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Everything posted by Carwhore

  1. the name he used in his profile is "Charlie"
  2. I want to see a picture of your screen name on a piece of paper with today's date. If you can't provide that then your stealing someone else picture of their bike
  3. this is a worker for woodbury that's butthurt over our fb comments and thread here. He's trying to troll, but can't troll. Sign off Newb.
  4. hey ben track his ip.
  5. join date 1/1/2012 todd and i were called on Friday 12/30/11. I was called at 4:37:30 to be exact!
  6. i'd buy from dale if he could get them and a pmr-30 too
  7. I live 10 mins from Vance's, yet would of drove over an hour to get my ksg from Woodbury because of what my or buddies recommended. Thankfully I won't make that long boring drive now
  8. Newb probably joined because of woodburys fb page. Noob is probay an employee or close friend of one. Trying to do some damage control. To bad the damage has been done. Everyone can tell that!
  9. Screw buying wheels. Buy my bike!
  10. Thanks, But I'm selling it with the bike. That is if anyone ever buys it
  11. Nice Todd I see the like is on their Facebook page. Now maybe if they realize we have over 5000 members that might realize their decision to fuck us will effect them greatly.
  12. everyone posts in this thread "im intrested", so I pm them and never get a response back. Bunch of flakes.
  13. It was my realtor not the sellers. I've waited since December 12 to find out if they were going to discount the price for the cost of the roof. To this day I have not heard anything. Not even a no.
  14. I made a thread not to long ago about dealing with a realtor. He's arrogant and didn't look out for my best interest. He wanted a quick closing the entire time and because of that I had an appraisal done on the property. The appraisal was completed after the inspection. The inspection turned up that the roof was SHOT! I wanted to renegotiate the contract and have them (fannie mae) fix the roof, basically adjust the price. Well i told him not to let the appraiser go to the property and called my bank. Well some how he made it there. I've been in contract with this house for 29 days, and it's been 16 days since the inspection was completed. I still have yet to hear back if they are going to fix the roof. Basically I'm walking away from the house. I feel as the realtor pressed me into getting the appraisal done asap, without taking the inspection into consideration. I've talked to a lot of people since (realtors as well) and everyone is telling me he should of not had me order the appraisal until we know if they will accept our terms to get the roof fixed. Can I take him to small claims court and get the money back? The appraisal was $350.
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