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Everything posted by Carwhore

  1. 6hrs isnt going to make you both loss weight and lower high blood pressure.
  2. day 6 Well I fail again. I stayed at my girlfriends place and woke up Kate so I didn't have time to make a juice. Knowing I would have to rely on fast food I skipped breakfast. For lunch I had subway. With chips. During the day I felt sluggish. With drinking this juice the last couple days I've felt kind of like I just drank an energy drink! I've had a ton of energy and no downs like when drinking an energy drink. I've thought a lot clearer too. It's been easier to stay focused. For dinner I made a mean green juice. I've actually missed it. The more I drink this stuff the better it takes. And went ahead and made my juices for tomorrow. At this point I've lost 5lbs
  3. day 5 Ate a typical breakfast good as usual. Lunch I drank another mean green juice. Now dinner I fail! I worked super late and in doing this juicing from start to finish (including cleaning the juicer) takes an hour. So I went to chipotle! Lol.
  4. day 4 Breakfast juice: Grapefruit, 2 apples, 2 oranges, 1/2 lime, 1 banana. Taste pretty well. Next time I think i'm going to start doing a 1/4 lemon though. Haven't ate lunch yet, but I made the "Mean Green Juice again" 6 Kale Leaves 1 Cucumber 4 Celery Stalks 2 Green Apples 1/2 Lemon 1/2 jalapeno pepper. I expect it to be good as normal. Got a lot of energy today and fell great. I fell quicker physically and mentally.
  5. day 3 Felling pretty well. Mornings are super super easy. The issue I was having with day is breakfast/lunch is easy dinner I'm always super hungry! Made a breakfast juice again. 2 oranges, 3 bananas, blue berries, raspberries, and 1/2 lime.----Pretty good, this was the first time i used lime and it's pretty over bearing against the other juices. Don't get me wrong I like lime, it just is over powering compared to the others. Lunch I made another juice from yesterday. Carrots, kale cucumber, lemon. It's a pretty good drink. The more of these vegetable drinks i drink the more i like them, I will say that! Dinner. Made a "mean green juice" which consists of : 6 Kale Leaves 1 Cucumber 4 Celery Stalks 2 Green Apples 1/2 Lemon 1 piece of ginger I haven't had any ginger forget to get it at the store and just haven't went back. So in it's place I added 1/2 a jalapeno pepper! After drinking the garlic drink last night this tastes amazing! lol. the first night I made this I really didn't like the taste at all and it was kind of hard to finish the entire amout (about 21oz). But when I drank it last night I actually don't mind it, It tastes pretty good. I'm going to try to incorporate this juice in my every day fast. I will say around dinner is the hardest. I normally eat breakfast at 8am, lunch around 12-1, and dinner is 7 so it's the longest stretch and is the worst. As I normally get a headache that lasts unless I take an aspirin, and I feel pretty light headed too.
  6. day 2 The breakfast juice I made was amazing! I also ate 1 banana as the juice wasn't quit enough. I've had plenty of energy and felt great. Now lunch time comes around and I got light headed, dizzy , and a small headache. made a juice for lunch that consisted of: Carrots, kale, cucumber, and some lemon. It was ok. For Dinner I made this: 2 tomatoes 2 apples 1 clove of garlic sprig of parsley Garlic reduces blood pressure, helps with the problem of blood clotting, lowering the LDL which increases bad cholesterol. Garlic boosts the immune system and encourages the recovery of heart attack victims. Garlic contains allicin which inhibits bacterial growth and fungus, helping with yeast over-growths, and useful in treating candida. Garlic increases the flow of digestive enzymes and encourages detoxification through the skin. I have high blood pressure so i will probably drink this from time to time, but let me tell you it was unpleasant! I really don't care at all for it! lol. I will continue to make it for the overall goal, and outcome. I want to be physically and mentally healthier!
  7. day 1 Well to start the day I ended up sleeping at my girlfriends and slept in too late. So I bought two bath house juices (organic juices kinda like what I'm doing, but from a concentrate). Throughout the day at first everything was normal. After drinking the second one I had to shit right away. Never really felt bad though till the end of the day and started to get light headed. Went home and made my first juice. 6 kale leaves, 4 celery stocks, 1 cucumber, 1/2 lemon and 1/2 a jalapeño pepper. It tasted ok. I really hate celery so I need to find a recipe that doesn't use a lot of it. Made iirc 25oz. Drank probably 22. I made my juices for tomorrow as I'm going to be busy working on my day off and can't take my juicer with me. My first juice for tomorrow: 3 bananas, 8 or so strawberries, an orange. And man that is GOOD!
  8. Ok so Starting monday I am going to start a Juice Fast. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Juice_fasting I watched the video Fat, Sick, and nearly dead its a documentary from Joe Cross. Look it up and i suggest you watch it. It's on Hulu. I'm going to be doing this to not only loss weight, but to change my mindset on fruits/vegetables. As right now I rarely eat either and normally its a potato of some sort with steak. So I would eventually like to start eating healthy every day. Now I'm sure a lot of you know I'm younger and probably wondering why he is doing this. Well not only trying to lose weight, eat healthier, but I'm trying to lower my Blood pressure for the long run. I have high blood pressure (130s-140s/80s-90s). And I haven't always had this, its within the last year really. I've been seen by a doctor and I'm perfectly healthy otherwise. I've added the next 10 posts for the first 10 days. The first 4 are the worst I've read and will be I'm sure. After day 4 everything is supposed to look up. I'm going to try to do this for 30 days. And post my experiences and outcomes. I've read a lot of stuff how to prepare for the changes and prepare to get your body accustomed to this, but I figure I might as well do it like I haven't planned to do it. I want a challenge and I want a different mindset. So Sunday night I'm getting a huge steak from Smith and Wollensky and starting juicing Monday morning lol.
  9. why not burn them thats what i do
  10. I r serious about getting roofies, i can haz them?
  11. i r sad i wasn't on here when he was. Unban him lets have some fun
  12. I've been wanting one of these. They are $319 brand new at woodbury. So how much for just the gun?
  13. Dude you have no idea how much I want this, but I'm buying a house. Priorities suck
  14. Carwhore

    My 870

    Me either. Damn kel-tec wont build mine!
  15. what did buckeye honda offer? 8K?
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