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Everything posted by speedytriple

  1. Might be getting battlefield 3 today check back later.
  2. speedytriple

    Beer Pics

    Who wants hub cap? that shit tastes like skunk piss. Jus sayin. maybe better off tap but the bottles I have had did not impress. I like sam adams winter lager much better.
  3. I had a 89 eddy baur (sp) With a stick shift and a 5.0 mustang motor in it. man I miss that truck...
  4. ^ this is true (dick for pointing it out)
  5. Don't get married and have four kids LOL! You will be broke forever!!!
  6. Who cares about bail outs. I want a new steel body for a bronco damn it..
  7. Thats about what I get out of my dr 350. But I bet your 650 turns less then my 350 at 65 mph. The dr almost matches the sppedo to tach in sixth gear. 65 mph is about 6300 rpm.
  8. I will have to check what shift I am gonna be on for this. If I am off that day I plan on bringing the bike hating other half with me to consume lots of pitchers. She can be happy to get away from the zoo for a few hours.
  9. What kind of fuel range does this have? I have the dr 350 and think this would be a better commuter bike for me. once again if my speedtriple sells in time...
  10. Don't care about the mustang, but bring on the first gen bronco. As no one makes a two door full size s.u.v. thats worth a shit these days. Miss my old bronco...
  11. Like I said I have a Taurus tcp and use it for summer/ bug carry. Very similar to the lcp I just like a few things better on the Taurus.
  12. Fixed with link to short barrel ccw gun just saw the hammer off LOL!
  13. Summer time windows down. put the beer thru the window opened the door, got in. Next thing the guy asks me for money or beer, gave him a few bucks then he dove thru the window. Sucks that people are that stupid for a quick score he almost got shot.
  14. They do make a .17 hmr handgun. I think with the new 25 grain rounds it would be a nasty carry gun. Those tnt rounds do some crazy shit. http://www.e-gun.net/more.asp?gid=20458&gun=Revolver
  15. That holster is no good it's for right handed freaks. If he was closer I would be all over this gun.
  16. I had a body guard .38 and if I was right handed I would have loved it. But since I am left handed I sold it and replaced it with a tcp .380 pocket gun.
  17. Trust me it was. As soon as I saw him round the corner from behind the building.
  18. I work off shifts, was getting out of work at 12 am and showered had a long day and wanted to stop for some beer. I stopped on the west side of cleveland at a gas station on my way home from work. walked in got my beer and was walking out to my s.u.v. I noticed a man coming up on me fast from across the back side off the gas station. He was either real drunk or on something. He starts asking me for beer or money. I gave him a few dollars I had and went to get into my truck. Next thing I know he jumped thru my window and was across my chest grabbing at my beer. After screaming and hitting him a few times to "get the fuck out of my car" He was still trying to climb in the window over my lap to grab stuff in my truck. I pulled my 9mm and screamed I have a gun get the fuck out of my car now. He dropped out the window onto the ground. Stood up and screamed don't shoot me. By now half the people in the gas station were either looking or walking up to my car. He fled into the dark side of the station where he came from. I didn't feel I needed to use deadly force on him. He had no weapon, but since he kinda pinned me to my seat and I had limited movement I felt the need to pull my weapon to remove him from my car. Sorry kinda got long winded there. But I have had a few stupid ass people by my work at night do crazy shit that made me feel glad I had my gun on me.
  19. I won't put the bike or my shorts away till it's ankle deep snow. I ain't called the walrus just because of my mustache. You all just need some more natural insulation.
  20. Congrats on your first gun then let me know how you like it I am still thinking about picking one of these up.
  21. speedytriple


    Don't have it yet sorry byntar....
  22. Hope you never come to a point where you DO need it. I have had a few times I have drawn my gun.
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