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Everything posted by speedytriple

  1. I never have been to a prepper show but would guess that prices are not going to be that great.
  2. If it doesnt work finish him off with a hammer. This shit makes me sick that inmates who are being put to death have way to many appeals and whatnot.
  3. Should i go to the outdoor adventure show or the prepper show? Both are this weekend and would be fun to go to.
  4. Hey Steph good luck with the sale, and hope you like the new bike.
  5. Oh come on Sam don't hold back, you know you want to be a dick. Hey can i be the sarge i always wanted to called sarge. What colors do we get to wear? I don't want colors that will clash with my bike.
  6. I tried the pocket .380's before very easy to conceal but just to small. I do want to try the xds9 though.
  7. Nice little m&p family you got there chevy. I got a similar thing going with my xd collection. Just need to add another single stack to the mix maybe a xds.
  8. This mug would work well also.
  9. I prefer this size beer glass thank you..
  10. Whats the point? Lol it would only hold like 8oz.
  11. Yeah i think it would do as much damage falling down the cliffs as being shot in the arm or leg. Or slamming into a tree when falling.
  12. Very cool pics, I wish I could go with my four kids but it just costs to damn much. Maybe one day LOL!
  13. Watched it last night great movie, would also give it a thumbs up to watch. Not over done on the action scenes, but I have no idea of what real combat looks like. I will buy the dvd when it comes out to add to the war movie collection.
  14. They were talking about this on the radio today. The band made it over his head and on to his neck.
  15. This might come in handy for when I do the local bowling pin shoots. Fastest to knock down five pins wins, this might get the pins down fast if it had enough energy. As far as using it for defensive ammo I will stick with my critical defense.
  16. I went out in the morning before the front moved in. And the next day in the evening when it had pushed through for the most part. And only for three or four hours each time. If you stay moving you keep warm, and I am like a walrus as far as cold goes. It was late season muzzle loading so I wanted to try to get out. It was a good work out if anything tromping through the deep snow and brush.
  17. Yeah this cold front sucks, i went hunting the last two days and froze once my clothes got damp with sweat from stalk hunting in deep snow.
  18. Seemed to shoot fine for me? must be the lasik vision i have now lol!
  19. It was a nice gun, i still am not a fan of the trigger though. It is better then the first gen gun i use to own though. I am a springfield fan boy at heart and want to try the xds. I guess the sheild would be a good back up choice though lol
  20. Well went to the range here in Berea for the first time. Nice setup will be my new indoor range from now on. Met Scott up here to help break in his new shield. Nice gun shoots well, now i needs to try a xds9 to see what i want to buy next.
  21. Sounds good i am getting ready right now to go out deer hunting.
  22. I plan to start riding more this spring to help drop some weight.
  23. I want to trade a few rounds on the shield Scott. Been looking at those and the xds to replace the lc9 i got rid of.
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