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Everything posted by speedytriple

  1. Good pick up you will enjoy it they are great guns.
  2. Let me know sniper .. I will even let you swap out for my superior xd to try a newer Glock.
  3. Dont know anyone I go shooting with that owns a glock and I am not renting one of the new ones. I rented one years ago from stonewall when I was looking for a 9mm and cant stand the grip angle.
  4. Lets see if this works this is my newest pup bruiser. at 10 months he is just over a year now. here is one of my other pups in the back ground when we brought the puppy home.
  5. Can you get me one, But for my xd? LOL!
  6. Marlin 60 was my first gun they are great guns. My dad bought it for me when I was 16. shot it for over 15 years ALL the time before it started having issues. Was replaced a few years ago with a 22 with a detachable mag, the tube feed is not bad but mags are better..
  7. I call bullshit on the white house shooting. 800 yrds an they said they recovered a ak-47 we all know you can't hit the broad side of a barn past 200 yards with a ak47 Lol...
  8. get a pocket gun and deep conceal screw them its your safety that they are trying to restrict with there no carry rule.
  9. :rolleyes:My work has a strict no fire arms policy also, nuff said about that.
  10. Ok so carry it mag out in a pouch/holster out side then put mag in and go about your day. That would be transporting a firearm not carrying it? or just go deep concealment and don't worry about it.
  11. speedytriple

    Beer Pics

    Your taste buds probably don't like the taste of Likwids man juice but you seem to slurp that down LOL! (blame the natty ice!)
  12. If they came out with a chocolate flavored lube maybe I could get a blow job for the first time in way to long? Any one have links?
  13. speedytriple

    Beer Pics

    or maybe one of you old farts remember this beer? I have a small collection of old steel cans.
  14. Skater dude should have picked up the gun and beat the dudes ass with it. And sorry if someone pulled a gun on me like that I am gonna empty my mag in their chest.
  15. ^^ so what your saying is he's better then you already right?
  16. Anyone else catch the line about out west? Think this is mostly for those crazy kali commies. Almost all the public land I have been on or hunted on all prohibit target shooting in ohio.
  17. The guy at fin said the solo is getting bad reviews. Said he's been hearing issues with feeding and jamming up? Looked at a single stack keltec about the same size as the lc9. Its a hair smaller then the kahr cw9. And thinner then the p290. They don't have the berreta nano in yet but it is priced $100+ over the ruger
  18. I saw that. But the drive down and back would eat up any savings I would have gotten on the price of the gun and its a right hand holster which does me no good since I am left handed. I already got mine from fin new for $339.
  19. Should this be moved to the firearms section thread "why carry a gun" got what he deserved little punk.
  20. My work does massive care packages for soldiers. If that is where she needs things sent I will see if they can add it to the soldiers they send to now.
  21. Anyone else own one? Starting to look for holster options. Pocket carry is not out, but it is a tad bigger then the 380 it replaced.
  22. So I took a trip to fin feather fur today to see what compact 9mm single stacks they had. Looked at the sig p290, the kahr cw9, the ruger lc9, the taurus 709 slim, and a 1911 in 9mm. The 1911 was out of my price range, and super heavy. The p 290 was also pricey at $600 and the trigger SUCKS! No thanks. The kahr, the ruger, and the 709 were left. Didn't like the 709 triger to much, also the grip didn't feel to good in my hand. Liked the kahr but liked the ruger better. Ended up putting one on lay away $339.
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