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Everything posted by speedytriple

  1. So we doing this or what on the 25th? If it is up in the air Then there is a ride planned I would like to make.
  2. Tvp shoot is still up in the air is it not? Tom said they were double booked. And sorry if it is go shoot for the day or go ride for the day I am picking riding as I have not been able to ride much this year due to work. Winter time is for shooting anyways.
  3. Maybe things are different in c-bus, but in cleveland if someone threatens me with a gun it is more then likely not just and empty threat. I have to commute thru one of the worst areas in cleveland to get to work. If for some reason I have to stop (for gas) I try to avoid contact with any people.
  4. He can't ride even when you gheys are with him...LOL!
  5. So I got a set of dirt tires and need them mounted anyone else around the cleveland area do dirt tires? I just dont have time to mess with them as my work is eating all my time up.
  6. If that happened to me I would have pulled my shirt up just enough to show my hand on my grip. That would perhaps teach the kids not to run there mouth. This is why I don't speak to people in public. To many idiots.
  7. ^Mods move this so the liberal can rant on this topic.
  8. Why is this in the firearms and not political section get the guberment speak out of the gun chat LOL!
  9. Should have replied not if I shoot you first when he said he was gonna shoot you. People are just plain stupid these days. As in no common sense, to say that to someone.
  10. Hey Twisted12 you want to meet up somewhere for the ride down? Looks like we will be the only 3 people from the west side going.
  11. Doc you did a pretty good job of making the route since you have not been on most of the roads. The start of it down 800 is boring but other wise not to bad. AC2B if you want to meet up we could ride down together I am in berea.
  12. Welcome I am not to far from you in berea. Red when have you ridden on the street? Or are you talking track riding? I also am in the wish I could ride more club.
  13. Triumph speed triple. Good power and handling. Not to many of them out there.
  14. Sunday the 25th works . I have the day open already for a shooting meet up that looks like its gonna get postponed.
  15. Then there would be a story about a crazy guy beating his son and some 16 year olds in berea.
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