders but the riots were about the verdict and not the video. It was about fourteen months from the video to the verdict, if the video upset the dumbfucks so much they had plenty of time to burn the town down in that time.
  20. Were you here when those riots occurred? The riot wasn't about the footage it was about the not guilty verdict that was given to the officers involved. The rioters didn't respect the court system and decided to harm others who weren't responsible. They should have gone after the prosecutors because had they charged the officers properly a guilty verdict would have been very easy to achieve but they decided to charge them with a crime they didn't commit.
  21. Enough with the foreplay, lets fuck.
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