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Everything posted by Dubguy85

  1. It might not be working out like we planned.. Some manufacturer is being dumb! They don't know if they can get the org any more at that price.
  2. I'm not going to lie... I have definitely thought about it!
  3. you should have posted up on this forum. I bet someone would have came and picked u up.
  4. FYI, On racebody work it's next to impossible not to get rock chips with the amount of shit that gets thrown up at you during a race or trackday.. Andrew Swenson or Attack Painter are my 2 choices.. There are positives and negatives to either..
  5. Just keep riding putnam.. It only has 2 lefts!
  6. I've seen goldwings, cruisers, dual sports, vfr's, v stroms etc.
  7. True story.. the video editing skills are off the charts whoever did that!
  8. “Hey wanna go ride with me this weekend? I know this awesome road about an hour from here. It’s super twisty! You can follow me around and we’ll ride well within our limits. Get this too: It’s one-way so there’s never any oncoming traffic; they actually clean and maintain this section of road (never oil on it or dust); for some weird reason they’ve moved back all the mail boxes, telephone poles, guard rails and trees back. Also this road doubles back on itself fairly quickly so you’ll get used to hitting the same curves over and over again and will find a favorite one fast! PLUS I’ve never seen a cop on it AND for some weird reason there’s the people that stand about every 200 yards with radios waiting to call an ambulance that hangs out at the beginning of the road just in case something happens!” Tell me you wouldn’t want to go ride that road with me all day long! And at the end of that day you’ll know your limits and the limits of that bike inside and out! You’ll be prepared for nearly anything! THATS WHAT A TRACK DAY IS! Here’s a few of my personal thoughts on trackdays for street riders: You should ride the bike at the that you ride everyday. You should learn the limitations of that bike and what you can and can’t do on that bike. When you come around the corner to a school bus full of nuns doing a u-turn you’re not going to be in the Ferrari you rented for the track. You’re going to be in the 1972 Buick LeMans you drive back and forth to work! Maybe you should learn how it works in all types of situations. And if you find out that ol Buick can’t do what you need it to do then it’s time to upgrade it or swap it out. If you’re going to start racing then certainly get you a track bike. But if not then you need to be out there on your cruiser, your touring bike, your dual-sport! Remember it’s just a safe, nice road! Track days should only be ridden at 80%. No harder. That will leave 20% in reserve for holy-crapedness, oops, “well that was too deep”, “was that brake marker 4 or 5?”, front end slideys, etc. However after a day of riding that hard your new 80% will be where your old 120% was. But yet you’ll still only be riding at 80%! I’ll give you a second to do that math. What I’m saying is if you chill out and don’t try and ride as hard as you can you’ll learn more and you’ll progress quicker and end up at a level past the hardest you could have ever ridden. Plus you’ll have a lot more fun. Don’t get suckered into a race. You’ll get passed. It will take a little bit of self control to not think “why just who do they think they are?” It’s not a race. When someone in front of you is holding you up in the turns then motors away on the straight-aways then parks it in the entry to the next turn: its not a race. In situations like this just take a quick cool down pass through hot-pit, lift your visor, take a breath then head back out! Shit happens: Even after me saying all this someone will ride over their head, someone will get taken out, someone will get suckered into a race, someone will… the possibilities are limitless. But wouldn’t you rather it happen at a track with corner workers and an ambulance than in the mountains with guardrails? Quick side note: theres an "unwritten" rule at the track: everyone takes care of their own stuff. That way there's no arguing blame. Few things in the world are cooler than zinging into a turn with half a dozen of your friends and then hanging out in the pits afterwards exchanging tips about body positioning, lines and helping work on one another’s bikes. So next time there is a trackday, I'd like to see you out there! Watch that video one of our friends made and tell me that doesn't look like fun! Stolen from
  9. I'm not a drag bike kinda guy, but Id love to ride that thing! If you are going to stretch the swing arm, you better be able to back it up.. and you can! Sick bike
  10. nevermind.. my dad couldn't wait.. he ordered his already
  11. Congrats on quitting.. I've never stuck a cig in my mouth.. Not sure why anyone would start, or anyone wouldn't quit.. Shit is nasty.. I've lost my grandpa from it, and my uncle only has a few weeks left because of it.. You made the best decision of your life, because it's a HORRIBLE way to die.. Kudos to you sir!
  12. Ya.. he is pissed about that and the tank
  13. He is good, but the guy that took him out had a few broken ribs and was knocked out.. His damage was Dent in tank Rearsets broke the tabs off the frame of his bike bodywork is done her already ordered some new ones.
  14. It was awesome minus my dad getting taken out by someone.. Only 75 people there total so a TON of open track. I worked on my set up all day and finally getting it close to where I want it.. Twizted has gotten a lot faster and now he is whoopin up on most of the A guys.. It was a great day all together.
  15. How much? My dad might be looking for some for either his gsxr 1000 2006 or 2010 rsv4. He would NOT be interested in optimal.. Only armour
  16. Doesn't look like rain, but looks like a whole lot of sweat.. Weather.com says 96 degrees and my weather app on phone says 94.. YOWZA.. 0 Percent chance of rain though!
  17. Sounds to me like Brian is offering his bike to ride for a team. in
  18. so freaking awesome dude! So glad I went with Swenson too!
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