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Everything posted by speedytriple

  1. I am not much on optics. I prefer a good set of irons. If I need a scope for it most likely not gonna be a red dot or halo.
  2. Looking at right hand rifles also what do you guys think about this one http://www.slingpoint.com/tactical-ar15-m4-rifles-bushmaster-moed-dkert-p-63789.html?osCsid=2b5e9f84e3bc70eafd9d9e8f75fafba8
  3. Thats your problem kawi shooting that junk wolf ammo LOL! I know wolf .22lr is good stuff
  4. Stem cell research to regenerate dead tissue to regrow goes wrong... it could happen lol.
  5. Is the stock stag I listed that bad? What are the big advantages of a build?
  6. If the one he posted was left handed I might consider it lol.
  7. Thinking about this one with the price it leaves some money to add some stuff like optics. http://www.budsgunshop.com/catalog/product_info.php/cPath/36_800/products_id/411545399
  8. I have a $1000 budget and know nothing about Ar's. So for my first one I might just buy a decent one off the rack and change out parts as I learn what they do.
  9. I so need to sell my house and get out of the city LOL!
  10. Talked to dale about getting my first AR mentioned I was left handed and he said to look into the stag models this is the one I kinda like the looks of.
  11. You can get a complete rifle from fin for $569
  12. Good first AR 15 for a south paw?
  13. Because that would make the gun illegal lol.
  14. Nice pick up on the .22! I will stay out of the .17hmr debate. As that is now my current favorite long gun I own. Just had mine out to A&A last sunday to blow up some fruit and shaving cream cans. Anyone have some ground hogs they want rid of?
  15. I went to a place in cleveland they charged $125 less for more then one person, I went with a small group we paid $110. They allow any double action gun. We shot 100 rounds from 10 ft to 75 ft weak hand, strong hand, single hand with both strong and weak. You had to score at least a 75 to pass the shooting and written parts of the test. If you need to borrow a gun to take you class let me know. I have a 9mm or a 22 auto that you could borrow.
  16. So are these against the law as well like the drum mags? can have them just can't put them in the gun or load them? I ask cause I talked to Dale today about getting my ar built next month.
  17. Guns are evil and so are people who own them....
  18. Have owned a few Taurus pistols before never had any issues with any of them? All I can say is I carry it everyday and I use to leave my xd at home a lot because it was kinda a pain to carry depending on my clothes. Better I have it on me then in the safe.
  19. Just picked up some blazer aluminium for $13.99 for 50 at fin fed all 50 with only one fail to feed but the nose of that bullet was not fully covered with copper and kinda miss shaped. If I had caught it before loading it would have not tried to fire that one. It feeds everything else I have tried so far.
  20. I just fondled one Sunday at fin I will have one soon enough...
  21. First thing I did with mine was clean the crap out of it. Then I polished the feed ramp till it looked like a mirror. Have never had any problems of jams with it yet. Would say after yesterdays range trip I have somewhere around 500-600 rnds down range.
  22. Those are nice little guns I looked at them before i picked up my tcp. I just couldnt get over the price tag and am not real big on pocket carry guns with hammers. good looking guns though.
  23. Well after playing bf3 all weekend, It is not to bad the controls suck as I am use to the cod controls. And it is kinda crazy how you have to shoot someone like ten times to kill them. I mean I had to do a double head shot with a sniper rifle on one guy today? graphics seem pretty good though. I give it a 7 out of 10 for gameplay though.
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