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Everything posted by speedytriple

  1. Not at my work LOL! we make more on the shop floor then most of the plant. and thats after we took a pay cut from big brother.
  2. reread the post. If you design a machine that my dumb monkey ass can build to sell to the consumer then you earn your keep and deserve the pay you educated people earn.
  3. I sorry my un educated ass should just be happy making $10 an hour and living off welfare that you educated people pay for.
  4. So to flip this on you tyler as a factory worker I should earn less then you? Even though I make goods that can be sold to the consumer and the profit of the goods I make pay for your wages? Thats the problem with this country to much weight at the top of the food chain.
  5. Do you produce tangible/ sellable things for the company you work for? Or do you work on project to make things "better" when you have no experience working with them in the first place. If you design parts that will make a product then you should earn what you earn. But if you simply are like the enginerds we have at my work that make educated guesses at how to fix problems on machines they know nothing about, then yes you are a waste of time and should earn 30k a year. I have little respect for most of my works enginerds only a very few are worth the money they make. And there "I am better then you cause your a factory worker making more money then I do" attitude does not help.
  6. So don't go to school learn a trade and make more then you would as a i.t. geek. Thats the problem with this country to many pussies don't want to work for there money. Stupid office monkey, go get your hands dirty and earn that money. To many people want paid top dollar for jobs that produce no tangible goods. Office jobs should pay 30k or less a year..
  7. I think the first page says 10:30 meet up.(even though I think 10 would be better) And we could extend the loop a bit to make for more twisty fun.
  8. So you still got the wee strom right so you can still ride.
  9. He could drop back and ride with the slower group. If I get my new tires on the dr I might bring that LOL!
  10. You got two bikes right speedy444? Bring the other bike.
  11. Sorry to hear ya went down hope you are ok. Bikes can always be fixed or replaced.
  12. Yeah if you are headed down from the mentor area it is like 80 miles to bolivar. I would just as well slab it down then ride on a boring 2 lane road at 35mph in towns. But its up to you guys on the east side LOL! we have out meet up spot set already on the west side.
  13. Good that would make 6 if your better half makes it.
  14. Alright then the north west meet up spot is the BP station on rt. 82 right by 77s. It is across the street from stonewall shooting range. Meet up time is 9 am rolling out by 9:15. So far looks like 4 of us from up north west. Sniper you gonna make this ride??
  15. Was thinking more of the bp station on 82 right off 77s. Think that's broadveiw hts. Would be better then riding north east to meet then heading south. I am use to taking 71 to 18 to 77. But that's kinda out of the way for guys closer to 77.
  16. So back on topic, where are the north west side people wanting to meet up? Looks like we have people coming from Berea, N. olmstead, Brookpark, Lakewood. And if Justin can stand the cold start maybe Elyria. So does anyone have a spot they feel is central? It is about 70 miles to meet in Bolivar from my place so figure we are gonna need to meet somewhere around 9 am and be on the road around 9:15. I plan to slab it down 77s unless someone has a better route. And no taking 84 down is no better just slower and more deer.
  17. wait was the hardly in front of you BAD? And Paul did you get a new lid? man I need to get out and ride more
  18. Damn you guys and your 2.5 hour drive to go have fun...
  19. ^^ LOL! Bump that's funny. I use to have a punch 18 in my truck back in the day when bump was in. glws
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