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Uncle Punk

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Everything posted by Uncle Punk

  1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dENEvR2T6iY
  2. Closet Ducati lover, want to be hater.
  3. GM retirees had their healthcare benefits taken away as well. If there isn't enough money to pay for things it's bound to happen. I'm sure they would have liked to ask others to pay for their benefits as well.
  4. Everyone has to go through their own process at their own pace to get comfortable around firearms just like they do when riding motorcycles. Please don't fall into wrong firearm information just like many do with wrong riding information. I do not believe that the gun in your article went off from striking the ground. It is close to impossible for that to happen. It's kind of like people who won't use their front brakes.
  5. Firearms don't manage to go off unexpectedly unless they have been tinkered with to make them unreliable. Don't pull the trigger and if won't go off.
  6. Not true if you have a policy in place for a minimum amount of time at least for some policies. The situation doesn't call for the government officials to confiscate her private property. Give them back to her.
  7. You live so far away that when you venture up to see me in January you have to get a hotel room for the night because it's such a long drive, that's not local in most people’s estimation.
  8. If you Ducati riders didn't think you are better than other riders and try to dismiss them just because their bikes are different than yours you wouldn't have to keep defending yourselves. Just because you can't understand someone else’s choice of what they ride it isn't a good enough reason to assume that they are trouble. Why you got to be like that?
  9. I guess I'll have to quit taking the Sub 2000 to the range. Seriously, how did we get such stupid laws passed? It just goes to show that you don't have to know what you are doing to be a politician.
  10. Let me get this straight, if I'm carrying a Glock with a CHL and I'm going to the range with my Kel-Tec Sub2000 that accepts Glock magazines I'm doing so illegally? Please post the ORD for that.
  11. They are a pretty predictable group to figure out, sad really. There is no way a Ducati rider will venture out to be able to understand what it takes to have real motorcycle experience.
  12. Don't pay any attention to I.P. he thinks his shit don't stink because he rides a Ducati. Like most Ducati riders he has a little penis and can’t ride. He thinks anyone who can ride isn't doing it right because they aren't on a Ducati. He envies the skill most stunters possess and is just jealous.
  13. Where in the fuck did you get your concept of local?
  14. It is to be expected that I never wave to anyone on a bike again unless I think it will annoy them.
  15. Let me preface this by stating my MOS was 2111 (Armorer) if that means anything to my ability to think critically about my own personal defense. I do not feel unsafe if I were to go out unarmed maybe that has to do with being a dumbass Marine that thinks he can handle most situations. I do however feel unprepared if I'm not armed. I certainly don't carry because I'm afraid, I carry because I think it gives me an advantage to win if a situation arises that I can't control. I have no more of a chip on my shoulder when I carry nor do I go to or put myself in what I perceive as harms way because I carry. No one is in danger of me harming them when I carry unless they intend to cause me harm. I don't trust the judgment of someone who has decided to take something from me by force to not cause me harm if I surrender my possessions to them peacefully. You undoubtedly have seen very many mistakes in firearms handling as I have by people who have been instructed on proper protocol. I have bloodied many a face for returning a firearm to me barrel first. Why would you think I'd be willing to accept someone who has a weapon to handle it properly throughout taking my possessions and not accidently cause me harm. Semper Fi
  16. All legal manuvers to get their agenda passed on what they saw as being a way to help the state and its communitys balance their budgets. I am thankfull to them for trying and am afraid letting the populace vote to take away that ability will hurt the state in the long run. Most people don't have the big picture in mind and only vote their own self interests without knowing all the consiquenses. Beware of getting what you ask for. There is a parallel between the health care bill, as soon as the next election was help a big percentage of the people who vote for it were removed, we have that ability to do that now in Ohio by not voting for the people who passed this. A representative republic doesn't get to vote on every issue of law made. I'm fairly certain if voted on some of our constitutional rights would be removed, it's a slippery slope. There are plenty of people who would love to have the ability to vote on the national health care bill just because they don't like it but the people who passed it were put in place by people who are for it. There are four or five other threads on this same issue make sure you draw your data from all of them for your hypocrisy trap.
  17. It wasn't questionably voted in at all, I don't see how you can get to that conclusion. It hasn't been repealed yet but it is starting to look like it may. We elected the representatives to make the laws and if you don't like them vote in ones who will work for you. I don't think we need to have a special election for every law we don't agree with. Be wary of unintended consequences. I am not suggesting you move away or quit your job unless the grass is greener. There are options but I don't see too many public employees thinking that the grass is greener on the other side and jumping ship because they are being treated unfairly. In most cases public employees have a better benefit package than their private counterparts who the public employees expect to pay for their compensation. Things have hit everyone hard and concessions have been made by most all private employees and it's time for the public ones to feel the same pain.
  18. Not that LE or Firefighters have a good bitch but their employment has little civilian crossover jobs. Teachers have opportunity to work at private schools but not as abundant as public schools. Medical employees have way more opportunities to work in the private sector. If things aren't so rosy working a public job go to the private sector, that should be easy, right. Things change and adjustments need to be made. I had over 20 years in the Social Security system before they changed my retirement age by two years. There wasn't a big out cry of people complaining about how unfair it was because it was something that needed to be done.
  19. Let’s keep the facts straight, only public hospital employees will be affected. The vast majority of medical professionals will not be affected.
  20. I have a 6 x 12 R&R trailer without the etrack that I bought new for over 5K in 2008. This is an excellent price and a very nice trailer. I have towed it over 15K miles and paying the extra for an aluminum trailer has saved me more in gas than the initial upfront cost of the trailer. A bonus is you still have a nice trailer that isn't all rusted up in a few years. If I didn't already have the one I do now I would be all over this one.
  21. I'm not sold on the idea of using thicker soles to resolve a height issue unless you are riding a scooter. I'm not saying it can't be effective but there are some potential drawbacks. I have a pair of riding boots that I quit wearing because they were too thick and I had to rotate, pivot my foot too much to make a gear change. For some it may not matter but on a spirited back road ride with a lot of gear changes or on a track it was quite annoying.
  22. I don't blame anyone for voting their own self interests because I am doing the same. Hopefully my side wins and it’s just the start of fixing some of our issues.
  23. This bill doesn't have the ability to fix the real problems responsible for the issues at hand. I see one of them being politicians that have no business experience negotiating contracts while having no understanding of how to realize sustainability. If you live in an area where the elected city council thinks that city workers should have benefits beyond what is the prevailing wage package little can be done to stop them from giving that away. They don't have to worry about how long their decision affects the city after they are gone or what will happen if revenue diminishes. It's the fox guarding the chicken coup. The state at one time guaranteed college to Ohio National Guard members to increase participation. It was a great program for those who took advantage of it but it was discontinued because of a law that doesn't allow for one session of legislature to make expenses for another. It was an expensive proposition and one that probably never should have been implemented. Thankfully there was a stop gap in place that brought back the spending to an oversight which stopped it. Should we renegotiate contracts with workers after each election? Probably not because we won't get talented people filling the jobs if they can't depend on their income. I'm not certain what the solutions are but government employees can't stick their head in the sand thinking they can keep going at the status quo while the rest of those around them have had to make adjustments.
  24. The video certainly does point out how the issue doesn't reach far enough and the reasons for it in the first place. The people who were given raises in the new administration I see as an abuse of power but two wrongs don't make a right. We need something in place to keep that from happening just like we are currently trying to do with this issue pertaining to the rest of our government employees. My biggest issue with the whole public employee system is double dipping. Shy of eliminating the S.S. system the public employees should at least have to conform to those standards. The S.S. system is constantly being touted as not sustainable yet workers can work 45 years before realizing any benefits from it. Public employees can work 20-30 years get a retirement then start another career eligible for another retirement benefit.(I’m going to leave their health care benefits out for now.) There is no way that is sustainable and it needs to change. Thankfully the guy in the video points it out as an abuse that needs to be addressed. Hopefully we can get another issue passed to get this option taken away and I would be for the current issue even more so if it was already part of it.
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