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Everything posted by speedytriple

  1. Last gun show i saw price tags with three prices on it the higher prices crossed out and marked down. And they were still on the racks when i left. Its gonna take time but i hope this means prices are slowly going back down.
  2. Oh no my rental nightmares are over that house is long gone now and I have been clear of it for about 6 years now. no more rentals for me..
  3. Rifle prices are somewhat high still but like you said those willing to over pay have done so already. I will wait to pick one up when all these unwanted guns flood the market and I laugh at the assholes who bought them at inflated prices.
  4. Got the list Dale thanks. When would you need the money by?
  5. The two local gun shows had mags again. $20-25 some were still trying to get $40 but didnt sell to much. I agree with Imaposer buy what you want to keep. Seems the panic is winding down.
  6. I went through over a dozen people before we settled on the one we picked. They knew our neighbors also which they got a great referral from. Mine stayed for over a year with no problems then all of the sudden took off?! Even the neighbor who knew them didn't know where they were or why they left so sudden(or so they said) You are in a much better place with not having a payment on the house still. So that greatly cuts down your risks. You won't loose the house like I did but would suck to repair the damage when it's empty again.
  7. Good luck with this. I had a nice couple in my house in Garfield with kids and good jobs. They destroyed the house took off in the middle of the night with 2 months owed rent. And did about $10000 worth of damage to the house which broke my bank account and eventually made me loose the house. Yeah renting out a house is a mother fucker. Kick them out now and sell it before you get hosed.
  8. When will honda learn? Is this a replacement for that scooter/bike hybrid they aborted a few years ago?
  9. Simple it's the EOTWAWKI!!!!!!!
  10. OH Yeah I just got a vintage mossy 500 cheap here from a member here. LOL! Wish I had a need for a o/u gun. I only shoot my shotguns once a year to sight them in for deer season..
  11. I need lots of gun stuff to make me happy!! just not at the going prices... Thanks Dale for giving us a break on something...Glad to see there are still honest shops out there..
  12. Wow sniper comes out of the wood works. LOL!
  13. Hottie is good people And damn fast, glws been to long since we've been on a ride.
  14. I might try to do yourh gun this year. I always take the week off for gun season also. I just want to spend some time with the boy doing something we both enjoy.
  15. I hunt outside warsaw at woodbury wildlife area, so I am used to driving to hunt. But i live west of cleveland.
  16. I don't like poeple either. That's why i said to burn the bag of dog shit on the steps.
  17. Why would you freeze the owners thats just cruel? Lol
  18. Ok then shoot the owners with the paintballs.
  19. Put down dried red pepper dogs don't like it much it will help keep the dog away then take the big bag of shit over to his door step and light it on fire. Option 5 shoot the dog with a paint ball gun a few times it will not return, and do no real harm to the dog.
  20. Well right now it would be public land, as I have yet to buy any land of my own and have not found anyone who has offered use of private property. I am thinking the same thing about opening day being to crazy for the safety of a kid. The later half of the week is always empty where I was hunting the last few years but the first three days are bad. Maybe I will hit the lotto and be able to buy land before Dec. this year? The wife is all for the boys hunting with me she gets it, but is not to happy with me taking him opening day on public land. She is fine with him going the later part of the week though.
  21. So I want to take my oldest son deer hunting next shotgun season. The wife won't let him miss a week. So do I take him opening day through Wednesday or over the weekend Thursday through Sunday?
  22. Good luck finding .22lr ammo LOL! And Bad I have read they are a very under rated gun. Good for a cheap gun out to 50 yrds. Not a tack driver, but good for plinking hence the name..
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