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Everything posted by speedytriple

  1. 20 or 30 round for that price? If thats for 30 rounders thats cheap.
  2. Whats the box say? Should have a shipper address on it.
  3. Where ya get the pmags and what was their price?
  4. Yeah tell me about it. I do get off 32 hour this weekend.
  5. Ive read on other ohio hunting forums that the ranch in vinton closed and just released the pigs into the wild. Not sure if thats true or not. Looking for wild not ranch pigs but thanks for the leads so far.
  6. Anyone ever try hunting wild boar in ohio? Any hot spots to go to. Looking for info but not finding much besides the map on the odnr site. Thanks for any help.
  7. A&A is the only one close to the neo. It is dirty and hillbilly kinda like nelsons you should fit in fine.
  8. Hey Todd, I am gonna be in hilliard this Sunday to try to do a bike swap. Any chance I can swing by and pick up the Mags for my AR?
  9. Should have just got her the highlights she wanted. J/K lol
  10. I will be riding sunday down to cbus to let the triple go. My last ride on the old green meanie.
  11. Lier a elbow trumps all others. LOL!
  12. .380 sucks for price and trying to find it.
  13. .380 sucks anyways, just go get the lc9. Did you try polishing the feed ramp on it? I did this to the TCP I use to have and it cycled flawlessly.
  14. I have around 1500 rounds through my lc9. When i first got it the front sight came loose ruger fixed it. They put a roll pin in it. The newer ones have the pin in them now. Other then the front sight i have had no other problems with it. After the first hundred rounds has not had another jam on any ammo i feed it.
  15. I like lc9 a lot. Their good little guns for the money. Nice work on the backstop and range so far.
  16. Wish i had time to shoot. Its been way to long.
  17. Speed triple is looking like its a done deal. The dr is back up for sale/trade again.
  18. Man if my deal had not just fell through on my dr i would have picked this up for my boys. And Gump is a stand up guy. If my dr sells fast enough i will be in contact Gump.
  19. Well bula is the least populated county up this way lol.
  20. When was the last time you saw someone running around with a sword? Well you do live in the Bula it is possible? And can't you block a sword with your elbows?
  21. New OSU and browns colors if anyone is interested.
  22. I bought mine at fin they took some horton arrows an cut them to length for the bow they seem to fly better then the ones that came with it. I will have to look to see what they gave me. I have a crossbow so all the compound bow talk is still spanish to me also. But it is a great bow that has a nice range of adjustment. My 9 year old can pull it at its weakest setting. But it can be adjusted up high enough to hunt with.
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