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Uncle Punk

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Everything posted by Uncle Punk

  1. http://www.scotusblog.com/2011/11/health-care-now-the-courts-turn/#more-131544 It has begun. I wish I had more time right now to join in this discussion.
  2. Tod, Though I would have preferred a different outcome tonight, the people of Ohio have spoken and I respect their decision. I’m grateful to all the volunteers who helped in this effort. You were essential and your work is appreciated. It was also inspiring to meet so many people who share our vision of recreating the jobs-friendly climate Ohio needs. In just 10 months, we’ve made significant progress towards getting Ohio back on track. We closed a record $8 billion shortfall while cutting taxes by $300 million, we improved Ohio’s credit outlook, we reformed Medicaid to control costs while improving services to the neediest, and we took job-creation efforts out of the hands of bureaucrats and entrusted them to private-sector experts that are already showing significant results. In fact, in 2011 alone Ohio has fostered more than 190 economic development projects that helped create or save more than 41,000 jobs and $2.4 billion in payroll, while generating $1.9 billion in new capital investments. I’m proud of our progress, but more work is needed. Despite tonight’s outcome, it doesn’t change the fact that Ohio's ability to create a jobs-friendly climate is impacted by local governments' ability to reduce their costs. Just as Ohio had to get its fiscal house in order—and make tough choices to do it—local governments must as well. Ohio must find innovative ways to help local governments provide good services and good value. According to the US Census, local government taxes increased 42 percent between 1999 and 2009, almost twice the rate of inflation. That’s an astonishing increase when, during the same period, Ohio lost more jobs than any other state except California and Michigan, population growth was flat, school test scores didn’t improve and personal income suffered. We can do better and we will. Ohio’s problems developed over time because too many people cared more about popularity than about making the tough—and sometimes unpopular—choices Ohio needed. Folks should know by now that that’s not my way. We won’t get Ohio back on track in a day, but our lives and our work aren’t sprints, they’re marathons, and we strive for bigger rewards than the fleeting praise of the here and now. We’ll keep moving forward, mindful of the lessons we learn, and we’ll restore the greatness of our state. I’m grateful for the chance to work with the people of Ohio on this mission. Together we can do it. Sincerely, John John Kasich Governor of Ohio </SPAN>
  3. One side was right but the voters were schizophrenic. We had seventeen issues in our county for tax increases to help pay for public workers and services, thirteen failed. Yet they voted to continue to allow the cost of the workers to remain the same. I guess they are going to get paid with magic fairy dust. Something has to give, if the people don't want to vote in tax increases for themselves then people and services will have to be cut if costs remain under the current structure. Unintended consequences are a bitch.
  4. Slow down guys, I am busy at work and don't have the time to respond to all of this. I can't wait to get the this one. A business isn't supposed to make a profit? We need to talk about being an American.
  5. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Oi3Hyxuf5AE
  6. Uncle Punk

    IMG 6080

    http://www.ohioriders.net/showthread.php?t=29214&highlight=avenger We even have Kay joining in
  7. You qualify, just email them a copy of your DD-214
  8. That is $11 cheaper if you order it from Bud's Police.
  9. And just when do you think that will be?
  10. Things are about to get fun and interesting. Both sides have their game faces on and are pulling no punches. I suspect the court will rule 5-4 on the individual mandate but there are a whole lot of possibilities for what that might mean, if they even hear the case this early. Cause may not take place until 2014 and this could just be tabled. First the Obama administration announces this. http://content.usatoday.com/communities/theoval/post/2011/09/obama-to-ask-supreme-court-to-hear-health-care-case/1 Then this comes out. (Well played.) http://www.cbsnews.com/8301-503544_162-20113883-503544.html Set to be heard here http://www.scotusblog.com/2011/10/health-cases-set/ http://www.scotusblog.com/2011/11/virginia-challenged-on-health-care/#more-131165
  11. So you're inferring that the police and firefighters know how to run and fix things? They seem to try to get traction out of saying that administrators can't make decisions on staffing numbers which lead to bottom line numbers. When times get tough you eliminate overhead, as important as the police and firefighters think they are they are overhead. If they continue to get the compensation packages that they currently are getting their numbers will diminish. They don't seem to care about that they got theirs and want to keep it. They are totally about what’s good for the people.
  12. Tod, In five days, we will decide the future of our state. I hope you can take a minute to read this excellent summary of Issue 2 by Kevin O'Brien, a columnist at The Plain Dealer in Cleveland. Here's a quick preview: "Issue 2 opponents have worked hard to make this election about emotion. They have also ignored the inconvenient certainty that the financial situations of localities across Ohio will necessitate layoffs, whether or not Issue 2 passes. They are quite prepared, though of course they will not say so, to resort to the time-honored union practice of "eating their young" when layoff time comes, so as to protect union leaders and other senior employees. That's why any talk of merit is anathema to them. If they win Tuesday, it will be because a majority of Ohioans do not understand the seriousness of an impending fiscal crisis at all levels of government." Let's make sure that doesn't happen. We've made so much progress this year, from eliminating an $8 billion budget shortfall without raising taxes to saving or creating 35,000 jobs. We can't afford to turn back now. Please share this email with your Ohio friends and family, and encourage them to get out and vote YES on Issue 2 now by early ballot or in-person at Tuesday's election. Together, we can build a better Ohio for this generation and the next. Sincerely, Mary Mary Taylor Ohio's Lieutenant Governor P.S. Have you seen the long list of organizations that have endorsed a YES on Issue 2? Check it out here.
  13. Good point for voting YES on issue 2, thanks for showing the truth about how public employees are compensated unfairly above what most people are and they are being asked to pay for the public employee benefits. I don't think I could have come up with as good of an argument on my own. See folks even the public employees know they are getting compensated better than the people who are paying them.
  14. I have used this method to put in raising links on a bike. I still have the rod if you want to borrow it.
  15. I can't believe I.P. would get the use of rep wrong. He has a long history of not being able to control himself where rep is concerned.
  16. I have had my hands on one but haven't ran it to know how reliable it would or wouldn't be.
  17. Is it wrong for an atheist to pray for the demise of their oppressors? Is it even more wrong for the demise to come to fruition and does that speak to the evil that must be destroyed if such prayers are answered?
  18. My secret is to be kind, gentle, sweet and polite with others, to allow them to have their own fun and not be an over moderating jack booted thug. If you are being good, bad things don't happen to you like the karma diseases being plagued on you currently.
  19. You kids listen to your elders. We have a consensus. You should undo your dirty work before you get labeled as jack booted thugs. Oh yeah, quit mocking me as well.
  20. Junior troll moderator is not happy? I would once again like to resubmit my request for moderator status. I promise to only post in closed threads where I can do the most good.
  21. http://www.ohioriders.net/showthread.php?t=85120 I would like to report the junior moderators for fucking up another thread by locking it. No good can come from their childish behavior of protecting us from the troll. I'm willing to take my chances but am being thwarted by the troll moderators.
  22. I like the ability to discuss firearms with limited moderation. Gun forums are too restrictive in subject matter and free ideas. The know it alls on gun forums are really annoying to have a conversation with when the parameters are so narrowly defined. A fucking stupid comment needs to be replied to appropriately and discourse needs to have its place. Suggesting that doing something illegal in conflict with a stupid law should have a place to get hammered out. If you don't agree with my ideas or opinion you should be able to do it without guidelines just like in the real world. Gun forums suck for the most part. You can glean valuable factual information from them but discussion in them really sucks.
  23. Someone needs to do a "Stoned Cold Killa" poster for him.
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