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Everything posted by speedytriple

  1. I have had the same bike for 10 years LOL.
  2. For the budget you have there are plenty of good bikes. You just need to figure out what you want most. And remember you can always wait till winter to find a desperate price on a bike.
  3. ^^ what he said need a t.v. to play my games on LOL. I could care less about whats on it other then that
  4. Maybe I should list my triple for $5000? LOL
  5. Bam Bam you need to make this ride. It might be the last ride I am on with the triple. As it will be going up for sale at the end of the season.
  6. WOW nice video:( I have not seen that many squids in a large group and hope I never do...Think maybe 1/50 of the bikes that rolled by had any gear on besides a helmet. I am guessing this was filmed in a state with helmet laws.
  7. I have a pair of joe rocket water proof balistic gloves. They have the plastic knuckle covers, with a full leather palm. They work for low 40, if it colder then that I put a set of silk liners in them. I also have a set of water proof ski gloves with a leather palm that I use for below 40.
  8. See I missed all the fun cause I got there so late last year.
  9. Dale is a real far drive for me to build a gun. I still will call him when I am ready to see what he can do for me. Green I am a newb when it comes to the AR platform. I know what I intend to use it for( plinking, 200 yrd and under target shooting) I just don't know what parts are worth the money for what I plan to use it for.
  10. I will be there again I hope this year I dont have to work.
  11. I just found out I need to be back home no later then 3:30 so I plan on showing but will be peeling off early to make it back home in time.
  12. GOT MILK? nice ride a different direction from the Ape for sure.
  13. Sorry I had to work. And the 3+ hour drive didn't work out to well for me. I will try to make some off road rides next spring if work allows.
  14. Can't wait till december to do my AR-15 build. Any input from you guys would be much appreciated.
  15. I f it started later in the day I would consider driving down after work for it. As long as I could get a few hour nap in, I would be up for it.
  16. I work until 8 am that morning so the overnight would be out. What time would this be starting? Besides thats kinda close to deer season funds might be low at that time?
  17. Who wants to buy my triple and dirt bike quick? His bike is clean I have ridden with him a few times. If I had the cash I would like to pick it up.
  18. Yeah I would shoot that with my 9mm the first time.
  19. +1 If it was less then 2 1/2 hours away I might try to make it.
  20. I would say wait till we meet up to decide groups. You have some total newb riders with some very fast riders in your lists. I would say let people pick the group they want to be in based on there skill levels.
  21. I can't complain about the wages I make for having no education. I am gripping about the people who want 100k a year to walk around and point fingers at each other when a machine they just spent $7mill on does not work. And then just leave it up to the operator to "fine tune" or fix the P.O.S. they just half ass built.
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