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Everything posted by speedytriple

  1. Not much interest in this so I never looked into finding a place. If any local peeps want to meet up at fatheads or somewhere near by we could do that.
  2. Out that weekend it's deer muzzle loader season the 4-7th sorry.
  3. If only the walmarts by me had guns, i think the one in medina does.
  4. Dick's has the optima with a camo stock and blued barrel with a scope on it for $369. Just wondering what scope it is, and if it would be better to buy it with just the rings and put a better scope on it.
  5. So never even shot one before, but looked and it will add an extra 6 days in Ohio to gun hunt. I have been looking at the cva optima wildgame model with scope combo at Dick's. I like the model's features with the breech break action and the plug that comes out the back to clean it quicker. Are these decent entry level muzzle loaders? Not looking to break the bank for a gun that would be used a few weeks a year.
  6. It is but they also have a early weekend so it would almost make a extra week to gun hunt.
  7. Well at least it was fun at camp. Nice to get away from it all for awhile. Been camping the same spot for 4 years. Its always the same guys, getting to know them pretty well.
  8. I am looking into a muzzle loader next week. Most of the deer that where taken at camp was with a muzzle loader. Plus it adds a week for gun season.
  9. Ah thats a no brainer your half mexi-talian. I has no set recipe either it is by taste only. I also brown the onions and peppers with the meat to get more flavor out of both. I use peppers out of the garden most the year, if not fresh from a farmers market. I have done mine once with brisket, once with chicken and did a turkey meat once. I prefer ground chili meat ask the butcher at your market to grind it chili style it is much courser and cooks better without falling apart. I do pretty good chili but never done a cook off.
  10. Yeah I blew my shot for the second year in a row on my nice buck. This summer all I am shooting is my shotgun with slugs in it. LOL I'm gonna be a super shot by summers end.
  11. Camper was great took it slow and easy on the way down and back and while down there. No leaks was toasty warm even shut the heater off last night. Easy to cook in with no wind like when tent camping. Not having to set up camp was nice also. Put the steps down and enjoy. Unpacking tonight sucked still doing my dirty wash(third load one to go) I was going to sell it next spring but might keep it and fix the truck up some.
  12. I gave up and went home today. I am day hunting friday somewhere. Saturday and sunday im going out to grafton on private property to do a drive, as a last ditch effort.
  13. No deer lots of rain today this sucks. Might go in early today. Only heard three shots all morning. Service sucks down here for the phone.
  14. To bad i have room in the hillybilly hotel for a few more.
  15. Thanks for the offer i leave friday to head home. Saturday, and sunday im going out to grafton twp to hunt with my kid on a friends inlaws farm. We are pushing fields up there with tree stands in the woodline. Feel free to come out to woodbury today till friday though.
  16. Almost 20000 acres, its huge. I have another spot to try thursday if it rains. Good pine cover found a rub or two and lots of beds in the feild by it.
  17. Alright moved followed a few sets of tracks to where i am now. Going to use this downed tree for cove the tracks run right in front of this spot still have good wind.
  18. There is a corn feild 600 yards north of me. And a heavy brush area just south of me. Im at woodbury wildlife area.
  19. Game trail is on the other side of the downed logs. I am hunting from a burlap camo blind. I have cover scent up, and have a grunt and doe bleat with me. The doe bleat called in a eight point monday but i rushed the shot and missed him.
  20. There is a very beat down game trail 35 yards down from me that has fresh scat and prints scouted sunday and tuesday. Wish i had a few people with me to drive with but im solo as always. Edit i also had good wind monday and today as well.
  21. Thats the problem its a ton of hills hard to see very far im gonna move around 10
  22. If you guys saw six deer on monday and none since from the same spot would you move or stick it out? Almost no pressure tuesday today i see no other orange here. Ive seen deer here two years straight both on monday up till wednesday.
  23. Saw six monday, nothing but squirrels and chipmunks today so far not much shooting going on. They dont seem to be moving much.
  24. Thats a good size doe should be good eating.
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