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Uncle Punk

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Everything posted by Uncle Punk

  1. You cannot possibly be fucking with me, that would be mean and uncalled for. Tell that butt itch to quit stirring the pot.
  2. Fine, you just go and have fun on your magical mystery tour. Have fun missing your turns and having to turn around to only miss half of your intended route. What do I know? If you are going on an unfamiliar route no matter what the group size is you need a competent sweep rider to help keep the cluster fuck to a minimum if that's at all possible.
  3. At this time so close to the ride I would suggest not changing the route. Anytime I have been on a ride with a late change it has turned into a cluster fuck. Gravel is a subjective thing and I have been on roads I thought were fine while others on the ride thought it was terrible. It is a public road and you should be riding within your limits to give you some out options. Very rarely is the gravel all the way across your lane and if you can't go below it or above it you are probably going too fast for the street. Have fun and be safe. My trials riding weekend went to shit and I am at home all weekend on a liquid diet for 2 to 3 days, fuck it sucks getting old.
  4. Tom, if you end up at Kennedy's and have to order something I am there enough to pick it up and bring it to you. Don't you other guys get to thinking that's a service I provide for everyone, I am at Tom's work a lot also.
  5. I have no idea what that text actually said somehow I can't find it. I got a new phone Monday with voice to text and the results when things go wrong are hilarious, almost as good as the autocorrect Apple has. I still don't have a clue what I'm doing with the phone yet but when I tried to make it say "You're missing bike night bitch" it came out something about a butt itch. I sent it anyways and it was made even better when you didn't have a clue who sent it to you. You guys have fun riding this weekend. I will be competing in my first trials competition this weekend and getting my ass kicked by a little girl or two.
  6. Kennedy's Sport Cycle in Elyria. http://www.kennedyscycles.com/
  7. If he hasn't rode with you yet, you aren't one of them. That goes for the rest of you fuckers who are riding when I can't.
  8. If I hadn't bought the scooter this year I would have had that Husaberg already. Fucking new roof taking all my monies.
  9. Or you could provide the link. It's really simple since it's the same as what you put in between the map wraps. I'll bet there are several others in the same situation a Tony but aren't saying anything. Don't be so stingy and secretive with your route, share the love.
  10. Don't you have the same problem when I post them with the map wraps? That is why I also post the link along with the map wraps. Does that work for you or can't you see them as well?
  11. If you sport bike guys are PMing Casper to complain about something you read on the internet you are a bunch of pussies and so are the cruiser guys if they are doing it also.
  12. Can you please elaborate?
  13. Do you get as many PMs from butt hurt sport bike guys who are pussys and can't take the internet for what it is or is it mostly the cruiser pussys?
  14. Carry on http://www.kennedyscycles.com/custompage.asp?pg=rental
  15. Reading comprehension is not your strong suit. If fucking with the cruiser crowd distracts you so much that you can't keep up you need to take a break from it and pay attention to your own thread.
  16. If you can get to Grafton to pick it up you can use mine. The trailer is being used for my brother to move and I will be in Toronto, Ohio for a trials competition that weekend so you would need to find a way to transport it if you have to do it by yourself. It may be too much scooter for you though, it's a 250 missile.
  17. And what rear would that be? One of them super long lasting no traction put you on your ear sport touring tires or one of them expensive one ride stick like glue racing donuts? Weekend riding is serious business and you need to win the trophy for the group ride or don't bother showing up, I say go for the racing slick and don't forget the racing fuel. Make sure you have a pit crew following you so they can get the tire warmers on for you at gas stops, you don't want them tires to get cold. I might show up for the start but it will just be to ogle the umbrella girls.
  18. I missed the list of big boys here, can you tell me who they are or where to find the list? I may be able to make the make-up, make-up ride on Monday if I'm not busted up from riding dirt bikes Saturday and Sunday.
  19. Slow down tiger, thats 410 miles from Lodi to Lodi and you want to add more miles? You're a hard core mother fucker who will probably be riding by himself starting that early.
  20. Do this one. 410 mile loop from Lodi to Lodi. http://maps.google.com/maps?f=d&source=s_d&saddr=OH-83+S%2FAvon+Lake+Rd&daddr=40.23587,-81.87725+to:OH-78+W+to:OH-78+E%2FWoodsfield+Rd+to:39.664833,-81.249582+to:39.56244,-81.2053+to:2nd+St+to:OH-7+N%2F5th+Ave+to:OH-255+W+to:OH-800+N+to:39.550616,-81.2039121+to:Greene+St+to:OH-550+W+to:OH-550+W+to:39.59012,-81.97744+to:OH-555+S+to:Underwood+St+to:40.0442303,-81.9720311+to:OH-208+E%2FDresden+Adamsville+Rd+to:40.372225,-81.9851668+to:OH-39+W+to:OH-83+N%2FAvon+Lake+Rd&hl=en&geocode=FfaYcQId8tUc-w%3BFV7zZQId_qYe-ynfnee8mpg3iDGrKEbfix_8Yw%3BFZRsXQIdMo8h-w%3BFZ66XgIdShwm-w%3BFcE8XQId0joo-ykZfuQ9syA2iDEWqb68jYBHzw%3BFcisWwIdzOco-ynzomLw1N1JiDErlzCVqsKlUw%3BFQwPWwIdeg8r-w%3BFUqYXAIdGGAt-w%3BFWYbXgIdZmUq-w%3BFeRCXgIdHkkq-w%3BFZh-WwIdOO0o-ylnBwlIzN1JiDEykQar-VoSvQ%3BFa5uWQIdekIl-w%3BFaVDWQIdJcwk-w%3BFSB_WQIdsJkf-w%3BFegYXAIdoB8d-ylXLYL9yRtIiDHmwpRSYdIJ7g%3BFUD9YAIdErMc-w%3BFRqOYQIdHcUc-w%3BFcYGYwIdwTQd-ylXUPnnRpM3iDGR30gApir_Dw%3BFdYxZAIdfMsc-w%3BFQEIaAIdcgEd-ykl5mhpOnY3iDHEb5E9wXCR0g%3BFf4lawIdunQc-w%3BFSGZcQId8tUc-w&mra=ls&via=1,4,5,10,14,17,19&sll=40.849138,-81.90033&sspn=1.597643,3.556824&ie=UTF8&ll=40.195659,-81.491089&spn=1.613293,3.556824&z=9 I didn't get to do it, someone might as well. If I don't have plans made for me for July 16 or 17 I might try to do it again.
  21. I wasn't being sincere with that statement. If I'm going to be slowing down I will be going to some sort of touring bike instead of a sport bike. Anything but a cruiser or a Harley.
  22. 31 front, 30 rear. My tires never cold shear.
  23. My weekends are planned out so no street riding for me until July 16th.
  24. I may try that at some point in time. I am worried about being used to having the grip of the street/track tires and then not having it with the sport touring tires on a sport bike. I won't be saving any money if I end up on my ear. Slowing down might be an option.
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