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Everything posted by speedytriple

  1. If the cop was responding to a man waving a gun around acting crazy the suspect would have been greeted with guns drawn on him behind cover. I see nothing wrong with how he was asked for I.D. can you not admit this guy was out to try to prove a point at what ever cost?
  2. What cops are evil and on a hell bent mission to arrest you on any made up charge possible. How dare they announce where a check point is going to be thats entrapment they should be sued for $3.6 million for causing you mental grief and damages for a buzz kill....
  3. Put yourself in the cops shoes? It's 4am you are in a known problem neighborhood responding to a man with a gun call. Do you think you would ask the man in question for his I.D. or just let him go on his way? I'm not a cop or a lawyer but think it not unreasonable to ask to see I.D. for a precautionary measure.
  4. Good thing you own a cruiser now LOL! Just don't leave a bar at 2am or you will get pulled over for that. And I think redkow can contact himself now that he passed the Bar exam?
  5. I give up... Let the criminals, non criminals, or otherwise open carry at 4 am in the ghetto. And piss on the cops for being paranoid assholes for asking for an I.D. to make sure he was legal to open carry. Fuck the police and a 5.0 to cause the boys in the hood are always hard...
  6. When was the last time you were in Cleveland? The cops are just as bad as ever. They Put a 132 rounds in a car for throwing a pop can out the window!! Like stated CHL for a reason much easier then dealing with rogue cops all the time...
  7. ^^^I'm not a lawyer or anything but I think he is LOL!
  8. Ok so leave the little country city you live in where the cops know you and try to open carry. I would bet you make it five mins in cleveland in the same situation at 4am with a man with a gun call in a gas station before you are face down with zip ties on you with a cop on your back. Is it right? Hell no! will it happen most likely. Am I going to push the limits and bring my recording device in with me to get it all on tape and sue for lots of money? NO! I have my chl and will just go in concealed and by pass all the drama this guy seems to try to draw to himself. YES his rights may have been violated but he goes out of his way to try to provoke this action which is a dick move. That is the other side of this story. Which you seem to be missing.
  9. Wow my savage is so easy to clean I seem spoiled now LOL!
  10. Those are nice and all, BUT $139 is steep. As mine cost $.25 to make and work just as well, and pack just as small if not smaller if I cut the can down some. Yes there are excellent products out there you can buy for lots of money. There are also alternatives out there that can be made for next to nothing..Oh and not that I think it will happen, BUT if the end of the world as we know it happens what is easier to find paper/wax or a msr fuel canister? Gas/kero?
  11. Very cool how wind proof is it? I like the cover can to block wind and set heavier thing down on. But that is very compact. I also like the one's I make as they are spill proof, and water proof.
  12. Ok so I know there are a few on here who like to backpack/camp. And I don't mean the camping in a 30 foot trailer type of camping. For those of you who tent camp/backpack and need to carry a light weight fast camp stove. I found this little idea on a blog somewhere and have been making them since. It is a teracycle stove. It is made of reused metal cans and cardboard that is soaked in paraffin wax It works very well and boils water very quick. It is also almost free to make them. Once you have some used cans(i use tuna cans for the fuel cells, and a bigger bean can for the stove) Get some corrugated cardboard, some paraffin wax, a old school can opener with the point to punch triangle holes in the cans. Make a double boiler, I use a old can so it is easy to keep unused wax for later use. Melt the wax, while you are waiting for the wax to melt cut strips of cardboard the height of the can roll them tightly and fill the tuna can with it. Char the top of the rolled up cardboard a little, it makes it easier to light later. When the wax melts pour it over the cardboard, soak it evenly until it is just under the lip of the can. Next punch air hole around the side of the bigger can, I did eight one on each side. Next punch holes on the top of the can to let heat come up. You light the fuel can then set the bigger can over the fuel can for a instant stove. For around a dollar in wax and some reused household items it makes a great cheapo stove for backpacking. Some pics of the process and stove lit. Wax I used: Can with rolled cardboard charred a little then filled with wax: Bigger can with holes in top to release heat: Fuel can lit: Bigger can set over the fuel can ready to use for heating: You can store two fuel cans in the stove and that should last for a weekend hike or more. I have burned one can for over 1 1/2 hours and it still was burning but almost out. I keep one of these in a zip lock bag with some water proof matches.
  13. Dumb ass!! just kidding? Not sure I would have been so good...
  14. No more like looking for trouble. Im not a big believer in any of this recording stuff. It seems to me you are looking to try to make something happen in hopes of taping it.
  15. So your telling me if i were to stop on my way home from working till 3am in the ghetto open carry into a store get confronted by police refuse my info resist in cooperation with the "unlawful" detainment get arrested then get paid millions. Why do any of us work if its that easy..
  16. This^^ he seems to be looking for trouble and now a payday for his "rights" being violated
  17. No but if they have had multiple interactions with police where they have taped and recorded the interactions. And EVERY time they refuse to cooperate that is looking for trouble.
  18. This was in the inner city? Not in the norm for most people to open carry. He is one of the people who goes out looking for trouble with cameras and recordings. I hope he loses his case and his lawyers bill cost him a ton of money. Just show your i.d. and be on your way. Whats the big deal?
  19. Another attention whore trying to start shit.
  20. I dont think the range is but i think the traing classrooms are. I will check and see. Edit looks to be opening june 1st. Here is a link http://www.selectfiretrainingcenter.com/
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