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Everything posted by speedytriple

  1. What cheby f'ed over rebuilt dodge? Or fix or repair daily? Found on road dead? you hinting at something?
  2. I pay for cable in my bundle but only watch t.v maybe 2-3 hours a week. But my kids would freak without there cartoons LOL! I went without cable for about 5 years till the kids got older and started watching more brain rotting shows.
  3. From the sounds of what you described it might be the head unit? I would take it in and have the dealer look into it first. If they won't cover it maybe replace the head unit to see if that helps.
  4. You guys are killing me LOL!! I have a smaller sentry safe its fire proof with a manual lock think it is maybe 3 cu feet. looks about half the size of the one you listed. I am happy with the one I have use it for house papers, titles and what not.
  5. I might sell my bf3 for my ps3 I HATE the stupid tanks and armored transports. You guys whine about campers on cod, the ass hats in the tanks that sit at spawn spots and blow you up every time are way worse. That and the maps are to big if you ask me. I like getting respawned a mile away just to run up to get blow up by a f'ing tank. I think I would rather deal with campers on mw3..
  6. So would selling my triple lol! Tell ya what Tony you buy my .380 for $3200 and ill throw the bike in free!
  7. Thanks for the kind words guys and yeah I wont sell junk. If it was not right I wouldn't sell it.
  8. Mine has never jammed on me. BUT I also polished the feed ramp on mine when new as I had heard of some feed issues with some other people online. If your local to cleveland and want to try it out we could meet at a range.
  9. I thought you were in cowshockton? He is 120 miles or about 2 hrs from cleveland.
  10. Why does everything good for guns have to be 120 miles away? Damn mistake by the lake...
  11. I have put 300 rounds of wwb. Blazer alum. American eagle and critical defense hp with out one issue.
  12. Will fix pic when I get home its in my album
  13. Wanting to pick up a ruger lc9. No need for two pocket guns. Location is near cleveland. Gun has stainless slide two mags and a pocket holster plus the pouch holster it came with. Has around 300 rounds.
  14. Yeah he sacrificed otis to save his own ass.
  15. Yeah it no resident evil style show that's for sure.
  16. But will they have any zombies next week? Lol
  17. I bet he falls on a arrow down a hill. Ouch
  18. Don't think there finding the girl
  19. I say they get attacked by a walker while there doing it lol.
  20. I just want a rifle first lol
  21. Why settle for the aimpoint? Just spend the same amount as the rifle and buy one of these http://www.slingpoint.com/optics-optics---red-dot-scopes-trijicon-acog-sight-amber-triangle-reticle-p-55362.html?osCsid=dc31cdd797ffa6b3e57425e1f3470270
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