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Everything posted by speedytriple

  1. I would assume that candles would work? Try it and let us know how it does. The paraffin stove has a good wind cover with the outer can over the fuel cell. I have not tested one in cold weather yet. I plan to take a couple to deer camp this year and test them out when I am tent camping. I have had issues with my coleman propane stove in the cold at deer camp not wanting to work well. The bottles tent to freeze up and not flow enough gas. Not saying this will be my main source for cooking at camp this year but it will be tested out for sure. The camp fire still will be the main source of cooking heat.
  2. So if there was a fire and I was standing outside the building with my car parked a block away with a lighter in my hands and the cops stopped me, would I be with in my rights to tell them to piss off and not answer any questions they had? Would it be wrong for them to hold me for a few questions? Should I sue them for holding me?
  3. He should get a billion dollars for being a fuctard!! Why not ???? If I withhold info from the cops I should be paid. If I obstruct justice I should be paid! There are rights and there is trying to set up a lawsuit. Now if this guy never had any other issues with leo and was stopped and charged I would be on the other side of the fence. He is a d-bag looking to try to get paid for his rights being taken away by acting like a asshole.
  4. Why would he give up a few moments of his time to save all this bad press? When he can be a dick and spread more bad press on gun control and gun laws. He is proving a point don't you see. By disrespecting local Leo and being disrespectful to them he is making it easier for us to carry a gun open or concealed. What is not so obvious?
  5. So you can be detained legally for obstruction of justice? But this is worth 3.6 million? I got burned once by a hot french fry that had no warning on it, can I sue for $12 million? This fucktard needs to go away with no money. He is the reason the anti gunners have fuel. He is the reason why anti gunners hate guns. He maybe trying to prove a point but going about it all wrong. You hate the old lady who got millions for burning herself with hot coffee from Mcdonalds when she knew it was hot?
  6. Why should the gruberment be able to say he can have a gun? It infringes on his second amendment right to say he can not own a firearm, Why would he not be allowed to own a firearm? It's his right to own one under the second amendment.
  7. Are you out of your mind Pokey? Why would anyone give up their personal info to a leo? They must want big brother tracking their every move. What kind of horse shit is it to give up your info to a leo you suck and deserve to be burned at the stake for suggesting the suspect was in the wrong. He should have told the leo to phuck off then rode off into the sunrise.
  8. Trade ya my 2000 triumph speed triple for it?
  9. Book um Dan'o. So if you act like a d-bag expect to be treated like one...
  10. I don't know but show me a way to get rich quick please!! If I hve to be a dick to a local cop so be it LOL! Maybe it's the beer talking? Should I sue the beer company for making me happy? LOL! pass me another one...
  11. I am not saying that we have to give up our rights to resist a hassle. But is it worth $3.6 million? Give me a break. We are a sue happy society, and that is a sad truth. My boss is a dick should I sue my work place for it? Life is not fair who can I sue for that? The president is breaking my constitutional rights who can I sue for that? Where does it end?
  12. ^^ who are you and what did you do with Matt...LOL
  13. I can bet I would of been disarmed, arrested, or detained. WHICH would of been unlawful, and would have ended with me seeking a lawyer. BUT I choose to act like a rational gun owner and respect the leo's concerns of the mwag call. It is all about mutual respect and I guess some people and leo's do not have that. Which is sad but true..
  14. When he first pulled up he was being a total prick. Acting like he was some super cop. WHY? he was on high alert due to a mwag call. I understood this and tried to calm the situation as I could. It worked and he ended siding with me. If I refused his request and acted hostile I m sure it would have ended badly for me.
  15. Finally someone who see my side. thanks
  16. Regardless of the neighborhood a dick attitude does not help. I have been stopped in down town Cleveland before also. At first the leo was hostile until I gave him no reason to be. He checked my info and let me on my way, without a ticket or detainment or weapon confiscation.
  17. When I was confronted by the local leo in my yard I did state I was within my rights to open carry. He stated He understood that and was just responding to the call he received. Once I showed him my info and he KNEW I was within my rights he quickly and sternly went over to inform my neighbor I was within my rights. If I acted in the same way as the story what do you think the outcome would have been? (keep in mind I live in a nice sub development with $300k+ homes) Bet he would not have been on my side still..
  18. I know the laws on chl I try to keep up on them. I also try to respect the local leo and extend to them some resect to keep them at ease when I am involved in a traffic stop. If this d-bag would have done the same his outcome would be much better i bet.
  19. So if this guy would have made it back to his car and done the same, he is no less of a trouble maker? Again I am not saying his right are not being violated, I am saying his attitude and demeanor are the reason he got so much grief...
  20. I had a neighbor call on me once for open carry while I was cutting my lawn. When the officer pulled up to my house I acted respectful, answered his questions showed I.D. with my chl. He then went across the street and told my neighbor I was doing no wrong. If I acted like a dick refused to show I.D. and refused to answer his concerns I bet it would have ended much worse for me.
  21. So if I get pulled over I should not notify the leo of a chl act like a prick be inconclusive with info and expect to be let go instantly? That sounds about right?
  22. PC? really I am not Magley here, just stating that if I were the Leo I would have done the same thing. I realize he was not breaking any laws If he(the suspect) also realized he was not breaking any laws what harm is there in showing I.D. He was being a dick trying to be a hard ass to the cop who was trying to do his job and keep the people/store safe.
  23. If I got pulled over I would simply give ID answer the officers questions and try not to fuel a hostile situation. If I refused to show i.d. acted like a tool and was detained I would most certainly not try to sue anyone..It is not being a sheep it is respecting leo in a job that sucks.
  24. If you are a young black man driving a pimped out car in a nice neighborhood and get pulled over and react the same way this guy did then you deserve to get hassled.. If you comply and show I.D. with a non aggressive demeanor you would be on your way soon I bet. Act like a dick get treated like one...
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