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Uncle Punk

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Everything posted by Uncle Punk

  1. Trailer over to my shop it's five miles away from the meeting spot we might even be able to put it in the building when we're gone but wouldn't need to because it's not something anyone would see outside. Get here earlier though. The KTM I am excited to see.
  2. If the brothers were traveling side by side and one of them was able to stop before and impact took place the speed might not have been that fast on the riders part. If one was in a wheelie and the other wasn't the car should have seen the bike not doing the wheelie and not pulled out. I'm guessing the one that hit the car wasn't a very good rider and couldn't stop in time or was on one wheel.
  3. Yep, thats the place. The Circle-K is where I'll be. If there are no other riders who plan to meet me there I can meet you in Lodi at the Pilot about 10:30. Are you riding or trailering?
  4. http://www.ohioriders.net/showthread.php?t=15420 The videos are gone!
  5. Based on what knowledge do you come to the conclusion that the police monitor this site to plan traps for the group rides? It has never happened on any ride that I have been on nor have I heard of it happening to any other group ride. Making up stupid shit to post only makes you look stupid, you should probably stop.
  6. The thread title stated " Late night wheelie collision next to my neighborhood" The article stated that two brothers were riding together and the wrecked bike didn't look like a Blackbird. Fairly safe bet that it wasn't you so yes funny. I missed the part where someone could die but I can see how a drama queen, insecure, attention whore could go there. Keep responding to me and we might get somewhere.
  7. I have refrained from commenting in your threads for the most part, what you have been doing around here doesn't bother me, but if you post up stupid shit you can expect it to be brought back up in your face. You don't get to dictate how others respond to your posts and only have yourself to blame if you get offended because you have supplied the ammo to seal your fate. If you can't handle that sit the fuck down and shut up for a while until you get a better lay of the land.
  8. Basically my experience with police auctions as well. Anything worth having is bid up past what a good private owner deal would be. I imagine it's hit or miss depending on who shows up but the more publicity an auction gets the worse your chances are of getting a good deal. I have even seen an extreme case where and auction was advertized and discussed so much in the local paper that a Corvette sold for more than I could have bought one at a dealer.
  9. Just a splinter, sorry about your lunch. I thought there would be more response for riding down to and around the Coshocton area. I am ready to ride if the rain holds off Saturday. New brake fluid, oil change, cleaned and lubed the chain last night, ready to roll.
  10. After a couple tries I only made it out once last year after I got the splinter in my finger. The last two hours of riding were very uncomfortable. This will be the first time since then riding a motorcycle, scooters don't count. http://www.ohioriders.net/showthread.php?t=65562
  11. Normally I would agree with you but this will be my first time out on a motorcycle this year so a break might be just what I need for my finger. I asked JCMathis to reverse his route so us Northeast guys could join in and not have to turn around and ride the road we came down on. Meeting them at their lunch stop is way more certain than trying to meet them along their flying route it gives both groups a larger window for circumstances beyond their control to make up time.
  12. For all of the Northeast riders who are interested I will be leaving from the intersection of 82 & 83 at 10:00 sharp. To meet this group at Roscoe Village for lunch and to continue the ride with them until they cross Newark at route 79, at that point we will head home. We may see this group along 83 because both groups will be getting to Roscoe Village about 11:30 to 12:00. If there is much interest in riding along with me to join the CSBA group I will start another thread for the Northeast guys who are interested if it becomes confusing to organize here. For everyone who have wanted to ride with this group this is a great opportunity because they vary their routes and this might be our only chance to get together with them. I trailered down to their start point last year, rode the ride and trailered back home, both trips I was driving in the dark at some point. This is a good group and fun to ride with. JCMathis leads at a pace similar to mine for a reference to the riders who have ridden with me. This will be their ride once we make contact with them.
  13. Sorry no back door rentals this year since they have a contract with a rental company that will be violated if caught doing so. The standard rate is $100 a day for scooters and cruisers that they have in the rental system. A lot of that number is fixed cost so not much of a discount to be had, PM me for more info if still interested.
  14. Don't you boys hurt this kid! This should turn out to be a very slow ride just to say you did it.
  15. The soonest we will be there is 10:15 but really have no clue actual time because no passing will be taking place on the way down. It might be hard to figure when the group will make it to New Concord so we can pick up the guys from Columbus. You can always go to Nelson, this ride may never happen again. Rode the new scooter a little and need to relearn how to ride something without engine braking, wholly shit there is absolutely none. The rear shocks are for shit and hate to be upset when compressed by a bump in a curve, it's very bad when two up. I need to check to see what settings the rear shocks are at, will probably be going to the hardest setting to keep it from bottoming out. I haven't found much too bad about the front shocks because the rear is so bad but that will change once I get the front brakes bled and new fluids replaced. The scooter is a leftover 2009 with less than 300 miles that must have air and moisture in the system because they fade really quickly. I went to the Pride of Cleveland Scooter store to see if they had a mounting kit for the free top box I scored but no luck. (Made a mounting kit myself.) They did have a windshield in stock for my scooter so I bought it, stupid spur of the moment purchase at full retail, I hate doing that especially when there is a 30% markup on Givi but it was there and I didn't have to wait. I love the thing it's over my head and no more eyes watering when I'm squiding out with just sunglasses as my only protective gear. I may have to cut it to get it into my trailer though it's that tall. I haven't touched any hard parts yet but need to get the rest of the things sorted out before really pushing it. It goes get slowed down going up grades but will accelerate faster than an Ninja 250 going down a grade with a higher top speed. I really need to control myself when trying to make a pass. The 1K will pass at will in stupid quick fashion, the scooter not so much. I scared myself, an oncoming car and the car I was passing in the Metro Park making a pass that shouldn’t have been attempted.
  16. Blowing Chinks google image search
  17. I don't know what model I have but it doesn't have the side curtain airbags. Does the SS for sale have a sun roof and rain sensing wipers or am I not seeing it in the description? Towing package?
  18. It has the side curtain airbags? That was a fairly expensive option at the time and a possible good selling point for people looking for that option.
  19. Tod, Shame on the nursing home industry for trying to scare our senior citizens. Last week the Ohio Health Care Association began running a television ad that the AARP said "crosses the line" and utilized "half-truths and the emotions of the frailest." It's no secret that the nursing home lobbyists have been able to flex their muscle for years. There is a better way. Governor John Kasich has proposed giving more choices to our seniors who want to stay at home rather than in a nursing home. They can have better care, preserve their dignity and save taxpayers money, all at the same time. Governor Kasich's bold reforms for seniors have been lauded all across the state. Here are just a few examples: Akron Beacon Journal: Ohio senators now must stand firm with the governor in facing down the nursing home lobby Columbus Dispatch: Lawmakers Should Ignore Nursing-Home Efforts to Reverse Elder-Care Reform AARP Ohio: Skilled Nursing Television Ads Cross the Line The nursing homes' desperate, shameful tactics show how much they have to lose. Our seniors deserve better. You can help. Contact your state senator here and let them know you support the administration's reforms which will allow more seniors to stay at home and save tax dollars for all Ohioans. Sincerely, Kasich Taylor for Ohio Team
  20. If guns are dangerous why would anyone have one? Can't we all agree what is the safest model, caliber and the safest way to carry them? It should be the same for everyone right?
  21. Shouldn't everyone carry a .45 because they are the safest?
  22. Uncle Punk


    Look that guy is riding on touring tires that's not safe he should be using track/street tires because they have better traction and are safer. That bike only has one front brake rotor what an idiot for riding a bike that unsafe two rotors are superior and everyone should ride a bike with two rotors it's safer. Why would someone ride a bike with a chain don't they know that they could come off? Don't they know driveshafts are safer? Can you believe he is riding with three year old brake fluid? Everyone knows that you should change it every two years; I can't believe someone would risk riding a bike like that. What a risk taker, simple maintenance will keep you safer. I hear that he doesn't use synthetic oil in his bike, doesn't he know his engine could seize up when he's riding using that dinosaur oil. I can't believe the risks some people take when it's so simple to be safer. That bike is too fast, why do you need a bike that will do almost 100MPH in first gear when the speed limit is 70MPH? You should ride a bike that is slower because they are safer. Look at the windshield on that bike, it's totally insufficient. Don't they know if they drive too long in the wind they will become fatigued and lose concentration? Everyone should have a large windshield because they are safer. I can't believe someone would try to ride one of them crotch-rockets all bent over like that it will wear you out and make all of your joints sore. Don't they know that if they sat up correctly on a real bike they would be safer? How can someone ride a bike that weighs 800LBS they can't stop for shit? Every bike should weigh less than 400LBS because they're safer. How can someone only spend $2,000 for a bike? I bet it doesn't even have ABS. You should be spending at least $15,000 to $20,000 for a bike to have all the features that make you safer. Did you see him riding wearing work boots? Doesn't he care about his safety? Sure his ankle is covered but what about twisting it or getting ran over by another bike. Everyone should wear racing boot because they are safer. What kind of idiot would wear jeans while riding? Leather pants are the only real way to protect yourself everyone should wear them because they make you safer. OMG he is wearing a mesh jacket, I guess he doesn't care that they explode when you hit the ground offering no real protection. Everyone should wear a leather jacket or better yet a one piece racing suit because they are safer. Look at the helmet he's wearing that cheap piece of shit, I bet he only paid $100 for it. Everyone knows you have to pay at least $500 for a good helmet because if you pay more they're safer. The gloves he's wearing are not nearly long enough to protect his hands and wrists adequately. Only gauntlet gloves should be worn because they are safer. I don't believe that someone should be riding a motorcycle on the street without years of dirt bike riding experience behind them. How else are they going to get enough experience to ride on the street? Everyone should have years of riding experience, and pass rigorous testing, it will only make them safer. You can't really handle a motorcycle unless you have done at least four track days. If you haven't made it to the advanced group by then maybe you should rethink your choice to ride because you just aren't good enough to ride. Only advanced track day riders have the knowledge to ride safer................. People's moral superiority assessments of the choices I make for myself only proves that they have guessed incorrectly about their superiority.
  23. Having worked on and carried more 1911s than I can count I'm not a fan of the platform at all but understand the nostalgia factor to them. If you're looking at .45 and just have to have that caliber I would probably go with a 1911. Here's one in your price range. http://www.stiguns.com/guns/Spartan/Spartan.php
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